Interview with DazzlingBAD

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By: Team JROCK’N’ROLL | 日本語→ 英語: Momo 英語→日本: Ryu

Vocal -iT – @xxxBAD_iT_ | @hateman_it_/
Guitar 悠汰-yuta-  @xxxBAD_yuta_ | @dazzlingbad_yuta/
Guitar 痲紗-MASA-  @xxxBAD_MASA_ | @masa00060007/ 
Bass 綾葉-AYAHA-  @xxxBAD_AYAHA_ | @d_bad_ayaha_
S.Drums LOA @Loa_drum | @loa.drum/
Official Twitter | Official Website  | Youtube | Webshop







-iT-:  嫌

悠汰 : 『謙』謙虚な気持ちが大切

痲紗 : 特にありません

綾葉 :


-iT-さんのinstagramのプロフィールには「性別も年齢も属性も全部気分 邪魔な概念等 全部ぶっ壊すman??♂」という言葉があります。また、-iT-さんのツイートでは「多様性という言葉すら全部くだらないと思ってしまう。大勢の人間ひとりひとり、だいたいが、全部が、 違う生き物だなんて当たり前でしょう」という旨の言葉もあり印象的でした。様々な概念に捉われない生き方は魅力的で、共感したり救われたりする方も多くいると思います。DazzlingBADの始動時、海外のファンたちの中には、DazzlingBADが多様性を受け入れるバンドであり、LGBTQ+にも理解のあるバンドとして捉えた方々も多くいたようですが、このことについてはどう思われますか?「多様性を受け入れる」と書いてしまうと、「多様性という言葉すら…」という部分とは矛盾していまい恐縮なのですが、日本国内のファンにとっても、海外の多くのファンたちにとっても、DazzlingBADの皆さんの年齢や性別や属性などに捉われない考え方(概念やカテゴリーにも捉われない生き方)が共感できるものだと思うので。






綾葉 : 滅茶苦茶に書き殴った絵画の鮮明度が上がったような気がします


-iT-: 基本的に歌詞を描く時はその曲の中に入り込んで描くので、そういった意味では毎回新しく曲になる音に影響を受けてるかと。



綾葉 : この2年で環境は少しづつ変わってはいるけれど、臨む姿勢に変化はありません。

痲紗 : 個性がぶつかり合い時に予想できない化学反応があるので常に興味深いことばかりです。



悠汰: ありすぎて書ききれないです。
12月20日にNEW SINGLE「fear」がリリースされました。今回も衝撃的で深い歌詞になっています。

01 fear
-iT-: 主に人と、人ではなくなった者の視点から描いてみました。捉え方はそれぞれ。

綾葉 : 音楽的な要素について考えた事はあまり多くありません。喰ったものを本能のまま吐き出した結果あのような形になりました。

02 ViolA
-IT-: 誰にも伝える事ができない感情を抱いたまま死を選んだ人間のお話が根元にありますが、これも捉え方はそれぞれ。

悠汰: ノリやすく割とキャッチーだがどこか切ない感じをイメージしました。


-iT-: 初めて袖を通した新衣装はその日のうちに砕け散ったし帰りの車の中は臓物の臭いで充満していた事。

悠汰: 着用していたお気に入りのブレスレットを無くしました。

2月23日に2ndアニバーサリーフリーワンマンライブのMAD BAD birthdayが開催されます。このライブに向けた意気込みを教えてください。

-iT-: もう2周年、まだ2周年、みんなの狂った中身をしっかりと視界に入れて吸い尽くせる様精進します。壊そうね?

悠汰: もう2年経つのかと驚いています。思い返せば色々あったなーと。

綾葉 : 毎回意識している事だけれど、持ってるものは全部使い切って、この日で死んでもいいと思える日にしたいと思っています。

痲紗 : 日々のライブでも言えることですがその時々にしかない表現をしたいと思っています。


-iT-: ライブ前は基本イメージトレーニングみたいな事をしながら色んな事を振り返って、一応頭の中にやんわりと文字と背景をおこすけど結局全てその時の己に任せる

悠汰: 多分メンバーの中で誰よりもライブ直前まで緊張している自信があります。

綾葉 : 僕らは技術屋のような大層なものでなく、精神の塊のようなものをただ全力でぶつけ合うだけの空間だと思っているので、特に事前準備のような事は行いません。

痲紗 : 瞬間に全てをぶつけるだけです。


-iT-: 異色だとはよく言われるけど自分ではよくわからない。ちょっとへんてこなんだと思う☺️

綾葉 : 自己を客観視出来るほど大人になれていないので良く分かりません。

痲紗 : ぐるぐると黒いものが渦巻く感覚

悠汰: 雰囲気か。。なんだろう。


-iT-: とても気分屋なので、日による。

Loa : 『saint et salope』ライブでのフロアとの一体感が気持ちいいです。

綾葉 : 全ての作品が名作であり、駄作でもあると思っていて、全ての楽曲の演奏が快感でもあり苦痛でもある

痲紗 : 日によって変わります。全てとも言えます。

悠汰: ViolAを推します!!


