Interiew with Karasu

鴉-カラス- INTERVIEW 2023

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人間の弱さと向き合い、現代社会や人の心を鋭い視点で深く歌い上げ、様々な面で進化を遂げる鴉-カラス-の皆様に、2回目のインタビューを行いました!今回はニューアルバム『スケアクロウ±0』や、2024年6月O-WESTでのワンマンライブ『一矢報いる』などについて伺いました。唯一無二の素晴らしい音楽を創り上げるための真剣な取り組みや、私たちに笑顔をもたらしてくれるユーモアと温かい人間性、困難も乗り越えて走り続ける鴉-カラス-の皆様の言葉をぜひお楽しみください! 鴉-カラス-の皆様、2回目のインタビューの機会をいただき、ありがとうございます!


椋: 今回新しく録った三曲は、エンジニアさんに丸投げではなく自分のデータを自分でeditしたので大変でした。ずっとパソコンに向かっていたのでお尻が痛いです。アルバムの曲順は、いつもなら僕が決めるのですが今回はメンバーが決めました。決めたそうなメンバーが居たんで任せました。笑

幽タ: 今回もカツカツのスケジュールでの制作でしたがレコーディング慣れしたのか大して時間はかかりませんでした。もちろん考えてない訳ではなく、頭の中に浮かんだものがさっと取り出せたり、正確に収録できるようになったという点でこれまでよりまた一段上に登れました。

大地: レコーディングに関しては、細かい編集等を自分たちで行ったので、ギターを弾く時間よりもパソコン作業の長さがちょっと大変でした( ; ; )その分エンジニアさんへの感謝だったり、自分のプレイの課題等も見つけれたので、いい機会になったなと思います。曲順に関しては、私が一番うるさかったです。笑

拓人: 僕個人はスムーズに作り終えることが出来ました。ただドラムのフレーズ作りを今までとは変え、よりライブでの見え方、見せ方にフォーカスを当てて考えました。パフォーマンス込みでフレーズ作りをしたので、制作期間は筋肉痛と戦っていました笑

『スケアクロウ±0』New song preview『鴉のちゅんちゅん行進曲』、『教えて!siriくん。』、『旅路スケアクロウ±Ver.』の3曲の一部を試聴いただけます。

■『スケアクロウ-1』『スケアクロウ-2』に続いて、次は『スケアクロウ-3』というタイトルを予想していたのですが、『スケアクロウ±0』というタイトルに驚きました。この『±0』には、どんな意味が込められていますか? また、『-1』は『マイナス1』と読むと伺ったことがありますが、マイナスにはどのような意味があるか教えて頂けますでしょうか?

椋: 僕たち鴉-カラス-の原点になるアルバムだと思っているので、全てここから始まる教科書のようなアルバムという意味を込めて±0にしました。「-」というのは当時色んな意味を込めてつけたのですが、、、今思えばシンプルに数字を足していくのが嫌だったんだと思います。笑

幽タ: 諸説あるよね(笑)数字が減るにつれて俺達の音楽が深まるみたいな意味もあったような…


拓人: 椋の言った通りですね、、笑


椋: なんでしょう。ほとんど僕が作曲した曲ですのでこれだっ!ていうのはちょっと言いづらいですね。それ以外の曲が可哀想じゃないですか。笑

幽タ: 今作収録で選ぶなら「旅路」ですね。理由としては一昨年(2021年)の長期ツアー中にみんなで必死になって作ったからです。
それが大地が入ってLパート(左耳から聴こえる音)のアレンジを加えてくれたり、ギターソロの前半を彼が弾いたりして更に素晴らしい楽曲になり、これで4人の旅路になったし来年の6/18に行われるSpotify O-WESTワンマンに向けて”今こそアルバムに入れるべきでしょ”ってなった経緯もあり選びました。

大地: 悩みますねぇ…。ん〜ん……「トラウマ」かなぁ…!なんかこの曲の何から何まで…すごく好きなんですよねぇ…。笑

拓人: もちろん全曲おすすめですが、「鴉のちゅんちゅん行進曲」ですね。タイトルと曲のギャップが好きです笑


椋: デモから大きく変わりましたね。最初各々のソロとかあったので。笑

幽タ: 椋くんがスタジオ来る前に満場一致でメロ変えようってなったな…(笑)

