Interview with Karasu

鴉-カラス- INTERVIEW 2024

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5th single『赤ずきんちゃん。』のMVが公開されました。赤を基調とした新衣裳も魅力的で、レトロな雰囲気もあるお洒落なMVが印象的でした。






We don’t want to see the dirty world.
I will give you the meaning of life.

When you are in pain and melting because of the malice of this world.
I want to devour you.
I will lock you up and preserve you forever in my bowels.
Come on, only have eyes for me.
“You are Little Red Riding Hood.”












椋: 9割方僕の思い付きです。僕他とは違うことすぐ思いついちゃうんですよね。ですぐ好き勝手にやろうとするので良い意味腰が重いメンバーがストッパーになって助かっています。笑

幽タ: 椋くんの思いつきは凄くていつも感動してます。笑


拓人: あとお客さんに選んで貰えばCD確実に売れますからね、、笑












2024年3月19日に、高田馬場CLUB PHASEでの四周年記念単独公演『』が開催されました。また、各種サブスクリプションで『』の配信も開始されました。メンバーの皆様への温かい感謝の気持ちが込められた『』は、穏やかなメロディーと共に心が温かくなる素敵な楽曲だと思います。四周年記念単独公演を振り返って、どのように感じられたでしょうか。また『』という曲に対する想いもお聞かせください。





2024年6月18日、Spotify O-WESTでのワンマンライブ『一矢報いる』の開催がいよいよ近づいてきました。この公演に向けたチラシ配りが、鴉-カラス-の皆様をより深く知るきっかけとなった人々もいたり、先日はチラシ配りをきっかけにNACK5のラジオ番組BEAT SHUFFLEでの『赤ずきんちゃん。』OAなどもありました。WESTに向けた取り組みの中で感じていることや、あらためてWESTへの意気込み、現在の気持ちをお聞かせください。

椋: やれる事は全力で。誰かに見てもらうには目立つ必要があるし、マスクして帽子深く被ってティッシュ配りのアルバイトみたいにやったってお客さんには伝わらないですからね。笑

幽タ: 有難い事にフライヤー配りをしていると鴉-カラス-を知ってくれてる方が多いんです。


拓人: 鴉-カラス-を知ってもらうきっかけ作りをメンバー一丸となってやるって大事な事だと思っていて、今はフライヤー作らないバンドも増えましたがやはり僕たちは外に出てフライヤー配る原始的かつ伝統的なやり方がしっくりきます。


椋: みんな沖縄行こうぜ。

幽タ: 船を貸切ってアウトストアイベントがやりたいですね。


拓人: 宇宙旅行とか?


椋: 動画編集ですね。アホみたいな動画作るの得意なので。笑

幽タ: 最近自分の誕生日プレゼントとしてガットギターを買ったので時間がある時はずっと弾いてます。


拓人: 一眼ミラーレスカメラを買ったので、出先でよく写真を撮ってます。


椋: 水(軟水)、ハイボール、テキーラ、オレンジジュース。

幽タ: 江崎グリコのマイルドいちごオーレ。


拓人: 好きな食べ物はカレーで好きな飲み物もカレー


椋: ボーカルとしてはシリアスな映画とか実話を元にしたサスペンスとかが好きとか言った方が良いのかも知れませんが、、、個人としてはこのクソみたいな現実を逃避したくて映画の世界に入り込みたいので恋愛映画とか嫌いだし絶対泣かないんですけど。動物系やコメディ系の感動シーンは100%泣きます。ドクタードリトルとハングオーバーのシリーズはオススメです。

幽タ: アウトロー漫画が好きです。


拓人: となりのトトロ


椋: よしあつさんと南の島で裸で踊ってました。疲れてるのかな。

幽タ: あの時、別の選択をしていたらこうなっていたのかもしれない。というような別の世界線的な夢を見ます。


拓人: 布団に入っておやすみって言う夢目を瞑った瞬間に目が覚めた。悪夢。


椋: ありすぎて困ります。

幽タ: 常に一番が更新されてます。


拓人: ずっと笑ってる笑


椋: 最近なにコイツら。から今日の鴉-カラス-はなにをやらかしてくれるんだろう。っていう視線に変わっていってるのを感じます。

幽タ: ライブをするのは好きなのですが実はお客さんとしてライブを見に行くのも参加するのも苦手でして…




椋: どしたん。話聞こか?

幽タ: 俺ら以外を好きになるの禁止。(暗黒微笑)


拓人: こんな僕等ですがライブでは絶対に楽しませます。これからも鴉-カラス-をよろしくお願いします!

