INTERVIEW WITH: 薔薇の宮殿 (Bara no Kyuuden)
Questions: Ryu & Meri | EN ➞ JP: Momo | JP ➞ EN: Meri – EN fix: Ryu
SNS: vo. ROZARIA (ロザリア): Twitter
薔薇の宮殿: Website | Twitter | Youtube | Instagram | Spotify
JRNRは今回、ヴィジュアル系メタルバンド薔薇の宮殿-Rose’n Palace-にインタビューさせて頂きました。ボーカルのロザリアさんは、2016年10月から薔薇の宮殿という名前で活動し、素晴らしいアーティストたちにサポートされてきました。
■ JROCK’NROLLの読者の皆さんに、薔薇の宮殿の紹介をお願いいたします。
ヴィジュアル系メタルバンド(Visual Metal Band)薔薇の宮殿-Rose’n Palace-です。
■ ご自身を漢字一文字で表すとしたら何の文字でしょうか。その理由も教えて頂きたいです。
■ 薔薇の宮殿というバンド名をつけた理由を教えて頂きたいです。
■ 薔薇の宮殿はソロのプロジェクトでしょうか。その形を選んだ理由も教えてください。
■ 現在のサポートメンバーについて紹介をお願いいたします。彼らと一緒に活動するようになったきっかけや理由を教えて頂けますか。
■ 薔薇の宮殿の音楽スタイル、特色を紹介頂けますか。
■ 薔薇の宮殿のライブの雰囲気はどのようなものでしょうか。
■ 他のジャンルでは表現できない、ヴィジュアル系だからこそ表現できるものは何でしょうか。
■ 音楽を作るときに、特に大切にしているのはどんなことでしょうか。
日本のヴィジュアルメタルの先駆者で言えば、X JAPAN 、Versailles等です。
■ “void-はじまりの空”のMVには、薬の瓶が出てきますが、どんな意味を込めているか教えて頂けますか。
■ MVの薬は、お菓子(ラムネ)を使っているのでは?という話を聞きましたが、それは本当でしょうか。もしくは、本物の薬でしょうか。
■ “void-はじまりの空”のMVについて、ほかにも何かエピソードや、知っておくべき背景がありますか。
■ 無料ワンマンの”PROMISE”が4月6日に開催されます。このライブについての想い、意気込みを教えてください。読者の皆さんにライブの見どころの紹介をお願いいたします。
■ ライブの後にはアフターパーティーも開催されると告知されました。アフターパーティーを開催しようと考えた理由を教えてください。

■ 海外のファンたちは、薔薇の宮殿の曲や商品をどのような方法で購入することができますか。
iTunes/Apple Music/Spotify/YouTube Music等どこでもです。
■ もし海外でライブをすることができたら、どこの国に行ってみたいですか。その理由も教えてください。
■ 音楽活動をする上で、コロナ禍はどのような影響がありましたか。そこから何か学んだこと、得たものはありますか。
■ 薔薇の宮殿をまだ聴いたことがない方々に、おすすめしたい曲は何でしょうか。
■ 新しいシングルが4月に出ると告知されました。もし可能であれば、その曲がどのように作られたか、何からインスピレーションを得たか、などを教えて頂けますか。
■ 音楽を通して、どのようなメッセージや感情を届けたいと思いますか。その届けたいメッセージや感情について、ご自身が大切にしている理由も教えてください。
■ ファンの皆さんとどのように交流をしていますか。ファンの皆さんとの交流は、音楽活動においてどのような役割を持っていますか。
■ これまでの活動を振り返って、ご自身が一番誇りに思うものは何でしょうか。その理由も教えてください。
■ 今後の夢・目標について教えてください。
This time JRNR interviewed Visual Kei metal band 薔薇の宮殿-Rose’n Palace-.
Vocalist ROZARIA (ロザリア) is active under the name 薔薇の宮殿 since October 2016, and he is supported by great support artists.
■ Please introduce 薔薇の宮殿 (Bara no Kyuuden) to the readers of JROCK’N’ROLL.
We are the visual kei band 薔薇の宮殿 (Bara no Kyuuden) – Rose’n Palace.
We’re based in Tokyo, we have been active for seven years by now.
■ How would you describe yourself with a Kanji character and why?
I couldn’t decide on one character because I have a strong dual nature.
■ Why did you choose 薔薇の宮殿 (Bara no Kyuuden- Rose’n Palace) as the band name?
The name was given by my former record label. I wanted a name that would make it easy for people to imagine what kind of world the band is going to create. I would be happy if you call us 薔薇Q (BARA-Q) in a friendly way.
■ Do you see 薔薇の宮殿 as a solo project? Please tell us the reason.
