Interview with GUNIX

サイバーパンクをコンセプトとした男女2Vo BAND
「EDM(Electric×Digital×Mixture) 」と題したSOUNDは、Mixture・NU METALとEDM・J-ROCKの融合という変幻自在なSOUND MAKE、
2020年 アミ(Vo)K-BOM(Vo)Arly(Gt)Matsubai(Ba)とよてつ(Dr)の5人で結成。

GUNIX =  「EDM(Electric×Digital×Mixture) 」
In 2020 Ami (Vo), K-BOM(Vo), Arly(Gt), Matsubai(Ba) and Toyotetsu (Dr) formed the band. With a male and female vocalist the band plays the SOUND of a mixture of NU METAL, EDM and J-ROCK fused together like a chameleon would make a sound that you’ll never forget because of the memorable catchy melody. 

Choose your language:

Vo.アミ (Ami)  |  Twitter
Vo. K-BOM  | Twitter
Gt. Arly | Twitter
Ba.マツバイ (Matsubai)  | Twitter
Dr. とよてつ (Toyotetsu)  | Twitter
GUNIX: Website | Webstore | Twitter | Soundcloud | Youtube | BIG-UP(DigitalStore)

ENGLISH Grammar/Spell Check thx to Katt.