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PHOTO: 田野幸伸
水野あおいが、ソロデビュー30周年と誕生日の両方を祝おうと、11月23日に県民共済みらいホール(神奈川県)で「お誕生日コンサート」を行う。この日は、第1部「デビュー30周年SPトーク&ミニライブ〜また会えたね〜」(ゲスト・宮前真樹・浅山美月・森下純菜・田村信二、他。MC:白石真菜(元ラストアイドル))、第2部「お誕生日コンサート〜おやゆび姫Again〜」と2部構成で実施。先駆けること11月5日には、24年ぶりに新作シングル『大切な宝物/風のメロディ (C/W)』を発売する。「お誕生日コンサート」に向けて奔走している水野あおいをつかまえ、今の心境を伺った。
ファンの方々の思いを聞いたときには、わたしもすごく嬉しくなりました! 大山さんからは、「表舞台に出て」という提案もありましたけど、引退から20年もの歳月が経ってしまっていたので、「感謝の気持ちは伝えたいけど、表舞台に立つ自信がない…」と正直な気持ちを伝えました。それならばと、顔を出さずに、声だけで思いを伝えるオンラインイベントを開催することになって、20年ぶりにファンのみなさんと交流を持つことができたんです。」
「いえ、正直、その気持ちはまったくなかったんです。20年ぶりにイベントを開催したのも、「20年もの間、水野あおいのことを忘れずにいてくれてありがとう」という感謝の気持ちを伝えるためで、1回限りのつもりでいました。ただ、最初にイベントを行ったときの反響が大きく、ありがたいことに「ふたたび」と望む声を多くいただいたんですね。その後、顔出しなしのイベントを重ねてゆく中で、次第に表舞台に立ってのコンサートを望む声が多くなりまして(笑)。ついに2023年8月、「Summer Live 2023 for you」と題したイベントを開催し、引退後初めて人前で歌うことになりました。
──そこからですか? 本格的にいろんな動きを作るようになったのは。
「はい…。大山さんの訃報を知ったのが、23年ぶりに作った新曲『大切な宝物』のレコーディング当日でした。いつもは小まめに連絡をくださるし、こちらからの連絡にもすぐに返信してくれる方なのに、レコーディング前日から連絡が取れなくなってしまったんです。ただ、レコーディングには大山さんも立ち会うことを知っていたので、いろいろお仕事が立て込んでいて余裕がないのかな? 明日現場でお会いするし、そのときに話せばいいや、くらいの気持ちでいました。ところがレコーディング当日になってもスタジオに姿を現さず、連絡を入れても繋がらなかったんです。そこで、チームみんなで大山さんの行方を探したところ、自宅で亡くなっていました。
「大山さんが23年ぶりに新曲を作ろうと言ってくださったときに出たのが、わたしが引退した2000年に水野あおいのラストシングルとして作りあげた『Love Song』のアンサーソングにしたいというアイデアでした。その思いを、作詞作曲を手がけた田村さんにお伝えし、そのうえで完成したのが『大切な宝物』になります。歌詞の面では、あらかじめ田村さんに「23年ぶりに新曲を作るうえでの今の思いやファンの方々への気持ちなど、なんとなくのフレーズでよいので、いくつか言葉をください」と言われていたので、わたしのほうでいくつもの言葉を書いて田村さんにお渡ししました。それを上手くまとめあげてくださり、今の歌詞になりました」
「第1部 では、いろんなゲストの方々をお招きし、わたしがフェアリー・テールというグループからソロになり、そこから現在までの歩みを語りながら、その合間に歌も挟みつつ、水野あおいの30年間の歴史を感じていただけたらなと思っています。その気持ちを胸に、第2部のコンサートを観ていただけたら、より深く楽しんでもらえるはずです」
「そうなんです! 昨年行ったライブのときにも、「初めてお会いします」という方々がいらっしゃいました。わたしが引退をした2000年以降に水野あおいの存在を知って興味を持ってくださったそうです。最近だとYouTubeなどにアップされている映像を観て知ってくださる方もいて、現役時代のわたしの活動を見たことがない方々が増えました。たまに、「本当に存在していたんですね」とか言われたりもしますからね(笑)」
新曲『大切な宝物/風のメロディ (C/W)』
県民共済みらいホール (神奈川県)
Thanks to the wonderful support of the fans Mizuno Aoi, she is able to exist in this wonderful world.
