Interivew with トリカブト

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【UTA(SINGER)】Watanuki Miyuki
【ROKUGEN (SIX STRING (guitar)】Yasaka Shion
【GOGEN (FIVE STRING (bass)】Yokugai Fumiya 
【TAIKO (Drums)】Kagura Iku 
【SOUSOU(creation)】Hinagiku Hinachi 





雛菊雛 :どうも。トリカブト作曲編曲など裏でいろいろやってます。酒失敗エピソードトークたくさんあるから今度話しますよ。笑


➡ 八坂詩音 : バンドの初期衝動を持ってる所。自分も忘れないでいたい。あとはめちゃくちゃ細い所。バンドマンになる為の選ばれし骨格。
➡ 慾骸美弥 : 熱い所。最近は特にバンドへの熱量があってバンドの温度を上げてくれてます。あといいやつです。
➡ 神楽いく : 行動力もコミュ力も高くて頭の良い所。バンドの雰囲気を良くしてくれてます。そしてドラムの演奏はトリカブトの軸です。
➡ 雛菊雛 : 曲作りに関しては尊敬します。あとミックス、ハモリ、僕の曲をアレンジしたり等で一緒に制作進めることも多いんですが、ストレスなくできてるので多分いいやつです。

➡ 四月一日御幸 :ミステリアスな雰囲気で人を惹きつける稀有的存在なボーカリストです🎶
➡ 慾骸美弥:頼れるお兄さんです、いろんなアドバイスをくれるのでだいすきです🎶
➡ 神楽いく:かわいいのに話すと格好いいのでおもしろいです^_   ̫ _^
➡ 雛菊雛:作曲のペースが早くて尊敬してます🎶

➡ 四月一日御幸: 最近1番喧嘩してます。おかげでバンド育ててる感が増してます。
➡ 八坂詩音:1番これからを楽しみにしてます。おかげで先輩まだまだ負けてられない気持ちにさせてもらってます。
➡ 神楽いく: 1番ライブ中意識し合ってます。おかげでリズム感鍛えられてて助かってます。
➡ 雛菊雛: 1番会えてないんで近々酒でも。

➡ 四月一日御幸 : 彼にしか出せない独特のオーラ、世界観を昔から尊敬してますね。輝いてもらえるために後ろは任せて!って感じです。
➡ 八坂詩音 : 1日1日成長が感じられるとこですね。日々研究して実践している姿が素敵。
➡ 慾骸美弥 : リズム隊の仲間としてステージ上では1番に繋がってます。また運営や僕自身のコンセプトだったり動き方に対しても提案をしてくれる頼れる兄貴!
➡ 雛菊雛 : 直接はなかなか会ってはないけど楽曲について提案をしたり修正をお願いした際すぐに対応してくれていつも感謝です。

四月一日御幸: 自ら切り開く行動力ですね。
八坂詩音: 今の時代に若くしてV系ってだけで尊敬です。
慾骸美弥: スタイルの良さです。
神楽いく: メタルドラムのテクニックとか凄く良いと思います。


雛菊雛 :基本は作曲編曲ですね。少しでも多くの人に聴いてもらえると嬉しいです。







雛菊雛 :楽曲でいうと和風を軸にして、古き良きV系のイメージとメタルなどを取り入れて作ってます。

トリカブトの音楽は、他のジャンルではなく、「ヴィジュアル系」でしか表現できないと感じますか? ヴィジュアル系ならではのものは、衣装とメイクだけでしょうか。それとも他の理由もあるのでしょうか。




八坂詩音 :緊張しすぎてあんまり覚えてないです(笑)
慾骸美弥 :たくさんの方達に「おかえり」と言ってもらったこと。
神楽いく :やっと戻ってこれた、、、って素直に思いました。

■ 『羅刹』MV にまつわる楽しいエピソードを詳しく教えて下さい。

八坂詩音 :初めてのMVでとにかく手汗が止まらなかったです。あとギターのストラップピンが壊れました笑


四月一日御幸:禍々しくて怨念じみた物語。可愛さ余って憎さ百倍、人を呪わば穴二つといった話です。修羅に飲み込まれていく人間を見たら唱えて下さい。首修羅 首修羅 終修羅。

■ 『紅傘MV にまつわる楽しいエピソードを詳しく教えて下さい。




■ 『紋白蝶MV にまつわる楽しいエピソードを詳しく教えて下さい。

八坂詩音 :前回のMVより顔がはっきり映るのでどうかなかっこいいかなって思いながら撮りました




八坂詩音 :和装とゴシックな世界観を体感できるので絶対たのしいと思います、何かの機会に遊びに来てください⌯’ᵕ’⌯
慾骸美弥 :ジェットコースターは好きですか?好きならきっと僕らにもハマれます。
神楽いく :後悔させません。


