Interview with HONMONO


Ba.清@HONMONO_Kiyo2 Official @HonmonoOffi
Website: Webshop: Instagram: @honmono_rey @honmono_kiyo @pp__stagram @honmono_sekai




ー>怜: しっかりしていて麗しい方ですが、意外と抜けていたり笑顔が素敵だったりします。あと面白いことも言えます。SNS等では見つけにくい魅力だと思っています。
ー>PP:  よく分からない人だと思われがちですが、全然そんな事ないです。面白くない事を笑うまで言ってくる…そんな感じです。



ー>魔訶:漢字間違えられがち 。










魔訶: この歌詞って初見読んでみてどう思うかというのとハッピーエンドなのかバッドエンドなのかというのを読み手によって変わるようにしたかったんです。

PP: 頑張って作った!!!

魔訶: 苦しいの体現に力を入れています。自身を救ってくれるのはなにも優しい言葉だけじゃ無い。傷が救ってくれる痛みもあるのだから。
PP: 頑張って弾いた!!!
清: できる技術を詰め込みました。

The glass prisonについて


魔訶: この歌詞はちょっとあれなんですよ。自分を出し過ぎたというかなんというかでも書いて後悔はしていません。そういう時もあったんですよね。

PP: これも頑張って作った!!!

魔訶: おかしな表現にはなりますが、傷口を抉りながら。何かに許しを乞うようにギリギリの中にいる。そんな風に見せるよう努めています。
怜: 個人的にやりたかった事の一つができてて嬉しい反面、難しいなと悩ましい感じです。
PP: これも頑張って弾いた!!!!
清: ホンモノの雰囲気を表現しやすい曲かなって思ってるので、その雰囲気に合わせて演奏してます。




魔訶: 大変だった事というか、今回フルCGなのでしっかりと予想が出来なかった事でしょうかでも出来上がってわぁすげぇってなったので大変なのは衣装という事で。
PP: 撮影で忘れ物が多過ぎて色々焦りましたなぁ。


魔訶: 衣装のアイデアは最初みんなと話し合って、コンセプト上でああしようこうしようって言いながら決めます。

魔訶さんの衣裳は、他のメンバーの皆さんと比べてとても重そうで複雑に感じられます。他の皆さんと比べて、軽く動きやすい衣裳ではなく、重い衣裳を選ぶのはなぜでしょうか。 (ゲームの重装甲と軽装甲のように、魔訶さんはいつも重装甲を着ているように思います。)



怜: ポニーテール!。
PP: 腹筋。


魔訶: 難しいも何も殆ど出来ないです。信頼とかとは別にして。仮にそれが学校であったり仕事であったり、本当の事を偽る機会は無数にあると思っています。でも私にはステージがあり、パチモンには私たちがいるので大丈夫です。
PP: いつもできています!オラァ!!


魔訶: めっちゃ楽しかったんですけどめっちゃ疲れました。
PP: 世界さんに毎日死ぬほど詰められて毎日泣かされて本当に怖かったですけど、たまに見せる優しさにちょっとほろっとしたりもしました。




魔訶: 天界住みなんであんまり分からないですけど、たこ焼きが美味しいらしいですよ。
PP: 北欧館という有名なスパがあります。とてもおすすめと聞いています!!


魔訶: わかる人には速攻で分かると思うのですが、、MALICE MIZERです。
PP: 王者ことYngwie Malmsteen????
清:Mark kingに憧れてベースを初めて、後は色んな人の良いところをピックアップした感じですね。






PP: Skervesenというポーランドのメーカーのギターを弾いてます。理由は弦が7本あるからです!!


清: 他の楽器に比べて自由度が高いなと思ってます。ギターなら最低限コード弾かないといけないとか、ドラムならこのリズムパターンは必須でその上で自分を表現すると思うんですけど、ベースはベースライン弾くだけでもいいし、コード上の音を使って遊んでもいいしみたいな。


世界: 元々ゲームセンターの競馬のメダルゲームが好きでよく遊んでいたり、有名な馬は知ってるくらいには家で中継を見たりはしていて、成人してから先輩に競馬場に連れて行ってもらって、そこから競馬をやるようになりました。知れば知るほど競馬が楽しくなって、今やもう中央競馬も地方競馬も海外競馬までどっぷりです笑


魔訶: 入れた事は無いですし、あまり考えた事が無いです。痛いの嫌いなんで。


魔訶: 現在進行形で大変なんですけど、なんでしょう、、うーーん。。難しい大変でもなんだかんだみんなで笑えてるので。
怜: バンドのことは常に大変で苦労してます。常に悩みまくってます。
PP: 先日メイクの集合時間の8分前に起きたときです!