-iT-: みんなの存在を知れた事。

Loa : コロナ禍に始動したバンドで思うように出来ない事もありましたが、今もこうしてメンバーと活動出来てることや応援してくれる方がいてくれる事 常に嬉しいです。

綾葉 : ここに居られることは素直に幸せな事だと思います

痲紗 : 常に感謝

悠汰: 自分が良くも悪くも多くの人の記憶に残れてる事ですね。


-iT-: ないしょ

綾葉 : 自らが設定した制作納期に追われること

痲紗 : 常にとも言えるし一切無いとも言える

Loa : 『happy BIRTHDAY』のMV撮影が真冬でとにかく寒くてしんどかったです。

悠汰: いっぱいあるけど思い返せば全てにありがとう。


-iT-: あんまり歌ってるつもりないです。けど、全ての概念を壊しながら目の前の誰かを認めたり何かを証明できる表現者でありたい。


-iT-: その日のイベントを見て考えるか、完全にその時の気分。


綾葉 : 特に何もしていないです。先月ジム契約しましたがまだ一回も通えていないです。


綾葉 : 演奏やスタイルに拘りはひとつもなくて、それが今後の課題点になっています。




悠汰: 演奏というか月に一回のメンテナンスには出してます。


痲紗: 生き物は常に刺激を与えてくれます。


痲紗: 一音一音に説得力を出しているつもりです。そしてずっとそのようなギタリストを目指しています。


Loa : 人からの紹介で知り合ったのですが、まず曲を聞いて個性の強さに引き込まれました。


Loa : サポートどうこう関係無く、一緒にステージに立つ仲間として共に最高のパフォーマンスを出来るよう心掛けてます。


-iT-: 特に意識して心がけたりはしてないけれど、まず色んな角度から色んな見方をして、知って、たまにつついてみる。ラフさ。

綾葉 : 寄りかかってみたり、噛みついてみたり、それでも結果的に一緒に居てくれているメンバーにはとても感謝しています。普段から言葉に出す事はとても苦手だけど。

痲紗 : 皆様々な考えを持っていますが、時に見つめるものが合致しているからだと思います。

悠汰: 思った事は遠慮なく言う!


iT: 自分の軸を見失わない事

綾葉 : 個人として表現は自由であるべきで、逆に批評や解釈も自由だと思っているので、あまり意識した事はありません。

痲紗 : 特に意識していることはありません。

悠汰: ライブではお客さんの顔を見る事を意識してます。



Loa : 出来ない

綾葉 : 勉強中です。

痲紗 : 勉強中

悠汰: 幼少期に英会話教室通ってました。



Loa : ビールを飲む

綾葉 : ないです。

痲紗 :

悠汰: 500円玉貯金


-iT-: 本当はバンドマン目指してた訳ではないけど、今に流れついただけ。

綾葉 : 月並みですが幼少期の憧れの具現化を計った結果になります。

痲紗 : 音楽が自分を構成するものの大部分だからです。

悠汰: エレキギターの原理を知りたくてエレキギターを購入しましたが気付いたらなってました。


-iT-: 発想は豊かだったかもしれない。昔から今でもずっと気分屋の自由人だし自分で性別もわからなかったし昔から何にでもなれるんだと言い聞かせてた。

綾葉 : あんまり覚えていないけど、平均的な子とズレのようなものはずっと感じていた。多分僕は変なんだろうな,と。

痲紗 : 善や悪について思考を巡らせて脳が良くも悪くも変化する感覚が幼少期の思い出

悠汰: 友達が多くよく遊ぶ少年でした。


-iT-: より深く歪に侵蝕を拡げる

綾葉 : 目標ではなくて必ずやると決めた事はあるけれど言葉では発信しない。

痲紗 : ぐるぐると渦巻いたものをもっと深く

悠汰: 音、気持ちが一つにまとまるように。


綾葉 : 大丈夫怖くないよ。多分。

悠汰: 怖がらせちゃうし笑わせちゃうぞ!!


DazzlingBAD: 我々はこれからも進化し続けていくので楽しみにしててください。


DazzlingBAD: 広い海を超えて我々を知ってくれてありがとうございます。

This time we interviewed DazzlingBAD again. In the last two years DazzlingBAD has grown into a wonderful visual kei band whose passion you always can feel. When you love visual kei it’s also almost impossible not to have seen their name or photo’s somewhere and if you are a Bangya in Japan it’s almost impossible not to have seen them live yet or seen on event flyers. All members are totally passionate musicians who love music. Besides that everyone is very gentle and cares a lot about each fan whatever colour someone is. If you’re looking for a band with lots of potential and will be around for a much longer while, Then be sure to follow DazzlingBAD. We hope everyone will enjoy this interview! And for all fans of DazzlingBAD, thanks for reading this interview!