八坂詩音 :男の子でもこわくない!みんなで暴れて楽しんでかえってくれるのが一番です🎶
慾骸美弥 :いつか僕達を見た男の子がヴィジュアル系の魅力に気づいてバンドを始めてくれたらなって思います。
神楽いく :自分自身が素直に憧れた少年時代の感覚を感じてくれたら本当に本当に嬉しいな。







八坂詩音 :詩と音!本と音楽が好きだからです。
慾骸美弥 :慾。人間が行動するための本能。
神楽いく :楽。やっぱり何事も楽しむために生きてるからね!
雛菊雛 :「酒」好きだから。


八坂詩音 :過去の栄光を掲げることじゃなく、後世につなげていくことが必要。です。
慾骸美弥 :一期一会。
神楽いく :一期一会。(被ったけどガチです笑)
雛菊雛 :二日酔いを嘆いてないでまた飲め。ですね。


四月一日御幸:歌だとTHE YELLOW MONKEYです。
八坂詩音MERRYPlastic tree蜉蝣MUCC、などなどあげればキリがありません(;_;)
雛菊雛 :意外と誰の影響でとか真似してって言うと今はあまりないですね。

音楽 (『ボーカル』/『ギター』/『ベース』/『ドラム』)を始めたのは、いつ頃から、どんなきっかけでしょうか?

八坂詩音 :高校1年生の終わりごろでした!
慾骸美弥 :ギター13歳。ベース30歳。ボーカル33歳。
神楽いく :ドラム15歳、ギター13歳、ベース17歳、鍵盤2歳(ピアノは現在全く弾けません笑)
雛菊雛 :中学生のときはバンドブームだったのでその流れでって感じですね。


慾骸美弥 :運命。
神楽いく :YOSHIKIさんに狂気を感じるくらい憧れました。
雛菊雛 :カッコイイって思ったし、始めやすかったからですかね。


八坂詩音 :昔はドラムを叩いてました🥁
慾骸美弥 :ドラム以外なら。
神楽いく :ベース、ギターをちょろっと
雛菊雛 :いろいろちょこちょこ手出してるけどライブで演奏するレベルではないです。


八坂詩音 :MERRYでした!
慾骸美弥 :GACKTさん
神楽いく :Hydeさん
雛菊雛 :hide


八坂詩音 :美味しいものとか僕が好きな物!ナマモノとか困っちゃうかもඉ_ඉ
神楽いく :甘いものとかタバコとか何でも嬉しい!!
雛菊雛 :なんだかんだ手紙とか嬉しいですよ。


八坂詩音 :飲み物はクリームソーダとコーラがすきです🎶
神楽いく :ラーメン、焼肉、寿司、水
雛菊雛 :酒です。ウイスキーとビールが主に。


八坂詩音 :しゃべれない!単語だけなら喋れる👌
神楽いく :英語!
雛菊雛 :できないです!


八坂詩音 :スウェーデンのガムラスタンにいきたい!街並みが綺麗だから^> <^ฅ
慾骸美弥 :日本。京都。お気に入りのラーメン屋があるので。
神楽いく :台湾。全部が最高
雛菊雛 :イギリス、アメリカ行ってみたいです。いろんな好きなアーティストの聖地とか観光したいですね。





八坂詩音 :WESTに立てるくらいおっきくなりたいです
慾骸美弥 :誰かの記憶に残り続けてもらえれば。
神楽いく :このバンドがあったことが歴史に残れば嬉しい。


八坂詩音 :海外からいつも応援してくれてありがとう(;_;)これからも活躍楽しみにしててね( ・ω< )⌒☆
慾骸美弥 :thank you
神楽いく : I’m looking forward to seeing you someday!!


八坂詩音 :いつも見に来てくれたりSNSをチェックして応援してくれてありがとう( ;꒳​; )✨️これからもたのしいイベントをいっぱい作っていくからたのしみにしててほしいです🎶
慾骸美弥 :俺の視界に入る人が笑顔でいてくれるなら、俺はまだまだ成長できます。神楽いく :まだ始動3ヶ月でまだまだこどもです。まだまだ成長するから見守っててください。みんなの声で成長できます!

TORIKABUTO welcomes you to the land of Rakshasa. TORIKABUTO shows you their expression of what they find inside their own deepest depths of their mind. TORIKABUTO shows this to you with their visuals and music based on traditional Japanese style incorporated with good old vkei-world views with a taste of metal. In TORIKABUTO’s own created world of visual kei there is nothing strange or awkward and they express anything without any borders or limits.  