魔訶: こめかみを両方の指でぐりぐりします。これが今からライブで表現者になるきっかけだったりします。
PP: 手のひらに指で人って漢字を書いて飲み込みます。緊張がほぐれます。


魔訶: 借です。恩や力、色んなものをお借りしましたので。
怜: 車 盤車を買いました笑
PP: 税です。清水寺のひとが言ってました!!


魔訶: やっぱり個人的には1週間メンバーと住んだ事ですかね。ワンマンやライブも色々ありましたが。あんまり知らない一面を知れた期間でもありましたし。
怜: スタッフ、メンバー込みのホンモノ全員で笑ってる時が好きです。移動中にみんなで腹抱えて笑ってる時間ががとても幸せでいい思い出です。
PP: 思い出したら書きます!!!


魔訶: 苦しいより楽しい、幸せがもっと多くなれば良いなと思います。
怜: そろそろ報われたい。
PP: 良い年になったらいいと思います!!


魔訶: パチモンの輪が広がり、その人たちをもっと凄い場所へ、もっともっと上へ私が連れて行きます。
怜: もっとキャパシティ上げて行きたい!色んな意味で大きくなりたいです。
PP: がんばります!!!


魔訶: 自分自身が幸せになる為に、私に心を開きなさい。
怜: いつもありがとう!これからもついておいでね
PP: このインタビュー書くの結構大変でした。

One of the charms of HONMONO’s songs is that they relate to the feelings of pain and sadness, the things you want to say out loud but can’t. HONMONO speaks for you the words you really wanted to say. The new song Prometheus has also become a hot topic with its innovative, beautiful and impressive music video.
This time JROCK’N’ROLL interviewed HONMONO for the third time and we talked about their new songs, their enthusiasm for the third year of their activities and many other funny anecdotes! Please check it out, not only for fans(Pachimons) of HONMONO, but also for those who want to know more about HONMONO!

First of all, thank you for this 3rd interview! I’m really happy that we still can enjoy the music of HONMONO. For those who haven’t discovered HONMONO yet, please tell a funny story about each other. 

➡ REY: He is a strong and beautiful person, he is also sometimes careless (but cute) personality and a wonderful smile. He also can talk about interesting things. His charm is hard to find on SNS etc.
➡ PP: He might feel as a person you don’t understand, but that’s not true. He keeps saying things which aren’t funny…until you laugh. That’s how he is. 
➡ Kiyo: It’s no exaggeration to say that he was born with the energy of laughter from the entire universe, and he is the reincarnation of the God of Laughter.
➡ Sekai: I often see people messing with him at gatherings, but actually he is an interesting person. If you like simple humor, please check him out.

➡ MAKA: He is probably someone special. We may not see his true identity yet, but I’m sure if it’s the time we will receive his full identity. 
➡ PP: He is a very elusive and mysterious person in the band. Despite this, he is full of humanity and charming  when you get to know him one-on-one. I’m sure he would realize this if he could take a step forward.
➡ Kiyo: He is a surprisingly clumsy person. If he could live a little more skillfully, he could save himself in many ways, but I think that is part of his charm.
➡ Sekai: He is a behind-the-scenes force to be reckoned with. He is like a tranquilizer for everyone. The power hierarchy of HONMONO seems to be established by Sekai-san.
He has the power to change the atmosphere to his own color, which is different from the power of receptiveness, and HONMONO is helped and saved by it.

➡ Maka: He is white. 
➡ REY: He is a leader.
➡ Kiyo: He is a bassist.
➡ Sekai: He is the greatest person in our band and I can’t ever surpass him.

➡ Maka: People often misspell the kanji in his name (※for example「摩訶」is not correct.  「魔訶」is correct.)
➡ REY: Usually when he post on SNS there are typos 
➡ PP: Surprisingly natural guy. Which is kind of cute. 
➡ Sekai: Pure and innocent. Tough on national power

➡ Maka: Out of everyone, I’ve been with him the longest.
➡ REY: He is a reliable leader.
➡ PP: People tend to think he is a strange person, but he is a kind person.
➡ Kiyo: He’s a stoic when it comes to laughter as he is about bass.

Please tell us how your feelings have changed since reaching your 2nd anniversary, and which things feel impressive if you look back on your activities of those years.