鴉-カラス-ONEMAN LIVE2024
2024年6月18日(火)Spotify O-WEST
17:30 / 18:00
ADV: [A ¥15,000] [B ¥5,000] [C,D ¥1,000]
※A~Dチケット特典付き / DOOR:¥0(D代別)

★Bチケット ¥5,000(税込)先着販売
整理番号[B番] 特典付
1) 限定音源【ROADto…「」】データVer.
2) 2ショット撮影券(スマホカメラ)

★Cチケット ¥1,000(税込)

★Dチケット ¥1,000(税込)


KARASU is a visual kei band that has gained a lot of attention for their original and fun live shows and their own unique projects.  On 18 June 2024, Karasu’s ONEMAN “Isshi-mukuiru (I’ll take revenge)” will be held in Shibuya, Spotify O-West, this is also vocalist Ryo’s birthday event. Even if you cannot make it to the concert because you live overseas, but still want to celebrate this important day and Ryo’s birthday with them, you can still support them by buying their Cheki’s from their official webshop for 1200 yen each! 

Karasu’s 5th single 『赤ずきんちゃん(Akazukin-chan。(Little Red Riding Hood))』MV  has been released. Karasu’s new costumes based on red are also very attractive which made the MV stylish with a retro touch of atmosphere which gave the MV a very impressive feeling. The lyrics have the meaning of “living together forver”, which is a great support to many of us.

[About the lyrics]
Please tell us something more about the lyrics, which surely has saved the hearts of many people.

Ryo: If I were to say it exactly as I wrote it, that would be it (laughs).
This world is cruel to people like us who don’t fit into the normal way of life, so if there are people who can feel sympathy for us, I can’t say anything great about saving them, but let’s stay together. That’s what I’m talking about.



We don’t want to see the dirty world.
I will give you the meaning of life.

When you are in pain and melting because of the malice of this world.
I want to devour you.
I will lock you up and preserve you forever in my bowels.
Come on, only have eyes for me.
“You are Little Red Riding Hood.”

(The full lyrics and English translation is posted on the JROCK’N’ROLL lyrics page.)

[About the music composing]
Please tell us some more background about the creation of Akazukin-chan。

Ryo: When I compose songs, I usually start with the melody of the chorus. Because I’m a melody supremacist.(laugh) Sometimes the form of demo’s changes drastically depending on the arrangement of the other members, but this time, I do have the feeling that everything came together relatively smoothly. 

Yuhta: It was kind of difficult to recreate the intro phrase and create the tone Ryo-kun created with his mouth guitar (laugh).

Daichi: This time I created a guitar solo for the first time after joining Karasu! I composed it in a way that Yuhta-san and I could become one with the solo, so I really hope you will listen to it a lot♡

Takuto: There were only two possible intro drum phrases. We discussed it many times and  decided on the current phrase.

[About the new costumes]
Please tell us something more about the choice of your new costumes. 

Ryo: While keeping the cyberpunk decorations which we kept from last looks, together with circus-like colors and fabrics we asked our fashion designer to create a matching look for us. Personally I think it looks like a Wonka-like atmosphere from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, I look like Johnny Depp.

Yuhta: Everytime I wear it, I really think that the sleeves and collar are very cute.(laugh) The decoration on my hands I didn’t request, but our fashion designer did a great job adding those decorations as well, to make me look great! I really like it.

Daichi: My personal theme is a fusion between cool and cute♪ The highlight of the costume is the innerwear and the jacket because its made out of sheer material♡ I wanted to give the jacket a cool look and the inner wear to look cute♡

Takuto: This time I paid attention that my costume would have a size that it would be easy for me to play the drums, even if my pants are wider at the end it’s still easy to play the drums. Also the inner layer also has a patterned design.

[About the coupling song]
We were surprised that your fans who went to the in-store events could choose a song out of a few demo songs. Please tell us more about this idea.

Ryo: It was my idea for 90%. I easily come up with ideas which are different from what others do. I want to do whatever I want right away, but in a good way the other members are helpful to stop me if I wanna do things too fast.(laugh)

Yuhta: Ryo’s ideas that immediately come to his mind are always amazing and they always impress me.(smile) On the other hand,  his plans that took a long time to think about at home often have lots of points we need to think about carefully firstly…(smile) But I think he is a genius, including that aspect.

Daichi: Because the demo songs are only listenable between us, we were wondering what our fans would think when they would hear them. So I really think it’s a good project♪

Takuto: Also if our fans choose the content of the CD, our CD will definitely sell. (laugh)

[About Cheki benefits]
■ One time one of the bonuses was a video of you guys bungee jumping, which we thought was an interesting and fun bonus.We can see part of the video on X. Do you have any memories of bungee jumping day? And how do you decide the plan on fun bonuses?