大地: 今までの鴉-カラス-になかったちょっとミドルテンポの曲で、椋くんにライブ終わりの話してる時によく「こういう曲あったらいいとおもうんだよね」って言ってたのでデモがきた時に”これこれ”ってなったてました♪

拓人: デモ段階でアレンジを担当しました。

椋: これはほとんどデモ通りでむしろシンプルになったくらいです。

幽タ: 俺も運転中Apple Watchにヘイsiri使うから耳が痛いわ(笑)どいつもこいつもの一人です(苦笑)

大地: siriくんに関しては、椋くんの面白センスが爆発してる曲ですね。笑

拓人: 僕のテーマソングです(b^_^)b


椋: これを作った時は2021年とかで当時3人だったので、今の4人の気持ちを再録という意味を込めてアルバムに残したいなと思い収録することにしました。

幽タ: すみません…殆どの内容を先程熱く語ってしまいました(汗)

大地: 最初この「旅路」のイメージって全然鴉-カラス-に合ってないなってっていうのが正直だったんです。この曲だけちょっと浮いてるな…って。でも鴉-カラス-ってすごく不器用で大変なバンドで、加入してからほんといろんなことがあって、そんなこんな乗り越えて迎えたいつぞやかのBlackHoleのワンマンの時に、この曲で泣いたんですよ。笑

拓人: 旅路を作った時は、個人的に精神的にも疲弊していて、私生活にも支障が出て大変な時期だったので、自分自身の応援歌になる曲が欲しかったんです。笑

■2024年3月19日には、高田馬場CLUB PHASEでの四周年記念単独公演『轍』の開催が発表されました。四周年記念公演に向けた想いや、四年という歳月を振り返って思うこと、五年目に向けての気持ちなどを教えて頂けたら幸いです。

椋: 最初の2年間は社会状勢もありまともな活動が出来て無かったので、やっと鴉-カラス-というチームに纏まり今に至っている感じですね。これからが楽しみです。

幽タ: 本当に勘弁してくれよって時代でした。

大地: 再始動から数ヶ月で大きい目標ができて、そこからほんとに成長を感じて動けています。応援してくれてる皆さんをはじめ、関わってくださってる人たちのおかげだなぁとありがたいことだなと思っています。目標に向けての節目のライブになりますので、それまでの数ヶ月でもっとおどろかせていきたいです♪

拓人: 4年目の実感が湧きません。笑

■2024年6月18日、椋さんのお誕生日に、Spotify O-WESTでのワンマンライブ『一矢報いる』の開催が発表されました。以前のタグ「#そうだ鴉を聴こう」と共に、「#鴉ウエストやるってよ」「#ROADtoOWEST」の新しいタグでSNSも盛り上がっています。WESTに向けての意気込みや、楽しみにしているファンの皆さんへのメッセージをお願いいたします。

椋: 一矢報いましょう。

幽タ: タグ打ち込むの大変だろうにいつもありがとう。

大地: このウエストには鴉-カラス-としての気持ち、そして私自身の気持ちと、いろんな気持ちを持って望む1日になります。全てをこの日にぶつけます。来てくれるみんなの心を動かしてまたその先の道を一緒に見てもらえるように…今はそれだけです。

拓人: バンド史上最大の挑戦です。

■ROAD to O-WESTとして、無料ワンマンや決起集会など、様々な斬新で楽しい企画が開催されています。これまでの企画の中で、特に印象に残った出来事などを教えてください。

椋: ありがたいことに少しずつお客さんが増えていっていること。本当に本当に感謝です。

幽タ: ライブハウスで椋くんの等身大パネルを置く時にどこに置いたらいいか箱のスタッフさんやイベンターさんと相談するんですよ。

大地: いつも応援してくれる子はもちろんのこと、そのお友達だったり、他のバンドが好きな子だったり少しずつ輪が広がっていってるのを感じて、すごく嬉しいです。

拓人: お客さんとの距離が近くなりました。












椋: 僕ら世代はクロムハーツ一強じゃないでしょうか?結構集めましたが未だに欲しいアイテムとかあるので色褪せないですね。

幽タ: Chrome Heartsはたしかに憧れの一つだね。


拓人: ないです(b^_^)b


椋: 難病になってからトレーニングが出来なくなっていたのですが最近ジョギングからまた始めてます。ライブを含め汗をかくのが好きなので。

幽タ: スキンケア自体は何年も前からやっているのでおかげで実年齢が当てられなくなりました(笑)


