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We hope you will help us to continue! Even just 1 euro helps! Thank you.
The English version is below the Japanese version.
Vocal -iT – @xxxBAD_iT_
Guitar 悠汰-yuta- @xxxBAD_yuta_
Guitar 冴威-sai- @xxxBAD_sai_
Bass 綾葉-AYAHA- @xxxBAD_AYAHA_
Official Twitter | Official Website | Youtube
DazzlingBad様 この度はインタビューを受けて頂き、有難う御座います。
- 結成のいきさつについて詳しく教えて下さい。
voice : iTを中心に、集まるべくして集まりました。 - バンド名の意味と由来を教えて下さい。
元々は概念も形も必要ないという思考の元に降ってきた名前でした。正義も悪も笑顔も涙も誰かの為じゃない。己の心に聞いてほしい。 - DazzlingBADの音楽で何を表現したいですか? 世界観を教えて下さい。
一般的にネガティブとされる価値観も別方面に視点を変えれば美しく見えるのではないか。「BAD」に満ちた世界に生きる人々を綺麗事で愛すより悪で愛したい美しい物「dazzling」と悪い物「bad」対比に属する単語の組合せでDazzlingBADというバンド名に辿り着きました。 - ヴィジュアル系バンドとして活動されている理由は何ですか?
音楽的表現、視覚的表現をするにあたって1番自由な場だと感じたからです。 - 本格始動の前にdemonstration liveを行われましたが手応えはいかがでしたか?
実験的な成果は得られたと感じています。 - 正式な開始日は2月23日ですが、何を楽しみにしていますか? 今後に何か課題はありますか?
いかに観る者全てを我々の世界に引き込めるか。 - ライブを行う場合に直面する課題はありますか?
存在の意味や証明 - カメラオブスキュラのジャケットは暗くて面白いイラストが描かれています。 ジャケット製
カメラオブスキュラの世界の中で、手が動くままに描きました。あの子はまだ生きています。 - カメラオブスキュラの歌詞はとても興味深いです。歌詞はダークな雰囲気ですが、 歌詞の起源についての背景を教えて下さい。
きっと誰の中にも咲く「癒えない花」。数えきれない程の花が咲き乱れても貴方は貴方でいられますか? - カメラオブスキュラのPVはとても素晴らしかったです。海外のファンも楽曲のデジタル配信や通販があると手に入れやすいのですがリリースは計画されていますか?
今のところCDは会場限定となっていますが、近い将来、デジタル配信を行うことになるでしょう。 - バンドマンになりたいと思った理由は何ですか?
己の思考をありのまま表現できるのは音楽だと突発的に思ったからです。 - バンドマンであることの最大の課題は何ですか?
1人でも多くの人の記憶に刻まれることです。 - ファンと読者の皆様へメッセージをお願い致します。
◆ release情報 ◆
1st.Single「カメラオブスキュラ」 2021.02.23 release
1. SE
Music: 綾葉-AYAHA-
2. カメラオブスキュラ
Music/Lyric: 綾葉-AYAHA- / iT MV
3. Pain’t
Music/Lyric: DazzlingBAD / iT DEMO
¥1,200(tax in)
DazzlingBad, thank you very much for taking your time for this interview!!
- Please tell us more about the formation of DazzlingBad.
voice: We gathered around -iT-’s heart to get together. - Please tell us the meaning and origin of the band name.
Originally, the name came from the idea that neither a concept nor a form was needed. Our band name represents; “justice, evilness, smiles and tears”. These emotions aren’t for others, but only for yourself. You should only listen to your own heart. - What do you want to express with the music of DazzlingBad? Can you tell us your view of the world as a whole?
BAD. For example: Death, disease, depravity, hatred, betrayal, chaos. If you look at those words from a different perspective, you can see the beauty in values that are generally considered negative. We’d rather love people who live in a world full of “BAD” with evilness than with beauty.
Our name comes from the combination of words, “dazzling” to point out the “beauty” and “bad” to point out the “evilness”, which led to the name of the band, “DazzlingBAD”. - Why did you decide to be a visual kei band?
We felt that being visual kei was the best place for us to express ourselves musically and visually. - Demonstration lives were held before the full-scale debut of the band, but how was the visitors response to those lives?
The demonstrations we performed before our debut shows that our experiment at creating a showcasing of what we can do as a band has been successful. - As your official start date will be on February 23rd, what do you look forward to? Are you nervous of whatever challenges that come ahead?
“Can we really draw all our viewers into our world?” We guess that’s the challenge we will face. - Are there any challenges you face when you perform live?
The meaning and proof of existence. - The jacket of Camera Obscura has a dark and interesting illustration. Please tell us something about the making of the jacket.
The artwork was drawn by our moving hands. The boy in the illustration is suffering, he is inside the world of the camera obscura. - The lyrics of the song Camera Obscura are very interesting. The lyrics have a pitch-black atmosphere. Please tell us the background story about the origin of the lyrics.
In everyone there is always a flower that cannot be healed. Can you still be the true you when countless flowers around you are blooming happily? - The PV of Camera Obscura is very unique and great, will it be possible for overseas fans to be able to purchase a copy via mail order or digital sales?
For now the CD is only available for purchase at our venues, but in the near future we will be distributing it digitally. - Why did you want to become a bandman?
At one time we suddenly felt that music was the best way to express our thoughts as they really are. - What is the biggest challenge you have faced being a bandman?
The biggest challenge is to be engraved inside the memory of as many people as possible. - Please give a message to your fans and readers.
Hello again, we are DazzlingBAD. Thank you for reading to the end. We sincerely hope that many people who live in a “BAD” world will be saved by our music.
Thank you very much for your time to answer this interview!
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