KARASU – Lyrics

Lyric translations of KARASU(鴉-カラス-_ lyrics by Team JROCK’N’ROLL This is how we understand them.Please notice that a few songs are definitely being understood in more than just one direction ROAD to …「」 作詞 椋作曲 椋 弱音を吐かない強い人誰もに愛される優しさを持つ人 僕らはどちらでもないから等身大の言葉で伝えてきた4ピース 何もなかったあの日のように辛かった日々を忘れぬように乗り越えて来た仲間と共に作り上げてくサクセスストーリー ゆらゆら揺れる病室の外を眺め泣いていた。あの日を越えた景色を今探しにいこう。 「飛び立とう」 君らしく進んでいけばいい君にしかない歩幅でいいさ僕らしく進んできたから君と出会えたこの居場所だから この先何度でも何度でも 傷付き立ち止まったとしても大丈夫君が歩き出せるまで 「一緒に泣こう」 ROAD to …「」 Lyric RyoMusic Ryo A strong person who doesn’t whineA kindContinue reading “KARASU – Lyrics”

Interview with DazzlingBAD

Vocal -iT – @xxxBAD_iT_ | @hateman_it_/Guitar 悠汰-yuta-  @xxxBAD_yuta_ | @dazzlingbad_yuta/Guitar 痲紗-MASA-  @xxxBAD_MASA_ | @masa00060007/ Bass 綾葉-AYAHA-  @xxxBAD_AYAHA_ | @d_bad_ayaha_S.Drums LOA @Loa_drum | @loa.drum/Official Twitter | Official Website  | Youtube | Webshop | Tunecore Check out JROCKNROLL previous interviews with DazzlingBAD

Interview with HONMONO

INTERVIEW WITH: ホンモノ(HONMONO)By: JROCK’N’ROLL  SNSVo.魔訶@HONMONO_Maka Gt.怜@HONMONO_REY Gt.PP @HONMONO_PPBa.清@HONMONO_Kiyo2 Dr.世界@HONMONO_Sekai Official @HonmonoOffiWebsite: https://honmono.info/ Webshop: https://honmono.buyshop.jp/ Instagram: @honmono.info @honmono_rey @honmono_kiyo @pp__stagram @honmono_sekai


Vijuttoke2023/12「チンチン(CHINCHIN)」INTERVIEW Translation: Team JROCK’N’ROLL日本語版・JAPANESE Ver. For a moment when I saw the name of the band, I thought it was a joke,  but that thought turned out to be that “チンチン(CHINCHIN)” is a band that started with the desire to share “HAPPINESS” with as many people as possible! After reading this interview, your perspective onContinue reading “INTERVIEW – CHINCHIN”


VIJUTTOKE2023/12「ARS NØVA」INTERVIEW Website – Twitter – Instagram – Youtube – Tunecore TRANSLATION: Team JROCK’N’ROLL日本語版・JAPANESE Ver. It has been about 9 months since the start of the new Ars Nøva, and the new Ars Nøva continues to outgrow the changes to be proud of the Ars Nøva it has become! The three songs that Ars Nøva released for three months in a rowContinue reading “INTERVIEW – ARS NØVA”