拓人: 毎日5km走っています


椋: ゴッドアイなのでカラコンはしないです。釈迦でぇ〜す。

幽タ: あります!しっかり見つめてどこのメーカーか当てて欲しいですね(笑)


拓人: 写輪眼が欲しい(b^_^)b


椋: 実家の柔軟剤。元々良い匂いなので必要ありません。

拓人: 実家のヤギの匂い(b^_^)b


椋: テクノカット

幽タ: 今後のネタバレになっちゃいそうですね(笑)


拓人: 黒髪


椋: 自分に似合っているかどうか。なので僕は私服はストリートブランドを愛用しています。

幽タ: 清潔感を重視して街中を歩いても職務質問されない格好を心掛けています。


拓人: なるべく一般社会に溶け込めるような服装を心がけています(b^_^)b


椋: 1月〜5月までは精神的にキツかったですね、6月〜12月はそんなの忘れちゃうくらい楽しかったですけど。

幽タ: 同じく上半期キツかった…1月かな?椋くんにバンドきついわ辞めたい…って話したら鼓舞されたんだけど、去年は俺が椋くんを励ましてたのでバンドって作業以外も心でも助け合いがあって絆が深まるんだなって(笑)


拓人: 2023年はO-WEST公演を決めた年ですね笑


椋: ROADtoOWEST掲げた目標以上の結果を残したいです。よろしくお願いします。

幽タ: 全てを賭けて取り組めてます。失う物もあったけど新しい力も得られました。


拓人: 来年はとりあえずO-WEST公演の成功を。


椋: らぶ。

幽タ: 最後まで読んでくれてありがとう。



We interviewed KARASU for the second time, the Visual Kei band that confronts human weaknesses. Vocalist Ryo sings deeply from a sharp perspective of modern society to the hearts of people. KARASU are currently evolving in many ways!  This time we asked KARASU about their new album “Scarecrow±0” and their one-man live performance “一矢報いる” in June 2024 at O-WEST. Please enjoy the words of KARASU, who do their best to create unique and wonderful music, including humour and the warmth of humanity that brings smiles to our faces. Despite the many hardships KARASU have faced, they have decided to continue their journey!

Your new album 『スケアクロウ±0(SCARECROW±0)』was released on December 27th 2023. Could you tell us more details about this album?

椋 (Ryo): The recording our three new songs was a personal challenge for me, because  instead of leaving it up to a professional engineer, I edited all the raw data myself. My butt even started to hurt because I was sitting on my chair all the time.
Another thing to mention is that I’m usually the one who decides the song order on our albums. But this time we decided it together or rather there was one member who had it all imagined in his mind and we went for his choice(laugh)

幽タ (Yuhta): This time as well we had a tight recording and production schedule, but we didn’t need more time than we scheduled. Probably too because we got used to recording. It’s not that I and we don’t pay attention to recording something good, but personally speaking I got used to quickly retrieving what pops into my head and to record it accurately, which is a growth point for myself. 

大地 (Daichi):Regarding the recording, we did the detailed editing etc, by ourselves. The time we spent on the computer was longer and more difficult than the time I spent recording my guitar parts( ; ; )
It was a good opportunity, because now I’m able to express my gratitude to all engineers and I was even able to find improvement points in my own parts.
Actually I was the one who was most picky about the song order (laugh)
In fact Ryo put the songs in order at first, but I had already a flow in my mind which I was sure to be able to bring out the best of 鴉-カラス- (KARASU’s) music even more. Also it gave me a strong feeling as if you were listening to a real live show. I wanted it like that and I was really sure that it would convey the goodness of 鴉-カラス- (KARASU).   

拓人 (Takuto):  Personally, I was able to finish my parts smoothly. However the thing I changed was the way how I created the drum phrases, this time my focus was more on how it would look and feel during our present live shows as well. Because I created lots of phrases which are included at our live shows as well I was battling muscle pain during the recording period. (laugh)

Could you please explain why the album is called “±0” and not “-3”?

椋 (Ryo): This album is the starting point for us as 鴉-カラス- (KARASU), so I gave it a rating of ±0, to give it a textbook-like feeling album with the sense of that everything starts from here. Before I used the “-” to express various meanings, but now that I’m thinking of it I don’t like the idea of simply adding up numbers. (laugh)

幽タ (Yuhta):  There are various theories (laugh), there is also a meaning of as the number decreased our music deepened. 