Ryo:  After I did that, I think that the legendary comedian in Japan is Tetsuro Degawa. 

Yuhta: When we made the plan to bungee jump, it was planned that Ryo and Takuto would do it, but two days before, Ryo said “After all, Yuhta and I should jump”, So I also got into it and gave it an OK as well. (laugh) My heart rate increased to the maximum, that’s what I remember from that day. (laugh)

Daichi: Actually because it was my birthday I thought I had to jump. But Ryo said cooly “I’m going to jump instead of you”. his legs looked like a newborn fawn, it looked so cute! (laugh)

Takuto: I ended up riding the freefall myself.

[About lives]
On March 5th, Yuhta and Daichi’s birthday event was held at Ikebukuro EDGE. JRNR also attended this show and really could feel the charm of Karasu, as you said in the previous interviews. But, looking back on this event, how was your experience?

Ryo: Honestly, last year at the members birthday event, there weren’t as many people as this year. I thought we still had a long way to go, but I was honestly happy that we were able to have more than double the number of visitors a year later.

Yuhta: The bands that we were collaborating with were all bands we had become closer to over the past year, so when we made them an offer, all of them immediately agreed. It was a happy day and I was also blessed with other important people other than the members and our fans. 

Daichi: Since the day I started a band, the thing I wanted to do the most was to be a vocalist, so every year on my birthday I want to sing as well, and it came true this year! So it was a very happy and satisfying day♡

Takuto: Until now, we haven’t held many birthday events, so I was happy that so many visitors came to celebrate Yuhta’s and Daichi’s birthday. 

On March 19th, 2024, your 4th anniversary oneman show “Wadachi” was held at Takadanobaba CLUB PHASE. In addition, “Wadachi” was also distributed to subscription sites. We think “Wadachi”is a wonderful song that warms your heart. Looking back on your 4th anniversary ONEMAN, how was your experience and what are your thoughts about the song “Wadachi”.

Ryo: Actually we have been performing “Wadachi’ ‘for a long time. We composed this song right after the COVID-19 pandemic ended, so before we weren’t able to do so much activities and there were a lot of bumps in our road, this is a song thanks to the members who overcame all that together with me and that we are still able to enjoy music together like this. 

Yuhta: It’s a song that exists because of the four of us and I think it’s very important. I don’t think I am ever able to buy a new equipment truck, thanks to the lyrics which is about how far you can go in a tattered truck. I have this emotional feeling that we still can go to an infinite number of places. (laugh)

Daichi: It’s a Karasu song with true sense of the lyrics (smile) 
At first, I thought we shouldn’t release the song digitally, but I felt we should release it because it would resonate with our fans who support Karasu. So I am happy about the song is appreciated ♪

Takuto: When I first heard the demo, I thought it was a lame song…(laugh). But now everytime I play it, I think it’s the best love song ever.

On June 18th 2024, ONEMAN live “Isshi-mukuiru (I’ll take revenge)” at Spotify O-WEST in Shibuya will be held. You often hand out flyers around the town and  some people know more about you thanks to that effort. And the song “Akazukin-chan”was broadcast on a radio program “BEAT SHUFFLE”(FM NACK5) as a result of that. Please tell us your enthusiasm.

Ryo: I will do everything I can. You need to be unique from others to have someone to come watch you. If you wear a mask and a hat and work part-time handing out “tissues” you won’t convey it to people. So I think the way we hand out flyers is as important as how we perform our live show. 

Yuhta: Thankfully, when I hand out flyers a lot of people know about Karasu. Of course there are still people who don’t know us, but we give our flier to them with all our heart and without forgetting our gratitude for accepting our flier. 

Daichi: I am very happy and grateful that more and more people remember us at live shows and when we hand out flyers, and that they call out to us and have fun with us at live shows! Each step has given us more confidence and we are putting more effort into our live performance, so we want to push hard for the rest of the season and give our waist a big heart ♡

Takuto: I think it’s important for all members to work together, to create an opportunity for people to get to know Karasu. Nowaday there are more bands who don’t create flyers at all. But we still go out and hand out our created flyers. The primitive and traditional way of handing things out feels still right these days. 

What would you love to do in the future with Karasu?

Ryo: Let’s all go on a trip to Okinawa!

Yuhta: I would like to rent out a boat and do an out-store event over there.

Daichi: I want to work hard towards our next goal!!

Takuto: Space travel.

[About yourself]
What do you enjoy on your days off?

