CD Review – KOSAME 1st EP “”The 8th Farewell

TEXT: Ryu Rating: ★★★☆☆ (80%) KOSAME releases her first EP “The 8th Farewell”. KOSAME is a solo idol whose music is a mixture of black metal, death metal and beatdown hardcore and also Converge style riffs. Her singing changes from grunting to clean singing in a very emotional overwhelming style. Also other genres sneak into herContinue reading “CD Review – KOSAME 1st EP “”The 8th Farewell”

CD REVIEW – Miho “life”, 1st full album.

CD REVIEW – Miho “life”, 1st full album. Rating: ★★★★☆ (95%) Today I will listen to Miho’s first full album… Huh, idol music? Yes! For a few years I slowly also discovered the world of Japanese idols. Via via, I encountered Derek’s idol support and became also interested in the idols he currently produces. AfterContinue reading “CD REVIEW – Miho “life”, 1st full album.”