大地 (Daichi): I don’t know about this…(laugh)

拓人 (Takuto): It’s as Ryo said. (laugh).  While betraying the expectation of “-3”, it is the culmination of all the 鴉-カラス- (KARASU’s) album releases, so we wanted it to be a release that changes everyone’s feelings, so it became a “0(zero)”, which is nether a negative nor a positive number(b^_^)b   

Which song of 『スケアクロウ±0(SCARECROW±0)』 would you recommend?

椋 (Ryo):  It is difficult. It is impossible to choose because I composed more of the songs. That’s why it’s impossible just to choose one. Also if I would say “this one” I would feel sorry for the other songs. 

幽タ (Yuhta):  My choice would be 「旅路(Tabiji)」. Because we worked so hard on this song during our long tour in 2021. Takuto composed the song and did his best to even compose the song in the car while we were touring around. I even notice that my guitar recording wasn’t good. So I did do my best to re-record it with the greatest sound ever.
The lyrics feel like a crystal because Ryo wrote them filled with all his feelings for 鴉-カラス- (KARASU)(I love the lyrics).
And because I rejoined 鴉-カラス- (KARASU), the song was given as a bonus at our ONEMAN.
And Daichi added the arrangement for the L part (The sound you hear only the left side). He also played the first half of the guitar solo, which turned the song into an even more amazing track.
It was the journey of the four of us and we chose to include the song because we thought “It’s time to include it on the album as well” in preparation for our Spotify O-WEST ONEMAN show which we plan to hold on June 18th 2024.

大地 (Daichi): I wonder which song it will be. I wonder if it’s “トラウマ(TRAUMA)” I really like everything about this song… (laugh) I guess it also touches my characteristics… The song is really good… I really want you to hear and see it live!

拓人 (Takuto): Of course I do recommend all the songs, but I’d say 「鴉のちゅんちゅん行進曲(Karasu no Chunchun Koushinkyoku)」I love the gap between the title and the song lol. Please listen to it if you think you’ve been tricked.

Please introduce your new songs to us. 
椋 (Ryo):  This song changed a lot since its demo. At first each of us had a solo as well (smile) When we finally landed on the song direction of “a sense of live unity” the song shaped its face quickly. When we were at the studio just a day before our live show to play this song I realised that the chorus melody was different which I couldn’t fix alone anymore, so we ended up to play chords in the studio and I sang the song over and over while writing the melody… in the end we completed the song at 6am, the day of the show. But for me this song was a genius created song.

幽タ (Yuhta):  Even before Ryo entered the studio we already decided to change the melody…(laugh) I thought that he didn’t want to change the melody. Probably because it was a phrase that he spent hours on composing. I didn’t think that he could say yes, but he said  “Okay, I’m gonna change it”. And he was able to change the melody base in about 10 min and the lyrics were completed and fixed the next morning… I really respect Ryo for that.

大地 (Daichi):It’s a middle-tempo song that  鴉-カラス- (KARASU) never created before. I often talk to Ryo after our shows ended about how I would love and imagine how our new future songs would be. So when Ryo came with this demo, I thought “This is it”♪ 
It was fun to record the song while remembering how we decided the rhythm with our fans at our shows♪ 

拓人 (Takuto): I was also in charge of the arrangement during its demo stage. In the end I created the guitar riff by bringing my own guitar into the studio and combining the sounds together with Yuhta and Daichi. It was a lot of work to create the orchestra and melody almost simultaneously, but I’m glad we were able to complete it.

椋 (Ryo): This song is almost exactly the same as the original demo, or it became more simple than the demo. A bit of a spoiler, the lyrics of the song are a social satire, thinking the song is teasing Takuto’s habit of speaking out of turn.

幽夕(Yuhta):I also use Hey Siri on my Apple watch while driving. So I understand the lyrics well(lol) And I feel like those lyrics are talking about people include me (bitter smile) 

大地 (Daichi):  As for Siri, the song is an explosion of Ryo’s interesting sense of humour.(laugh) I was able to smile a lot when I heard the demo of this song! We as  鴉-カラス- (KARASU) are a band who are serious about visual kei, and that’s especially evident in the lyrics, but we always have lots of laugh and fun together as well and like things which are really interesting and fun, that’s how we are. As  鴉-カラス- (KARASU) we have created lots of cool and serious songs since we formed, so I think this is one of our songs to show people that we like “funny” things as well.