Ryo: Editing videos. I’m good at making stupid videos. (laugh)

Yuhta: I recently bought a Classical guitar (gut guitar) as a birthday present for myself. So I do play it all the time when I have time.
Nylon strings tend to go out of tune so they take lots of time, which is cute.

Daichi: I often play guitar while I watch live videos and practice my image of a live show. Before I knew it, the day was over in just a blink of an eye. (laugh)

Takuto: I bought a single-lens mirrorless camera, So I often take photos with it when I am on the go.

What are your current favorite foods or drinks?

Ryo: Soft water, highball, tequila, orange juice.

Yuhta: Ezaki Glico milde strawberry Ole.

Daichi: I can’t get enough from gummies.

Takuto: My favorite food is curry and my favorite drink is curry as well.

Are there any anime, manga, drama, movies etc, that you would recommend and love yourself as well?

Ryo: As a vocalist, it might be better to say that I like serious movies and suspense movies based on true stories, but personally, I love the world of movies where I can escape from this shitty reality. I don’t like romantic movies, they never make me cry. However animal and comedy scenes make me 100% cry.  I would like to recommend you Doctor Dolittle and the Hangover series.

Yuhta: I like the manga of OUTLAW. Because it is a world that has nothing to do with my own life. (laugh)

Daichi: I love to keep watching the Harry Potter series or Crayon Shin-chan♪

Takuto: My Neighbor Totoro

Please let us know if you had any interesting memorable dreams. 

Ryo: I was dancing naked on a southern island with Yoshiatsu-san. Maybe I’m just tired.

Yuhta: If I had made a different choice at that time, this might have happened. I have otherworldly dreams like, “I’m not sure what would have happened if I had made a different choice at that time. Whenever I woke up, my heart was pounding.

Daichi:  I had a really scary dream, but I forgot about it…

Takuto:  A dream of getting under the covers and saying good night.
The moment I meditated, I woke up. Nightmare.

What are the most fun things when you are all together? 

Ryo: There are too many stories, which is a problem.

Yuhta: The best changes all the time.

Daichi: There isn’t a day when we’re together that we don’t laugh! (laugh) We laugh so much that breathing is difficult♡

Takuto: That we are smiling together all the time.

We believe that your appeal is evolving daily with each live performance. In terms of live performance and performance, please tell us what you are particularly particular about these days, what you are trying to do, and what you feel in your daily live performances.

Ryo: These days, I feel that the gaze from the audience towards us is changing from “WTF are they?!” into: How is Karasu doing these days?”, “I wonder how Karasu will entertain us today” “I’m looking forward to seeing Karasu”, which feels to me that more people will welcome us and enjoy our shows! 

Yuhta: I like to perform live shows, but I’m actually not good at going to live shows as a guest or participating in them…
That’s why I try to make sure people like that can enjoy it…
I want them to be inspired by me as well.

Daichi: Karasu has many songs! We have funny songs, cool songs, and sad songs.
Of course, I like to express myself with my voice, but I also like to express myself with my body, so I try to show off my charm in different ways, and I also pay attention to my facial expressions, so please pay attention to it♡

Takuto: Performances other than playing the drums.
For example, I often perform stick twirling.
I am trying to make the audience enjoy the performance visually as well as aurally.

We are looking forward to the future activities of Karasu. Please leave a message to your fans and readers.

Ryo: What’s up? Shall I listen to your worry? (I love you!)

Yuhta:  It’s forbidden to fall in love with anyone other than us. (dark smile) Just kidding. I think that by getting to know via other bands, that you will understand even more how good we actually are.

Daichi: Thank you for reading to the end♪
We are constantly evolving, so please don’t miss anything of it♡
I’m looking forward to exchanging my heart with you at the venue ♡
I love everyone who always supports me♡

Takuto: Even though we are like this, we definitely entertain you at our live show. So thank you for your continued support for Karasu!

ONEMAN live “Isshi-mukuiru (I’ll take revenge)” at Spotify O-WEST in Shibuya, Tokyo
Please check KARASU’s official website for all the information: —HERE

how to buy Cheki.
You can order cheki directly from the official webshop.
Shipping cost are 3000 yen; (shipped via EMS)
1 cheki cost you 1200 yen.
You can order a maximum of 20 cheki’s at once in total at the webshop. Please don’t exceed this amount.

If you buy:
5 cheki = 1 cheki will have something written on.
10 cheki = You will receive a live video (random) of their latest live.
15 cheki = You will receive a letter from your favorite member
20 cheki = You will receive a live video (random) of their latest live with only showing your favorite member.