魔訶(Maka):I‘m standing with a much stronger spirit on stage than before. I often hated myself and felt regretful. But lately I feel like I’m the best!. Otherwise we wouldn’t be able to make this place HONMONO.
怜(REY): To me it has become much clearer about what I can and what I cannot do when it comes to what I want to do. It’s still a difficult balance to find, but I like to hold on to my good spirit. 
PP: I think something has changed.
清(Kiyo):I’ve been able to meet and interact with a lot of different people and I think it gave a positive wave in my life. 
世界(Sekai):I guess we can do things now, which I thought were impossible in the past. 

The new song Prometheus is a very impressive song. Please tell us about the anecdotes during the creation of the song, the thoughts you put into the lyrics, and what each member keeps in mind about how to perform the song.

A Story about song production:
HONMONO: We can say this every time, but HONMONO songs are really complicated, or rather, there are a lot of difficult things sprinkled inside. There are too many things to explain in detail, because there is an intro, A melody, B melody and chorus…So we don’t know how to explain them well and understandable…】

About the lyrics.
魔訶(Maka):What goes through your mind after you have read these lyrics for the first time? I wrote them in a way that the reader will be able to decide whether the ending will be happy or bad. So, personally, I would be happy if the person I created resembles us over there.

About the song writing:
PP: I worked on it with all my might!

About the song performance.
魔訶(Maka):I focus on the embodiment of suffering. It is not only kind words that save us. There is also pain that can be saved by wounds.
怜(REY):It’s difficult to perform.
PP:  I played with everything I got inside.
清(Kiyo):We’ve packed it with all the techniques we can do.
世界(Sekai):It was seriously difficult and I’m grateful to modern technology.

Please introduce The glass prison to us as well. Please tell us about the anecdotes during the creation of the song, the thoughts you put into the lyrics, and what each member keeps in mind about how to perform the song.

A Story about song production:
HONMONO: It’s all about the characterized rhythm.

About the lyrics.
魔訶(Maka): This lyric is a little too much. I put myself out there too much, or something. But I don’t regret writing it. There were times like this.

About the song writing:
PP: I worked on this with all my might as well!

About the song performance.
魔訶(Maka):It may be a funny expression, but I am gouging out a wound. As if begging for forgiveness for something. I try to make it look like I’m standing on the edge. 
怜(REY):Personally, I’m happy that I was able to do something that I wanted to do, but at the same time I’m worried that it’s difficult.
PP:  I played this one also with everything I got inside.
清(Kiyo):It’s a song that is easy to express the HONMONO atmosphere, so I play it to match that atmosphere.
世界(Sekai):I did my best, even though it was like 7 beats… I think it turned out to be an emotional drum.

The Music video for Prometheus is also very impressive and shocking as well. It really hit my heart to see the animation of a man hitting the woman with his guitar and that the woman still wanted to give a present. It seems like unconditional love, codependency, true love or something.The man looks like a bandman and the woman looks like a fan of him. Could you please tell us more about the concept ideas and meaning behind the MV?

HONMONO: We left room for imagination, it may be unconditional love, codependency, true love, or something.Of course, it’s not limited to this song, but it’s very important what you think, so whatever you think is correct.

The MV of Prometheus shows a cool and wonderful appearance of all the members.Also the magnificent atmosphere  looks very beautiful in a way that is completely different from previous MVs. Please tell us anecdotes about the MV shooting, what was fun, what was difficult, etc.

魔訶(Maka):I guess the hardest part was that it was a full CG project, so I couldn’t really predict what to expect. But when it was finished, I was really impressed. The hardest part was the costumes.
怜(REY):I was very anxious about the first attempt at CG, but I ended up grinning a lot lol.
PP: I forgot so many things during the shoot, I was so nervous.
清(Kiyo):It was difficult to shoot without being able to see the final video. It was a journey to find the best in myself.
世界(Sekai):The director was good at raising the tension, so I had a lot of fun filming it, and I think it came out cool.

HONMONO has shown us various beautiful visual costumes until now, but the new costumes and hair styles are different, innovative, impressive, and are very attractive. I’m mostly impressed by Maka’s beautiful costume, it’s a very amazing Angel/God looking appearance which totally impressed me. It also looks amazing live. How and why did you come with the idea for this appearance? Please tell us a little bit more about it. 