拓人 (Takuto): This song is my theme song(b^_^)b

Because『旅路(Tabiji)』 is a re-recording, the expectations of your fans are surely high. So please tell us some more details about this song.

椋 (Ryo): When we created this song it was the year of 2021 and we were only with the three of us. So we wanted to record it as we want to share it with the feelings of the four of us now.

幽タ (Yuhta): Sorry… I already talked a lot about it passionately earlier.(sweat) But there is still something I forgot to mention. I’m glad that I was able to re-record it in my current condition. I don’t think many fans have both versions, but if you can I would like it if you could listen to both versions and compare both. Ryo-kun also was just learning how to master mixing, so I’m sure if you compare it you will be as deeply moved as me, how much better the song has become. 

大地 (Daichi): To be honest… At first I thought that『旅路(Tabiji)』doesn’t suit 鴉-カラス- (KARASU) at all. 
This song is the only one that stands out to me… however 鴉-カラス- (KARASU) is a very clumsy and not easy band and lots of things happened since I joined, but when we all overcame all difficulty this song made me cry when we finished our ONEMAN show at Ikebukuro Blackhole. I wonder if it’s Ryo-kun “kindness’ ‘.  I mean he’s always there for us, he is clumsy, honest, kind and full of humanity. So I came to like this song so much(smile). I was thinking about that when I re-record this song, the rhythm in the first verse with Taku-chan, a guitar solo with Yuta, and an arpeggio with Ryo as a vocal solo, so I felt like every section was going to go all the way to the end together. I’ve put a lot of thought into it, so I’d be happy if you could think about that while listening to it♪

拓人 (Takuto): At the time we created 『旅路(Tabiji)』, I was going through a difficult period of personal and emotional exhaustion, and my personal life was also suffering, so I wanted a song that would be a cheering song for myself(smile) But it turned out to be a song that I was entrusted with a major role to be played at the end of that one-man show, so I am very happy as a composer.

On March 19th, 2024 you will held your 4th anniversary ONEMAN show 『轍』 at Takadanobaba CLUB PHASE. Please tell us your feelings and how you look back at those 4 years and how you see your upcoming 5th year. 

椋 (Ryo):  For the first two years due COVID we weren’t able to do any proper activities, but now we finally got together as a band called 鴉-カラス- (KARASU). I’m looking forward to our future. 

幽タ (Yuhta): The first years really was tough and we even needed to take a break. But I think we faced such a difficult time we became this strong and we are finally able to perform live shows which are typical Ryo-kun. We’re gonna make a big great comeback in our fifth year. 

大地(Daichi):  In the few months since our restart, I’ve been able to make some big goals and really feel like I’ve grown and moved on from there. I am grateful for the support of everyone who has been supporting me and the other people who are involved. This will be a milestone live for us towards our goal, so we want to surprise you even more in the months leading up to it♪

拓人 (Takuto): I can’t really believe it was our 4th year. LOL.
But I am glad that we continued.
My goal for the 5th year is to reach the 6th year.

On June 18th 2024  on Ryo’s birthday、 you will hold a one-man live show “一矢報いる” on Spotify O-WEST. Along with your old hashtag “#そうだ鴉を聴こう” on SNS, you also launched new tags such as “#鴉ウエストやるってよ” and “#ROADtoOWEST.” Please tell us your enthusiasm for WEST and a message for the fans who are looking forward to it.

椋 (Ryo):  Let’s give it a shot.

幽タ (Yuhta):  Thank you as always for using the hashtags. Thanks to everyone’s support,  鴉-カラス- (KARASU) has become what it is today.
We’re also seriously working toward O-WEST, so I’m happy to be able to feel a sense of unity with our fans even outside of live shows.

大地 (Daichi):This is a day that I hope to bring many feelings to the O-WEST, my feelings as   鴉-カラス- (KARASU) and my own feelings. I’ll put it all inside this day. I want to move the hearts of everyone who comes and see the road ahead with me…that’s all I can do for now.

拓人 (Takuto):  This is the biggest challenge in our band’s history.
We will show you the past and future of  鴉-カラス- (KARASU).
Please provide us some support!

As ROAD to O-WEST, various innovative and fun projects have been held, such as free one-man shows and kick-off rallies. Please tell us about some of the most memorable events you have organised so far.