Please introduce yourself by telling something interesting about yourself.

Miyuki: My name is Watanuki Miyuki. I’m from Hiroshima. Lately I’ve been interested in things from Korea.
Hinachi: Hello. I do a lot of things behind the scenes, such as composing and arranging the songs for TORIKABUTO. I’ve a lot of stories about my drinking habits, I will tell you about them next time. (laugh)

Please tell us what you like and respect each other.

Watanuki Miyuki
➡ Yasaka Shion:  He is the initial impulse of the band, that’s something I shouldn’t forget myself as well.  Another thing is that he is insanely thin, he’s the chosen skeleton band member.
➡ Yokugai Fumiya:  He is passionate. Recently he has been especially passionate about the band and he really raises up the band spirit. Also he is a really good guy.
➡ Kagura Iku:  He is proactive, has great communication skills and is smart. He makes the atmosphere in the band even greater. He’s the drumming core of TORIKABUTO.
➡ Hinagiku Hinachi: I respect him when it comes to songwriting. Also we often work together on mixing, harmonising, arranging my songs etc. We all do this stress-free together, so he’s probably a good guy.

Yasaka Shion
➡ Watanuki Miyuki: A rare type of vocalist who attracts people with his mysterious aura🎶
➡ Yokugai Fumiya: He’s my reliable older brother, I love him because he gives me all kinds of advice 🎶
➡ Kagura Iku: He’s cute but cool when he talks, so he is an interesting type ^_ ̫ _^
➡ Hinagiku Hinachi: He composes our songs at a fast pace, I really have much respect for him🎶

Yokugai Fumiya
➡ Watanuki Miyuki: We’ve been quarrelling a lot recently, but thanks to that it feels we’re letting the band grow more.
➡ Yasaka Shion: I’m looking forward what the future brings for him. And because of that, I feel I can’t lose  yet to my own seniors as well.
➡ Kagura Iku: We are conscious of each other during our live shows. It has helped me to develop my sense of rhythm.
➡ Hinagiku Hinachi: Let’s go for a drink soon, because we don’t meet up that often.

Kagura Iku
➡ Watanuki Miyuki:  I Always admired his unique aura and aesthetics which he only can create. I feel like creating a space to make him shine alone.
➡ Yasaka Shion:  I can feel his growth every day. It’s wonderful to see him researching and practising every day.
➡ Yokugai Fumiya:  I’m most connected with him on stage because he is my rhythm buddy. he is also a reliable older brother who gives good suggestions on management, my own concept and the way I should work. 
➡ Hinagiku Hinachi: I don’t meet him in person that often, but when I make suggestions for songs and ask for corrections he Always responds immediately, so I’m always very grateful to him.

Hinagiku Hinachi
➡ Watanuki Miyuki:  He is the power of action to start new things on your own.
➡ Yasaka Shion: I respect him for joining a vkei band at such young age at this day and age.
➡ Yokugai Fumiya:  his style is great.
➡ Kagura Iku: His Metal drummer technique are great.

I think it’s interesting that Hinachi is credited as “creator”. Could you please briefly tell us what his “creator” job contains?

Miyuki: We’ve been working on the production together. There are some songs that have been arranged from my own Original songs, but for the TORIKABUTO’s core songs, I want to use Hinachi’s original songs. 
Shion: He does do an important job that carries the worldview of TORIKABUTO🎶
Hinachi: I’m basically just the person behind composing and arranging the music. So I’d be happy if as many people as possible could listen to the music.


Please tell us the story of how TORIKABUTO was formed.

Miyuki: There was something new we wanted to do. So we gathered the four of us together. I’m sure we can create a lot of great music from now on. 

Please tell us about the meaning and story behind your band name TORIKABUTO. Why did you decide on it as your band name?

Miyuki: There are many reasons, but today I’ll just tell you one reason. It’s because I liked the shape of the Katakana characters lined up in “TORIKABUTO” 

Please tell us the visual kei sub scene genre and music genre Torikabuto falls under. fans on vkgy label you as menhera kei, wafuu kei. and that you sound like (metal)core and rock. But what are your personal thoughts?

Miyuki: We are conscious of the Japanese language, melodies and worldviews. We also do get inspiration from metal. But instead of imitating what is popular in the scene, we want to express our songs, performances in a way that’s unique to TORIKABUTO, even if it may look or feel strange to people.
Hinachi: In terms of songs, we base them on traditional Japanese style, incorporating good old vkei-kei aesthetics and metal, etc.

Why do you feel that TORIKABUTO’s music can only be expressed through the visual kei genre and not via a different genre? Is it just costumes and make-up? Or are there any other factors as well?

