Interview by: Ryu & Rena – 日本語翻訳:珠城 – English Translation: Ryu English check: Rena
Twitter, Youtube, Website, Instagram
Vo⇨@69white_u Gt⇨@yuki090218 Ba⇨@ken_asiam Dr→@ASIAM_ko
【リリース / RELEASE】
Scheduled to release a new single at the end of June.
Scheduled to release a new EP at the end of July.
【Live information?】
2022年8月1日(月) 下北沢ReG
OPEN 18:00 / START 18:30 / 前売¥2,500 (D)代別途¥600【配信チケット / Digital Ticket】¥2,000
AS I AM皆様、インタビューの機会をいただき有難う御座います!
■ JROCK’N’ROLL初登場となりますので、各メンバーの皆様の自己紹介をお願い致します。
Vo & コンポーザー : SHIRO (平原史朗 ひらはらしろう)
1994/12/21 27歳
Dr & コンポーザー: KO(坂田 光希 さかたこうき)
2001/12/03 20歳
Gt & コンポーザー : YUKI(藤田幸大 ふじたゆきひろ)
1997/2/18 25歳
Ba. : KENTA(谷口健太 たにぐちけんた)
1995/03/30 27歳
■ バンド結成の経緯についてお聞かせ下さい。
最近加入したドラムのKo以外は全員結成前のバンドからの知り合いで、Vo. SHIROと※Gt. kokiの2人が始めてそれぞれを誘ってできた形です。
■ このバンドを始める前に、他のバンドで演奏したり、ローディとして携わられたことはありますか?もしございましたら、その時の活動内容を少し教えて頂けますか?
■ バンドコンセプトやビジュアルの表現方法についてお聞かせ頂けますか?
■ 音楽に興味を持ち始めたのはいつ頃ですか?
■ なぜ、ミュージシャンになろうと思ったのですか?
■ 初めて演奏した楽器は何でしたか?
ボーカル → バイオリン
ギター → ギター
ベース → ベース
ドラム → ギター
■ 曲作りのインスピレーションはどのように得ているのでしょうか?
■ ライブで演奏しているときにどのようなことを感じられていますか?
■ もし何の制約もなく自分のスタジオを持てるなら、そのスタジオはどのようなものでしょうか?
■ なぜ、ほとんどの歌詞に英語を使うのですか?
■ 「Fake love」という曲についても、もう少し詳しくお聞かせ下さい。なぜ、「Adam’s Sphere re:arrangeバージョン」を作ったのですか?
■ 「Fake love」のMVでライブ映像/バックステージ映像を使われた意図はなぜでしょうか?
■「Thinking of a place」という曲についても、もう少し詳しくお聞かせ下さい。この曲で「Chill out ver. Remix」を制作したのはなぜですか?
■ AS I AMの持つ強みは何だと思われますか?
■ バンドとしての今後をどのように考えておられますか?
■ 最後に読者へのメッセージをお願い致します。
AS I AM, thank you very much for this interview!
■ First, please introduce yourself. Tell us something about yourself.
Vocalist/composer: SHIRO (Shiro Hirhara(平原史朗))
Born: 1994/12/21 (Age 27)
SHIRO is the multi-talent of the band. Besides producing music, he creates videos and web designs too. Also he loves to ride his motorcycle.
Drummer/composer: KO (Sakata Kouki(坂田 光希))
Born: 2001/12/03 (Age 20)
KO is the youngest of the band. He has a lot of fans because of his amazing drum style which turns him into the coolest guy ever. He is a serious and young guy with lots of aspirations, but sometimes he can be a little inattentive.
Guitarist/composer: YUKI: (Fujita Yukihiro(藤田幸大))
Born: 1997/02/18 (Age 25)
YUKI’s face is his charm. With a face as beautiful as a prince, has an overwhelming fan-base. His personality is peaceful and mild-mannered in a natural way and because of it he gets along well with our fans.
Bassist: KENTA (Kenta Taniguchi(谷口健太))
Born: 1995/03/30 (Age 27)
KENTA is the same age as our vocalist, but he doesn’t look like his age.
With his roots inside “loud rock“, he is known in the band for his overwhelming live power.
He is half Japanese, his mother is Filipino.
■ Please tell us how the band was formed.
Except for our drummer KO, who recently joined the band, we all knew each other before we formed this band. Vocalist Shiro and Guitarist Koki made the start to invite each other to form a band together.
*NOTE: Koki is currently on a break.
■ Before starting this band, did you ever play in other bands or worked as a roadie? If so, please tell us a little about it.
Vo.SHIRO and Ba. KENTA were in a post-hardcore band before.
Dr. KO and Gt. Yuki were in typical J-ROCK bands.
■ What is your band concept and visual presentation?
Our concept is to merge catchy Japanese melodies on our tracks that incorporate elements of US and UK POP and HIP HOP. We all love western and japanese music, and our musical roots are wide; from POP to METAL. Because we are not bound by stereotypes, we can create any song we want to create. We want to shape any song the way it came into our minds.
■ When was the moment when you started to be interested in music?
Everyone of us started to become interested in music at an age of about 15 years.
■ Why did you decide to be a musician?
Because music was our lifesaver.
■ What was the first instrument you played?
Shiro: Violin
Yuki & Ko: Guitar.
Kenta: Bass.
■ Where do you get your inspiration from, for writing (new) songs?
By listening to music from various countries and also listening to music of various genres. Also by exposing ourselves to non-music, such as art and visual arts such as video.
■ What do you feel on stage while performing your live shows?
■ If you could have your own studio without any (money) restrictions, what would it be like and how would it look like?
We would like to build a studio that is also suitable to do all the promotion of an artist that you can think of. such as, (Graphic)Design, video production, music production, etc.
■ Why are (most) of your lyrics in English?
Because, in the music world it’s the most suited language to sing.
■ Could you tell us a little more about your song “Fake love“? Why did you create a “re:arrange version” of “Adam’s Sphere’s Fake love“?
This re-arrangement is from the last song Adam’s Sphere released before they disbanded.
It was our first attempt, but it turned out to be a very emotional song in the sense that it also carries on the strong will of Adam’s Sphere.
■ What was your intention in using live/backstage footage in the music video?
With this music video, we wanted to bring back our live feeling again. Because of COVID-19 we didn’t really have the chance to perform.
■ Could you tell us a little more about your song “Thinking of a place”? Why did you decide to make a “Chill out ver. Remix” for this song?
This song was popular with our fans when we just formed, because it was popular since then and our songwriting ability has been improved so we wanted to release the song again with our current skills.
■ What do you think is the strength/power of AS I AM?
We are very particular, but also very flexible. Also we can create songs that suit and fit the current scene. And we have a healthy close band-fan-friendship with our fans. Besides creating music we’re artists in other creativity as well such as; creating our own MV’s, own designs, etc.
■ How do you see the future of the band?
We’re planning to create much more music, promote ourselves more, increase our SNS activities, so that more and more people will know us. Of course while keeping the eye on becoming a major band.
■ And as last, please share a message to your readers and fans.
Whether you already know us or not, we hope that you will like our music.
We are close like a family, please also check our Vlog’s at our YouTube channel! Be sure also to check out our logo, music videos, or goods and CD jackets that we created ourselves. Thank you for your support and see you at the venue!