椋 (Ryo): Thankfully, the number of fans is gradually increasing. I am really, really grateful.

幽タ (Yuhta):  When I place a life-size panel of Ryo-kun at a live venue, I consult with the staff of the box and the event staff as to where I should place it. I feel like I’m sorry for doing something on my own, but the person who kindly accepted me and even encouraged me by saying things like, “ 鴉-カラス- (KARASU), is doing a great job! I’m rooting for you,  if there’s anything I can do for you, let me know!” I’m really grateful to have you here.

大地 (Daichi): I am very happy to see that the circle is gradually expanding to include not only the fans who always support us, but also their friends and those who like other bands. I feel close to them as they enjoy us together. It makes me feel confident that we can do what we wanna do as well. Thank you for everything. I hope this circle will expand even more…As a result, I would like to do my best we as 鴉-カラス- (KARASU) can grow as a stronger unity together with our fans.

拓人 (Takuto): We are now closer to our fans.
We are happy to hear the feedback from the live performance after every event.
By the way, just between you and me, Ryo’s life-size panel is 2cm taller than himself.(b^_^)b

You are improving and evolving not only your music, but also your visuals and fashion. You all became more beautiful and cool so please tell us what you focus on in your fashion and visual. Along with the release of your MV “Sentimental Psychopath” a new visual also was released. Please tell us something more about the chosen visual. 

椋 (Ryo): When it comes to fashion, I like to keep moving freely. I don’t want to wear skinny jeans as everyday clothes.
As an extra for my costume, I wore a hat that I had kept sealed for many years.

幽タ (Yuhta):  In my personal clothes, I mostly wear shirts. But I do like the hassle of putting on buttons (lol) I also had silver hair for many years, but I decided to change my hair colour to blue and it was well received (I’m happy)

大地 (Daichi): I thought it wouldn’t look good if I didn’t expose too much of my skin, so this time I showed my stomach as much as possible♡

拓人 (Takuto): Up until now, I’ve been making costumes with the drummer’s style in mind, but this time I tried to make a costume that I wanted to wear without thinking too much about it. My choice was well received by the members and I would feel very happy if our fans also loved it.

I would appreciate it if you could tell me anecdotes about the MV filming for “Sentimental Psychopath”, such as what was fun or what was difficult.

椋 (Ryo): It was difficult for the mannequin to face the camera. She was shy.

幽タ (Yuhta):  It was hard to get her(the mannequin) to face forward (lol) “Ah! Now she is  in a good position (face forward), so don’t touch her!”  It was so unstable that I could say that (lol)
Personally, I’ve been training since September, so I’ve been able to give off a strong body feeling at our live shows and my visual looks strong as well, so I’d like you to see it.
大地 (Daichi): I think it was one of the coolest video in the past ♪ It’s been a long time since I’ve been the main member, so I hope you can see a lot of cool things ♡
拓人 (Takuto): The shoot was at the beginning of December, so I caught a cold the next day after shooting.
If you look closely at the MV, my nose might be dripping.

Do you have any favourite brands or particular points for your everyday clothes?

椋 (Ryo): Isn’t Chrome Hearts the best in our generation? I’ve collected quite a bit, but there are still items I want, so it never fades.

幽タ (Yuhta):  Chrome Hearts is definitely a brand of my dreams. 
Anyway I have small hands and it’s frustrating that bulky clothes don’t suit me, so I have no choice but to choose smaller items, but I still like how sophisticated they look.
I rarely buy personal clothes because there aren’t many things I like (lol)
I continue to wear the loving clothes that I received from my fans.

大地 (Daichi): I try to choose something simple and the silhouette doesn’t look like a man’s as much as possible♪

拓人 (Takuto): None(b^_^)b

Do you have any current trends in training, dietary restrictions, beauty care, etc.?

椋 (Ryo): I haven’t been able to train since I got an incurable disease, but I’ve recently started jogging again. I like sweating, including at live performances.

