MOB intends to represent the emotions of “zako” in various situations.
With that in mind, MOB wants to show the feelings and scenes that people who are defined as “zako” might imagine and feel in society, relationships with friends, school life and their position in a hypothetical world of devastation.
2017/00/00 formed
2017/09/21 First live
2018 /06/20 1st single release
2019/08/00 New members joined
The word MOB(crowd) is a connotation of “zako(a nobody)”. Originally, the word referred to a crowd or other people. We decided to express the feelings that a “zako” has inside his heart if he is in the middle of a crowd.
Vo. 祐 (U)
Likes:red wine & iQOS BALANCED REGULAR
Gt. 千尋 (CHIHIRO)
Likes: L.G.B & Jimmy Choo
Likes: Anime, Game, baked sweets, Japanese crackers, Louis Vuitton, glamb, Hanshintigers & traveling.
Ba. 奏 (KANADE)
Likes: Sweets & Justin Davis
Please enjoy the worldview of MOB.
Release with new members:

Live limited release:
偽善者ナ君ヲ撲殺 / 監禁マイルーム
1. 偽善者ナ君ヲ撲殺
2. 監禁マイルーム
Gizensha NA kimi O Bokusatsu (偽善者ナ君ヲ撲殺)
We were inspired by a scene of a person beaten to death.
You thought to be protected, however nobody is protecting you, after all it’s only about oneself pleasure, isn’t it?
That’s the message.
We created a jacket with a photo of the band member holding a baseball-bat because we were inspired by a scene of a person beaten to death.
It’s also our first release after new members joined MOB, so that’s also a reason why we used a band photo as a cover.
Kankin My Room (監禁マイルーム)
We wrote this song with this question in our mind;
How did she spend her days after being trapped for two and a half years?
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