BAND SEARCH – 花魁ロマネスク

花魁ロマネスク (Oiran Romanesque) formed in 2008.Enka singer RINA and rock band 赤と黒(aka to kuro) bassist VISHA formed Oiran Romanesque together. VISHA switched to guitarist position and a bassist and drummer joined who shared the same musical style. 2008年に結成。演歌歌手のRINAとロックバンド、赤と黒のベーシストのvishaの2人で結成。その後ベーシスト、ドラマーを加えてバンドスタイルで活動をしました。 Choose your language:日本語ENGLISH SNS:Facebook: VISHATwitter: VISHA


FULI DANUKI is a 3 piece hardcore blues punk band based in Tokyo フルダヌキは東京を中心に活動している3ピースハードコアブルースパンクバンド。 Choose your language:日本語ENGLISH SNSFacebookYouTubeTwitter: Tanaka Tanuki  @hotaru19671Twitter: Yasumura Takayuki @kikivoyassuTwitter:  J.P.HAL: @JPHALJ


METALIC is formed by Kenichi Fujisaki, who has gone through many bands and units. The band “METALIC” can been seen as a “life work”. The members of the band aren’t limited to just one genre, styles and categories. They create music and perform live performances based on the members’ ideas of what is “AMAZING“. METALIC(メタリック)数々のバンドやユニットを経た藤崎賢一が結成した、自身のライフワークとも言えるバンド「METALIC」。ジャンルやスタイル、カテゴリーなどの既製の枠に捉われず、メンバーの考える「かっこいい」を基準に楽曲を制作、LIVE活動を行なっている。Continue reading “BAND SEARCH – METALIC”

BAND SEARCH – 大人のSilver-Rose by vo. YOWMAY

Silver-Rose isn’t an unknown name, the band was active in the 90ties. Vocalist YOWMAY has restarted Silver-Rose with four new members under the name 大人のSilver-Rose (Otona no Silver-Rose). YOWMAY was so gentle to answer a few basic questions for this band search! And before I forget to mention it, the band also has answered aContinue reading “BAND SEARCH – 大人のSilver-Rose by vo. YOWMAY”

BAND SEARCH – prewords

prewords is a rock band formed in 2018 which music style is a variation of various rock styles and mainly active in Tokyo.