魔訶(Maka):At first, we discuss ideas for costumes with everyone, and decide on the concept by saying things like “Let’s do this”. After deciding, I draw it in my sketchbook while thinking about the necessary elements with colored pencils. After that, we discuss it with our costume designer and come up with a costume that is realistic. 

Also Maka’s costumes are always “huge” and “complicated” in comparison to the other members. Why do you always decide for such a “heavy” costume and not a “light” costume than the other members?  (like heavy and light armor in games, Maka is always wearing heavy armor)

魔訶(Maka):I think it’s fine as long as it can be expressed through a T-shirt or jersey. If the concept was an empty holiday, it might be that way. However, it wasn’t like that this time, last time, the time before last, and the time before last. So from now on, depending on the concept, it will naturally be heavily armored.

Regarding Prometheus “new visual”, what do each member want us to notice about the new visuals?

怜(REY): My Ponytail!
PP: My Abs.
清(Kiyo): Isn’t my short jacket cute?
世界(Sekai): My Shoulders and my backside. It’s okay if you look at me with naughty eyes. 

Because HONMONO is a band who shares “true” feelings of people. Are there any topics for yourself you feel talking about with others is difficult? If so, please tell us more about it.

魔訶(Maka): I can’t do almost anything difficult. Apart from trust whether it’s at school or work, I believe there are countless opportunities to lie about the truth. But I have a stage, and Pachimon has us, so it’s okay.
怜(REY):I’m always so careful about what I say to others and I try to read their opinions. So I always think it’s impossible to say my true feelings to anyone(lol)
PP: I can always say my true feelings! Oh my!!
清(Kiyo):I don’t have it. Because I have a personality that I can’t hide my feelings…
世界(Sekai):I don’t think anyone will accept me as I am, so I often think that it’s important to have a balance with my own feelings.

I read that all members lived together for a week in Tokyo this fall for concerts and photoshoots. Do you have any particularly fun memories, unexpected events, or memorable moments from the week you spent together?

魔訶(Maka):It was very fun, but  I was tired at the same time.
怜(REY): Being together makes me very satisfied
PP: I was really scared because Sekai-san was pushing me to death every day and made me cry every day, but I also felt a little relieved by the kindness he sometimes showed me.
清(Kiyo):I had so much fun laughing to death every day. It’s just inconvenient to have stairs at home.
世界(Sekai):Everyone had fun eating and drinking together. About what PP said, I didn’t do that(laugh)

Sekai please tell us your enthusiasm for your birthday ONEMAN live on February 15th!

世界(Sekai):That day venue “Mikunigaoka FUZZ” is the live venue where I performed for the very first time in Osaka and I even worked there for a while. So it’s a place that I’m personally very fond of. I’m very happy to be able to perform my birthday live there, and I’d be very happy if my fans could enjoy it too. We’ll be waiting for you at the venue!

What’s the best thing about Osaka and please tell us the reason.

魔訶(Maka): I don’t know much about it since I live in heaven, but apparently the takoyaki is delicious.
怜(REY):A city of humanity! It’s fun because there are so many weird people.
PP: There is a famous Onsen called 北欧館. I hear it’s highly recommended! ! [JRNR: the onsen is closed now]
清(Kiyo):There are a lot of good live houses.
世界(Sekai): There is Kishiwada Keirin…

Please tell us about the artist/musicians which you admire the most and inspired you and why you like them so much.

魔訶(Maka):I think people who understand it will be able to understand it quickly, so 
怜(REY): I loved X. I still love it.
PP: Yngwie Malmsteen aka the champion????
清(Kiyo):I first started playing bass because I admired Mark King, and since then I’ve picked up the good points of many people.
世界(Sekai):I started a band because I admired Janne Da Arc.

Maka, Do you actually love animals? If so, which Animal do you love the most and why?

魔訶(Maka):I like hedgehogs. It’s kind of plump and looks cute, but it’s really sticky. And it runs fast. Is the cute 

REY, when you aren’t busy with music, what do you love to do on a normal day?

怜(REY): Skin care, I guess. I’m paying for it.

PP, could you tell us more about the guitars you use and why they are good for playing the songs HONMONO plays. 

PP: I play a guitar made by a Polish manufacturer called Skervesen. The reason is that this type has 7-strings! !

Kiyo, what do you enjoy the most about being a bassist? 

清(Kiyo):I think it has a lot of freedom compared to other instruments. If you play the guitar, you have to play at least a chord. For drums, this rhythm pattern is essential, and I think you need  it to express yourself. For bass, it’s okay to just play the bass line, or you can play around with the sounds on the chords.