To celebrate Mizuno Aoi’s birthday and her 30th solo debut anniversary, she will hold her “Birthday Concert” at the Kenmin Kyousai hall (Kanagawa) On November 23rd. This concert will be divided into two parts:
Part 1 “30th Anniversary Special Talk & Mini live また会えたね〜 (~Mata Aetane~)” (Guests: Miyamae Maki, Asayama Mizuki, Morishita Junna, Tamura Shinji and others. MC: Shiraishi Mana (Ex-Last Idol))”
Part 2 “Birthday Concert 〜おやゆび姫Again〜(~Oyayubihime Again〜)”.
On November 5th, she will release her first single in 24 years. “大切な宝物 / 風のメロディ(Taisetsuna Takaramono/ Kaze no MELODY) (C / W)”. Mizuno Aoi was so kind to answer some questions about her feelings to us while she was in the middle of preparing her “Birthday Concert”.
── You made your comeback in 2020, exactly 20 years after your retirement. The comeback was in the shape of a talking streaming event. We also heard that the photographer “Fumihiko Oyama” who made this all possible passed away in 2023.
Well actually I have been retired from all my idol activities until March 2000. Since my retirement I have spent my days without any showbiz activities. But even since I retired as an idol, my fans continued to meet up regularly on special occasions, such as celebrating my birthday. However I didn’t use SNS at that time, I totally distanced myself from the entertained world, so I never saw it or heard it directly. When Oyama-san told me about it, I could feel the enthusiasm and passion from my fans.
When Oyama contacted me for the first time in a long time he said “Even now there are still many fans who passionately support Mizuno Aoi and 2020 marks exactly your 20 years anniversary since your retirement, As is this a milestone year, I wonder if there is something we can do to express your gratitude to all your fans who supported you“
When I heard about all the feelings from my fans via Oyama, I felt very happy as well. Oyama also suggested that I should appear on stage as well. But since 20 years have passed since my retirement, I honestly told him “I want to express my gratitude, but I don’t have the confidence to appear on the stage…” So we decided to hold an online event, where I could express my feelings only by voice, without the need to appear in person, that way I was still able to interact with my fans for the first time in 20 years.
── So this was the trigger for you to start holding online events on a regular basis? Were those online events also a trigger for a full-scale comeback?
No, to be honest, I didn’t have such intentions at all. The reason I held an event for the first time in 20 years, was just to express my gratitude to everyone, for not forgetting about Mizuno Aoi, who kept on supporting me for 20 years and didn’t forget about me at all. Actually I only planned to do just “one” off event. However, the response and reaction to this event was amazing, and thankfully many fans wanted me to do it again. After this first event, I held more events without showing my face and so more and more people told me that they wished to see me on stage again. (laugh) Finally, in August 2023 I held an event titled “Summer Live 2023 for you,” and sang in front of my fans for the first time since my retirement.
I still remember that I felt so nervous that I didn’t dare to look at my fans. But at the same time, I felt that the feeling I had when I performed in the past was naturally coming back to me. My fans in front of me were enjoying themselves if I never stopped performing, before I was aware of it, I was thoroughly enjoying the concert and I recall having a sort of mysterious feeling.
── Your fans instantly returned to their old selves.
It seems that way. (smile) It was really amazing to see how everyone responded when I performed the concert.
── Was that “the” moment when you really decided to continue?
ather than a full-scale resumption of activities, more and more staff from my idol days began to gather around Oyama’s activities. It was as if we were responding to our fans’ requests and gradually making it come true. The first of these steps was to hold the “Birthday Concert” in November 2023. When I was still an idol my birthday was always celebrated in November (my birthday month). To coincide with this, we planned to release a new song for the first time in 23 years. But then something sad happened…
── Your photographer, Oyama, passed away in October, right?
Yes… I heard about Oyama’s death on the day we recorded our new song “大切な宝物 (Taisetsu na Takaramono),” which we had written for the first time in 23 years. He was usually very responsive and answered our messages promptly, but I couldn’t get in touch with him the day before the recording. However, I knew that Oyama would be present at the recording, so I thought he might be too busy with work to have time. I thought, “I’ll have a meeting with him tomorrow, and then I’ll have a talk with him. But when the day of the recording came, he didn’t show up at the studio. And when we tried to contact him, we couldn’t get through to him. So the whole team searched for Oyama’s whereabouts and found out that he had passed away at home. Of course, the recording was cancelled. It was a real shock at the time. But the tickets for the November concert were already on sale and we had plans for merchandise reservations. Oyama was looking forward to the “Birthday Concert” more than anyone else, so the whole team carried out his will and somehow managed to hold the concert.