Miyuki: The visual kei genre is deep, isn’t it? Not only make-up and costumes, but also music and songs with spirituality. With TORIKABUTO I want to express what I find myself by diving deep into the deepest depths, so please call TORIKABUTO a visual kei band. 


Please tell us your highlights about your first live and sponsored event Shura no Utage (修羅ノ宴) on April 19 at Shinjuku Holiday. . 

Miyuki: It felt like this venue had something special. It had also been a while since I had my last live performance so it felt as if my throat was in a better state. I’m sure my voice is getting worse as we’re gonna have more shows.
Shion: I was so nervous that I don’t remember much.(laugh)
Fumiya: There were so many people telling us “welcome back”.
Iku: I honestly thought, “I’m finally back…” 

Please tell us a fun detailed story about your MV 『羅刹(Rasetsu)』

Shion: My hands just kept sweating during our first music video. Also, the strap pin on my guitar broke lol

Please tell us  more about about the lyrical story behind 『羅刹(Rasetsu)』 

Miyuki: It’s a sinister and grudge-filled story.
The greatest hate springs from the greatest love.
If you curse someone, dig two graves.
If you see a human being swallowed up by Shura, chant it. 
“Shushura Shushura Shooshura”.

Please tell us a fun detailed story about your MV『紅傘(Benigasa』

Miyuki: We filmed a scene of vomiting blood during the video shoot of 『羅刹羅刹(Rasetsu)』, but we only could use a few scenes of it. So I decided to use those left over scenes for the lyric video of 『紅傘(Benigasa(?))』  

Please tell us more about the lyrical story behind『紅傘(Benigasa』 

Miyuki: 『紅傘(Benigasa(?))』 is a love song. It’s a love story about a girl who turns rain into blood and a boy becomes her umbrella. 

Please tell us a fun detailed story about your MV『紋白蝶(Monshirochou)』

Miyuki: I wrote the words on the hanging banner in a park late at night. I worked hard on it, so I’d like to use it in one of our live shows someday.
Shion: My face is more clearly visible than in our previous MV, so while shooting the MV I kept on thinking about whether it would look cool or not. 

Please tell us more about the lyrical story behind『(Monshirochou)』 

Miyuki: It is a song about not loving and not killing, which is a tacky thing to do, so let’s do one or the other.

Could you please describe your live atmosphere, for those who are interested to visit a live show. and also for those who cannot go to live shows, because of not living in Tokyo or overseas. For them I hope you can tell us your live show power. 

Miyuki: I want to go to other regions in Japan and also overseas, but first I want you to come to my show first. There are things that only can be felt at a live show.
Shion: I’m sure it will be fun because you can experience our Japanese style clothing and gothic style. Please come and see us when you have the chance ⌯’ᵕ’⌯
Fumiya: Do you like to ride in roller coasters? If you do, you’ll definitely get into us. 
Iku: You won’t regret it.

As visual kei target is usually more towards women, how would you actually like to connect to your male fans?

Miyuki: If we become influenced by our surroundings by what’s okay, what we like or love, we are finished as human beings.
Shion: Don’t be afraid boys! The best thing for everyone is to get wild and have fun and then to go home🎶
Fumiya: I hope that one day a guy who sees us will find the appeal of Visual-kei and start a band himself.
Iku: I would be really, really happy if they could feel the sense of boyhood that I myself honestly longed for.

What’s your favourite band to play a Taiban with?

Miyuki: I want TORIKABUTO to be a band that people are glad to play against.
Shion: KARASU(鴉-カラス-), ZETSUMEI(ゼツメイ) and SINGULARITY(シンギュラリティ)! Are my favourite big brothers.🎶

Please promote an upcoming event you wish to promote.

Miyuki: I’m looking forward to our “Manatsu no Sangeki” events. We won’t play half hearted at any of those shows.
Shion: We have our own sponsored event on August 9th and an ONEMAN on August 26th! It’s gonna be fun shows🎶
Iku: Our first ONEMAN on August 26th! It gives us a lot of pressure, but with Verona’s help we’re gonna make it a success that people made them wonder “You worried for nothing!” 


Please tell us your favourite Kanji and why you like this Kanji.

Shion: 詩&音 Because I love books and music
Fumiya: 慾: It’s the instinct that makes humans act.
Iku: 楽 After all, we live to enjoy everything!
Hinachi: 酒 Because I love alcohol.

Please tell us if you have any personal motto.