I thought that I wanted to continue singing until I was satisfied. I decided on a solo project because it won’t break up.
■ Could you introduce your current support members and tell us how, and why did you choose them to play together with you?
Gt. Nogi Tamotsu / Naruse Ryuta
Ba. Reno / SIORI
Dr. Hajime (HEXVOID)
My supporting members have changed many times in the past, but now I am supported by members with high performance ability and maximum enthusiasm.
■ How would you describe the style of 薔薇の宮殿 music, and why do you describe it like that?
Beautiful metal.
Because metal music is actually not a scary genre at all.
For that reason is referred as “beautiful”.
■ Could you describe the live atmosphere of 薔薇の宮殿?
I don’t think there’s much of that frightening kind of atmosphere that’s characteristic of Visual-kei and Metal.
Let’s immerse ourselves in the world we create together.
■ What can you express with visual kei, which you can’t express in other genres?
I think it is the expression of beauty including an intense sound.
■ What do you value when you create music?
To portray negative emotions such as sadness and anger in a beautiful way.
■ Who are your musical influences?
Pioneers of Japanese visual metal, such as X JAPAN and Versailles.
■ What is your new song “void-はじまりの空” about? What did you want to express with this song?
At first impression, the song seems to be a refreshing J-Rock classic.
However, the lyrics are about “living” and the two characters’ points of view intersect, and if you notice that, I think you’ll get a deeper message from the song.
■ In the MV for “void-はじまりの空” we can see a bottle with pills. Is there a specific meaning for it?
I use this item as a metaphor for ‘life and death’.
■ There is a rumor that you used Ramune candies as those pills in the MV. Is it true or has a real medicine been used?
Actually it aren’t ramune candies, although fans have said so.
What I really used is a secret.
■ Are there any other need to know stories about the MV of void-はじまりの空?
I first wanted to say that this MV clearly has a different approach from my previous MV’s. Because I wear a white T-shirt and the outdoor shooting.
Also much more than my other MV’s the portrayal is based on emotions that everyone feels in their everyday life.
■ Your Free ONEMAN “PROMISE” will be held on April 6th. Please tell your enthusiasm about this live show and tell our readers why they should visit the live show.
Recently, we have seen an increase in the number of views of our YouTube and streaming platform channels, and we feel that there are still many listeners who have not seen our faces in real life.
That’s why we organized this free event as a way to make it a day where we can meet these people who have never come to our live shows before. Of course, the listeners who can’t see us face to face are important, but it is the greatest joy for a band member to receive support in person. I believe that there is nothing better than a live concert in terms of the amount of enthusiasm received.
■ It’s also announced that there will be an after party after the show, what’s the reason why you will hold an afterparty?
As it is a one-man event, I wanted to create memories that are more intense than live performances with my fans, who have always been supporting me.

■ How can foreign fans support 薔薇の宮殿 by buying music and/or merchandise?
You can listen to my music worldwide through music distribution sites like
iTunes/Apple Music/Spotify/YouTube Music etc.
■ If you could play overseas someday, to which countries you hope to be invited to and why?
I feel there are people waiting for us in various European countries.
By all means, please invite us to your country if you can!.
■ How has corona affected you and did corona teach you something?
It was tough regarding the live shows, but it was a great boost for us to move forward!
■ Which song(s) would you recommend for people who don’t know 薔薇の宮殿 yet?
魔王Ⅰ~Ⅱ (Demon King I-II). Released in 2020, it is still one of the best songs.
■ You announced a new single for April, if possible please tell us something about how this single has been created and inspired.
That’s a bit of a mistake, as the band will unveil a new song at the live show on 6 April.
The song, which will not be released for a little while longer, is a ballad number inspired by the song “Chiriyuku kisetsu”’, which is also the title of the live performance that day.
■ What message or feeling do you hope your music conveys to your audience, and why is that important to you?
I want to make music that can comfort people in their suffering and pain.
Because that’s how I myself was saved by music.
■ How do you interact with your fans, and what role do they play in your music?
We interact with each other every Saturday through Twitcast.
The communication there gives us energy to do our best in our daily activities.
We also actively organise two-shot photo sessions at our live shows.
■ Looking back at your activity of the past years, is there anything you are proud of? If so, why so?
We have been able to work without bending our beliefs and have made it this far.
I would like you to hear how amazing the current “Palace of Roses” performs live.
■ What are your plans/goals for the future?
Near future -> We will release a new album.
Far future -> The first step is to get 10,000 people to listen to the album.
■ Please share a message to your fans and readers.
If you’ve read all the way to the end, thank you.
Did you want to get to know us a little more after reading this?
Music distribution, YouTube, free live shows… There are many ways to connect with us.
I also wish to touch the bottom your heart.
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