── At that time, you seemed to have received a lot of positive comments from the fans about the reunion.
Not only at the venue, but also when I read posts on Twitter (now:X), I received many comments about the reunion, such as ‘I’m glad I’ve lived this long,’ ‘I never thought a future like this would await us,’ and ‘I’m glad we’re both healthy and well’. Of course, I myself initially thought that 2020 would be a one-time revival, and I had also emotionally drawn a line under it, so I never imagined a future like this.
── Did the “Birthday Concert” set the stage for what is to come in the future?
Yes. Of course I enjoyed singing, but I also felt nostalgic for the warm atmosphere I felt when interacting with everyone, and I felt like I wanted to have fun together again. Also, the fact that Oyama passed away is related to this, and I think the age of my fans and myself, as well as the fact that we’ve been living in a world with an uncertain future for about three years since my comeback in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, made me feel like, “If there’s an environment where I can enjoy myself now, let’s enjoy it,” and this feeling has helped me to accelerate my current activities.In addition, in April of this year, former CoCo member Miyamae Maki took the lead in organising the “Oyama Fumihiko Memorial Live” in memory of Oyama, and I was able to participate. In my opinion, it was a great help th
── I see, so it was Miyamae-san who helped you shape and release your new single “大切な宝物 (Taisetsu na Takaramono),” which will be released this November.
That’s right. When we held our “Birthday Concert” in November last year, we called the event “Record Release“, and we were supposed to release our new song “大切な宝物 (Taisetsu na Takaramono)” in November last year. But because of Oyama-san’s unexpected death, production of the CD was put on hold. The song written by Tamura Shinji was finished, but the vocal recording and other things hadn’t progressed yet. That’s why Maki-san took the lead and contacted various people, and we were able to finish the single without any problems, and it will be in everyone’s hands a year after.
── Could you please tell us the background of the creation of “大切な宝物 (Taisetsu na Takaramono)”?
When Oyama-san said he wanted to write a new song for the first time in 23 years, he came up with the idea of making it a response song to “Love Song,” which I created as Mizuno Aoi’s as my last single in 2000 upon my retirement. This idea was shared with Tamura-san, who wrote the lyrics and composed the song, and “大切な宝物 (Taisetsu na Takaramono)” was completed on that basis. As for the lyrics, Tamura-san asked me in advance, “Please give me some words, even if it’s just vague phrases, about your current thoughts about writing a new song for the first time in 23 years and your feelings for your fans,” so I wrote down some words and gave them to Tamura-san. He put my words together in a nice way, and that is how the current lyrics were created.
── You have performed “大切な宝物 (Taisetsu na Takaramono)” at concerts as well, haven’t you?
I sang it for the first time at the birthday concert in November last year. But I’ve only sung it in front of people twice: then and at the memorial concert for Oyama-san.I don’t think the fans even know the exact lyrics, so I can’t wait to see what they feel when they get the CD in their hands.
──What thoughts went through your mind when you got your hands on “大切な宝物 (Taisetsu na Takaramono)”?
Standing in front of my fans again after 20 years, I felt that everything that had brought me to this point was fate.Taisho Takaramono” is filled with my feelings of gratitude, not only to my fans, but to all the people who support me.”
──The B-side of your new single “大切な宝物 (Taisetsu na Takaramono)” is “風のメロディ(Kaze no MELODY)”, also written by Tamura Shinji. Please tell us about the appeal of this song.
風のメロディ(Kaze no MELODY) was created to resemble a classic idol song. It has a refreshing yet nostalgic melody, which is what makes it so appealing, and it’s also the perfect song to share with my current fans.
──With this single in our hands, Aoi will hold a two-part “Birthday Concert” at the Kenmin Kyosai in Yokohama on November 23. Please tell us why you wanted to play at Kenmin Kyosai.
As said, when I was an idol, I used to hold a “birthday concert” every November. Last year, I held my first birthday concert in 23 years, and my fans were hoping for something special this year as well, so I decided to hold a “birthday concert” this year to fulfil their expectations.
There is a reason why I chose to perform my concert in a hall this time, is that the concerts I did in August and November last year were in normal venues. But there is one problem you face in normal venues, the layout of the venues made it too difficult to see me perform for the fans standing all in the.