Shion: It’s not about holding up past glories, but about connecting them to future generations.
Fumiya: Once-in-a-lifetime encounter.
Iku: Once-in-a-lifetime encounter (I know I’m copying Fumiya, but I’m serious)
Hinachi: Stop complaining about your hangover, drink again.

Please tell us about the artists that have influenced you.
Miyuki: For lyrics, it’s THE YELLOW MONKEY
Shion: MERRYPlastic tree蜉蝣(Kagerou)、MUCC、 and the list goes on and on (;_;)
Iku: X JAPANLUNA SEAL’Arc〜en〜CielDIR EN GREY筋肉少女帯( Kinniku Shoujo)、SLAYERANGRATESTAMENTChidren of Bodom … and many more.
Hinachi: Surprisingly, there aren’t many artists I’ve been influenced by or have imitated.

When and why did you start playing music?

Miyuki: I think I was around 14 years old.
Shion: Towards the end of my first year of high school!
Fumiya: Guitar;13 years old. Bass; 30 years old. Vocalist; 33 years old. 
Iku: Drums; 15 years old, guitar; 13 years old, bass; 17 years old, keyboard; 2 years old (I can’t play piano at all anymore lol)
Hinachi: When I was in middle school, there was a band boom. so I just followed that trend. 

What is the reason for your choice of instrument?

Miyuki: I’ve forgotten the reason why, but asking me now… if I were to be in a band, I can’t imagine being anything other than a vocalist
Fumiya: It was my fate.
Iku: I admired YOSHIKI so much that it made me go crazy.
Hinachi: I thought it was cool and I guess it was because it was easy to start.

Can you play any other instrument than your current part?

Miyuki: I played guitar and bass at a live show. Though I can only play those songs I played. 
Shion: I used to play drums🥁
Fumiya: Anything other than drums.
Iku: Just a little bit of guitar and bass.
Hinachi: I’ve dabbled in a few other instruments, but never so far that I can play it good enough for a live show.

Who was the first musician/band you fell in love with?

Miyuki: L’Arc~en~Ciel
Shion: It was MERRY!
Fumiya: GACKT
Iku: Hyde
Hinachi: hide

Are there any gifts you would be happy to receive, and any that wouldn’t prefer to receive?

Miyuki: Letters make me happy.
Shion: Delicious food and things I like! But fresh food might could be troublesome ඉ_ඉ
Iku: I’m happy with anything, I like sweets and cigarettes!!
Hinachi: I’m most happy with letters, but I’m happy with no matter what you give me. 

What foods or drinks do you love to eat or to drink?

Miyuki: Water.
Shion: Cream soda and cola🎶
Iku: Ramen, Yakiniku, Sushi, water.
Hinachi: Alcohol. Mainly whiskey and beer.

Can you speak English or other foreign languages?

Miyuki: I can’t speak it, but I can understand English if I read it.
Shion: I can’t speak it fluently! But I can speak some words👌
Iku: English.
Hinachi: I can’t.

To which country would you love to go on a vacation and why?

Miyuki: Korea, Ameria, Netherlands, Taiwan and Russia. I often get messages from people from those countries on instagram.
Shion: I want to go to Gamla Stan in Sweden! The cityscape looks so beautiful ^> <^ฅ
Fumiya: Japan. Kyoto. There is a ramen shop I like to visit.
Iku: Taiwan. Everything is great.
Hinachi:  I want to go to England and America. I want to visit the sacred places of various favourite artists and go sightseeing around.

 ■■■■Final Questions■■■■

Are you planning to distribute your music also? To make it easier for your overseas fans to support you from a far distance as well?

Miyuki: We are considering streaming. Please listen to our music on YouTube for the time being.

What do you think the near future holds for TORIKABUTO ?

Miyuki: I want to bring my ideas to life.  
Shion: I want to become big enough to stand on WEST
Fumiya: I hope that we will remain forever in someone’s memory.
Iku: I would be happy that we could be a band that remains to exist in history.

Please send a message to everyone who supports TORIKABUTO from overseas.

Miyuki: Thank you for your constant responses on Twitter and Instagram
Shion: Thank you for supporting us from overseas(;_;) I’m looking forward meeting you in the future( ・ω< )⌒☆
Fumiya: Thank you.
Iku: I’m looking forward to seeing you someday!!

Please leave a message to your fans and readers.

Miyuki: We’re getting interesting from now on!
Shion: Thank you for always for coming to see us and checking our SNS to support us ( ;꒳​; )✨️ We continue to host lots of fun events, so please look forward to them🎶
Fumiya: As long as there are people smiling in front of me I can continue to grow
Iku: It’s only been three months since we started, so it still feels like a “child band”. But we’re still growing, so please keep watching over us! We can grow with everyone’s voices!