Sekai, you really love  “horse races” and to bet on them, but could you please tell us the story about how you got hooked on “horse races”. 

世界(Sekai):I’ve always liked medal games for horse racing at game centers, and I often play them, and I know all about famous horses, so I watch them live at home. When I became an adult, my seniors took me to the racetrack, and that’s when I started to follow racing as well. The more I know about horse racing, the more I enjoy it, and now I’m fully into central horse racing, local horse racing, and overseas horse racing lol.

■  Do any of you have tattoos or thoughts about getting one? If so, show us and tell us about it. If not please tell us if you want one and what kind of tattoo you wish for.

魔訶(Maka):I’ve never got one and I haven’t thought about it as well. I don’t like pain. 
怜(REY):I can’t put one! That’s impossible.
PP: I would like to carve a carp climbing a waterfall on my back.
清(Kiyo):Not really. Maybe I’m not interested
世界(Sekai):There have been many times I’ve wanted one, but I love to go to the hot springs, and since hot springs usually forbids them, I can’t get one, because I can’t go to the hot springs anymore.

What’s the most difficult thing you faced in 2023 and please tell us the reason.

魔訶(Maka): It’s difficult because it’s still ongoing, but I don’t know what it is, hmm. . difficult. Even though it’s tough, we’re all able to laugh together somehow.
怜(REY): Being in a band is always complicated and difficult. I’m always worried about various things.
PP: The other day I woke up 8 minutes before the makeup meeting time!
清(Kiyo):Every day I struggle with what I can do to get everyone interested.
世界(Sekai):Thankfully, I was able to tour a lot this year, so it’s always difficult to keep up with your good health.

I have seen a video of all the members forming a circle before a concert. What kind of talk or shouting do you do right before the concert? 

HONMONO: We make the place HONMONO with the words we need at that time. we’re putting that spirit into it

Is there anything that you personally always do before a concert?

魔訶(Maka):Gripping my temples with both fingers. This is sometimes the beginning of becoming a live expressive person from now on.
怜(REY): I won’t eat anything. I want to stand hungry on the stage. 
PP: To write the kanji “人(person)” on my palm and swallow it. It relieves tension.
清(Kiyo):stretching myself.
世界(Sekai):I smoke a cigarette to calm down and create a feeling of “let’s do it” before going on stage. By the way, I recently changed from normal cigarettes to iQOS.

Looking back on 2023, how would you describe it in one kanji? Please also tell me the reason.

魔訶(Maka): 借 “borrow”. I have borrowed your blessings, strength, and many other things.
怜(REY): 車 “car”. I bought a car lol
PP: 税 “Tax”. Someone from Kiyomizu-dera said so! !
清(Kiyo):悩 “Worry”. I’m worried about many things.
世界(Sekai):旅 “Traveling”, huh? We performed live in many places.

What is your most enjoyable memory in 2023?

魔訶(Maka): Personally, when we lived together for a week.
Also various ONEMAN performances and live performances.
It was also a period where I learned about a side of myself that I didn’t know much about.
怜(REY): I like it when all the members of HONMONO, including the staff are laughing. The time we all laughed while we were on the move was a very happy and fond memory.
PP: If I remember, I’ll write it! ! !
清(Kiyo): One of the conversations we had in the equipment car.
世界(Sekai): Osaka MUSE ONEMAN?

What kind of year do you want 2024 to be?

魔訶(Maka): I think it would be better if there was more joy and happiness than pain.
怜(REY): I want to be rewarded soon.
PP: I hope it’s a good year! !
清(Kiyo):I want to become 8 times better at bass than I am now.
世界(Sekai):I hope that I and everyone around me has a good year.

I would appreciate it if you could tell me about your goals and enthusiasm for the third year of HONMONO activities.

魔訶(Maka): The circle of Pachimon expands, taking those people to even greater places and higher. I will take you
怜(REY): I want to increase our capacity even more! I want to grow in many ways.
PP: I’ll do my best! ! !
清(Kiyo): I’ll do my best to be loved by everyone.
世界(Sekai):I will do my best to let as many people as possible know about us.

Lastly, please give a message to your fans.

魔訶(Maka): Open your heart to me in order to make yourself happy.
怜(REY):Thank you as always! Please continue to follow me.
PP: It was quite difficult to answer this interview.
清(Kiyo):Thank you as always.
世界(Sekai): Thank you always, Be sure to come to visit my birthday ONEMAN.