And my concerts should be a place where people can “listen carefully to the songs and have fun watching me singing. If we want to create this environment, a hall with seats is the best, so we decided to hold the concert at the Kenmin Kyosai in Yokohama this time.
── This time the event will be in two parts: Part 1 will be “30th Anniversary Special Talk & Mini Live 〜また会えたね〜(~Mata Aetane~)” (Guests: Miyamae Maki, Asayama Mizuki, Morishita Junna, Tamura Shinji and others. MC: Shiraishi Mana (formerly of Last Idol)), and part 2 will be “Birthday Concert; おやゆび姫Again〜 (~Oyayubihime Again~)”.
In Part 1, we will invite various guests and talk about my journey with the idol group Fairy Tail to the present. I will sing in between the talks. That way you can get a real impression of Mizuno Aoi’s 30-year history. If you keep that feeling in your heart when you watch my concert in part 2, I’m sure you’ll enjoy it even more.
── Looking back over the past 30 years, we can see that Aoi-san is the one who created the template for “Live Idol.
Ever since I was in junior high school, I dreamed of becoming an idol singer like Seiko Matsuda, and even after I became an idol, I wanted to be active with singing as my core, so I actively promoted concerts. When I started my career in the ’90s, the idol boom of the ’80s had gradually turned into an era where “idols” were being treated coldly, but I myself longed to be active in the same way as the idols of the ’80s when they were shining, so I single-mindedly pursued the path of an idol that I believed in. Idols in the ‘80s released CDs at a rate of one every three to four months. So I released regularly, and each time I did a campaign and actively participated in concerts, mainly in normal venues. I appeared on occasional TV shows, but my main focus was always on performing my songs live. I used to do a lot of campaigns on the roofs of shopping centres, and that’s what idols used to do in the ’80s, so I was happy to be able to do the same kind of thing. The result of continuing to do what I wanted to do, is that I’m now called the pioneer of live idols. I’m really happy that people see me that way. But I must say that I didn’t really do anything special; I just love singing in front of people, so I’ve always appreciated those kinds of opportunities.
── Could you please tell us what it means to you that you are resuming your activities as an idol.
Back in the days when I was in the business, idol activities were generally seen as a step toward becoming an actress, and there was an atmosphere of resistance to calling oneself an idol after the age of 25. In this time of age it is no longer the case. Right now it is the same for me as an idol, the audience, regardless of age or position, that we can enjoy ourselves in an environment where everyone can come together and have fun… That’s why I try to get rid of any weird ideas and just have fun.
── You’re planning to keep going, aren’t you?
To be honest, I am not sure at what pace I will continue my activities, but since I have just released a new CD. I would like to continue my activities to let as many people as possible hear the songs. Instead of having many opportunities to meet people, I want to cherish each and every limited opportunity and continue to cherish and nurture the places where I do meet people.
── I heard that since your comeback, you’ve started to attract new fans.
That’s true! Even at the concert I did last year, there were people who said, “This is the first time I’ve seen you”. Apparently they found out about me when I made my comeback in 2000 and so they became interested in me. Also recently, more and more fans know me through videos uploaded on YouTube and other media, and so my fan base grows who have never seen my activities during my active years in the past. Sometimes fans say to me, “I didn’t know you really existed!” (laughs)
── I’m looking forward to your future activities.
First of all, I hope to see everyone at my birthday concert on November 23rd.
Since my comeback, this will be the first time in a while that I sing in front of people. I’m a little nervous, but I’m looking forward to it. It’s only because of the support of my fans’ that Mizuno Aoi can exist. I’m grateful for all those feelings, and as long as I continue to hear your voices, I’m going to keep them in my heart and keep going.
So see you in person on November 23!
Producer Maki Miyamae’s comment
Me and Aoi-chan.
We only exchanged a few words in the early 1990s.
I remember her as a small, delicate and fragile girl who would light up with pride when she started to sing.
Through various connections over time, I was able to be involved in this Mizuno Aoi project, and I was surprised at how little she had changed!
I wanted to convey the feelings I had back then to all the fans! That’s what I thought.
Please receive her beautiful singing voice and the Aoi-chan who is still the same.
New single release
大切な宝物 / 風のメロディ(Taisetsuna Takaramono/ Kaze no MELODY) (C/W)』
Will be released on November 5th, 2024
2024-11-23 (SAT)
Mizuno Aoi solo debut 30th anniversary concert
Kenmin Kyousai hall (Kanagawa)
You can buy a ticket for the concert via e-plus (Japaense phone number requered)
Official Website
Official X
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