幽タ (Yuhta):  I’ve been doing skin care for many years now, so you can no longer guess my actual age (lol)
After we decided on the O-WEST ONEMAN show, I started working hard on my body, and as part of my daily routine, I wake up and do exercises, muscle training, and then protein, no matter how busy I am.
I tried various dietary restrictions.My stomach was large, so I started by skipping meals for many days to shrink my stomach. I now try to eat it in a pot of mizutaki (water stew) three days before a live concert, dipping it in ponzu (Japanese citrus juice).It may seem morbid, but it’s not hard because I can eat calories to death after the concert. Lol

大地 (Daichi): If I eat too much, I only eat less the next day! What I am addicted to is pack lotion♪

拓人 (Takuto): I run 5km every day.

Do you have a favourite coloured contact lens?

椋 (Ryo): I have god eyes, so I don’t wear coloured contact lenses. It’s Buddha.

幽タ (Yuhta):  Yes! I want you to look closely and guess which manufacturer it is (lol)

大地 (Daichi): Right now, my favourite is the one produced by  Koda Kumi ♡

拓人 (Takuto): I want the Sharingan(b^_^)b

Do you have a favourite perfume or any scent you like in everyday life?

椋 (Ryo): My parents’ fabric softener. It’s not necessary as it already smells good.

The reason I chose it was because Takuto’s parents keep goats, so I chose it to be popular, and I got hooked (lol).

大地 (Daichi): CHANEL’s Chance is the best♡

拓人 (Takuto): The smell of goat at my parents’ house(b^_^)b

Is there a certain hair colour that you would like to have in the future?

椋 (Ryo): I want a Techno cut.

幽タ (Yuhta):  Looks like it might be a spoiler for the future (lol)
Maybe next year for my birthday, I’m going to dye my hair with two colours (lol)

大地 (Daichi): I would like to do a gradation from black to silver or purple ♡

拓人 (Takuto): Black hair

What do you value most when it comes to your own visuals and fashion?

椋 (Ryo): Does it suit me? That’s why I love street brands for my private clothes.

幽タ (Yuhta):  I put a lot of emphasis on looking handsome and with a pristine appearance. I try to dress so that a police officer doesn’t stop me when I walk around town.

大地 (Daichi): I like it to try people to say that they thought I was a woman lol

拓人 (Takuto): I try to dress in a way that allows me to blend into society as much as possible(b^_^)b

2023 is coming to an end, but what kind of year has it been?

椋 (Ryo): It was mentally tough from January to May, However the period from June to December was so much fun that I forgot all about it.

幽タ (Yuhta):  The first half was also tough…January? When I told Ryo-kun that the band was too tough for me and that I wanted to quit, he encouraged me. And Last year, I was encouraging Ryo-kun, with that I realised me that if you play in a band that you help each other not only for band stuff, but also for personal and mentally matters, and if you do the bond deepens (lol)
In the second half of the year, I’ve learned how fun it is to go out for drinks with Daichi, so I’m always looking forward to it (lol).
I’m also glad that Takuto started to train together with me!

大地 (Daichi): We finally all have a goal to work towards, so I’m really enjoying working towards that goal and feel like I’m alive. I’ll do my best to make you smile properly in June! !

拓人 (Takuto): 2023 is the year we decided to perform at O-WEST lol
Even though it changed my life a little bit.
That may not be an exaggeration.
I lost a lot of weight.(b^_^)b

I would appreciate it if you could tell me what kind of year you want 2024 to be, your goals and enthusiasm.

椋 (Ryo): I want to achieve results that exceed our goals we have set for the ROADtoO-WEST.We would be delighted to have your support in this.

幽タ (Yuhta):   I’m putting everything on the line. Even if I and we lost things we also gained new strengths because of it. I realised once again that happiness can be created from suffering, so I will fight like hell.

大地 (Daichi): Of course, this is the goal I set as a 鴉-カラス- (KARASU) , but I also have many other feelings toward O-WEST, and beyond, and I want to live each day to the fullest.

拓人 (Takuto): Next year, I hope the O-WEST performance is a success.
We have already decided what we will do to achieve this, but I would like to think about new goals together with the members.

Finally, please give a message to our readers and fans.

椋 (Ryo): Love.
幽タ (Yuhta):  Thank you for reading to the end.
And thank you for always supporting our activities.
Let’s all create and make the O-WEST ONEMAN on June 18, 2024 a success!

大地 (Daichi): Thank you to all of you who always read this, and to all of you who read it for the first time until the end!  It’s the biggest challenge in history for鴉-カラス- (KARASU) .So please come and experience 鴉-カラス- (KARASU)  at least once! I’m always waiting for you ♡

拓人 (Takuto):(b^_^)b