DazzlingBAD, thank you very much for this second interview!!
Congrats on your second anniversary this winter!

First, please introduce DazzlingBAD to those who haven’t discovered you yet.

We would be happy if you would watch and see us the way we mean to present ourselves. 

■ If you could describe yourself with your favourite kanji, what would it be? And why do you like that kanji?

-iT-: 嫌 (hate) (More meanings)

-YUTA-: 『謙』(humble)  (More meanings) Because it’s important to be humble. 

-MASA-: None in particular

-AYAHA-: 負 (Negative)  (More meanings

Loa: 『努』(striving) (More meanings Because I hate to be lazy. 

On -iT-‘s instagram profile is written “gender, age, gender identity, everything…I will destroy all the concepts that get in my way. man??♂ ” 
Also -iT-‘s tweet: “Even the word “diversity” and “✘✘✘✘” are such bullshit. Many humans, one by one, generally, it’s natural that most humans are different creatures. That’s why I don’t even give a shit to make complicated thoughts about it. 
Such words are really impressive and surely many people can sympathise with it and it might even be life saving words, right?
However, when DazzlingBAD started, it seemed that there were many overseas fans who thought that DazzlingBAD was a band that accepted diversity and stood out for the LGBTQ+ community. 

Could you maybe share a few more words about this? 

-iT-: Thank you for mentioning those things. 
I personally think what I felt back then is all that matters, so I don’t care about LGBTQ or any other term or existing category, me is just me, I don’t want/need to be part of any box.

What has changed in the band since MASA joined?

-YUTA-: I’ve noticed that more and more non-speaking people follow us. (laugh)

-iT-: Our worldview is more integrated and our scenery is easier to understand ☺️

-AYAHA-: The clarity of our messed-up paintings have improved. 

When I get deeper into the lyrics of DazzlingBAD, I notice each lyric is really dark or even pitch black. Also some lyrics are filled with angry or deep sadness.
■ To -iT-, In those two years are there new things or surrounding people who inspired you to write such lyrics?

-iT-: When I’m drawing a new lyric, I listen to the song and I’ll draw the text, so each sentence I write is influenced by the sound of each new written song.  

Looking back on your activities over the past two years, what were the most impressive events? Compared to how you felt when you first started, are there any changes or unexpected things that happened over the past four years?

-iT-: It’s rare for me to be able to continue to work together with other people for such a long time, so that’s something that surprised me. So thank you everyone.

-AYAHA-: The environment has changed little by little over the past two years, but there is no change in our approach.

-MASA-: It is always interesting to see how personalities collide and sometimes have unpredictable chemical reactions.

-YUTA-: It is the difficulty of bringing people together. Especially when they are….

Could you tell us about any changes in your state of mind since the start of the band, or any impressions that have left an impression on you over the past 2 years?

-YUTA-: It’s too much to write down. 

Your new single “fear” was released on December 20th (Digital on January 27th). This time too, the lyrics are shocking and deep. 
Could you tell the readers about the lyrics and composition of each song?

01: Fear
-iT-: I tried to depict it mainly from the point of view of normal human beings and those who are no longer (seen) as human beings. There are different ways of perceiving it.

-AYAHA-: I haven’t thought too much about the musical elements. 
I just threw up what I ate out of instinct, that’s how it came to life.

02: ViolA
-iT-: It’s a story about a human who chose to die, while keeping feelings that he/she couldn’t convey to someone. There are different ways of perceiving this as well.

-YUTA-: I imagined turning it into an easy-going and catchy song, but with a somewhat sad melody. Well, please listen to it!

The MV of fear’s has a wonderful shocking atmosphere. Please tell us some background story about the MV shooting.

-iT-: It was the first time I wore my new outfit, but at the end of the day they were shattered and when we went home with our car the smell inside was filled with the smell of guts.

-YUTA-: I lost my dear favourite bracelet I was wearing. The next day, it was lost-found in AYAHA’s bag! (lol).

You will hold DazzlingBAD 2nd anniversary free ONEMAN “MAD BAD birthday”, on February 23rd. Please tell us your enthusiasm for this day.

-iT-: It’s two years already, two years, I’ll be sure to devote myself to notice everyone and suck up everyone’s craziness. Let’s rampage!?

-YUTA-: I’m surprised that two years have passed. Looking back, lots of things happened. On this day I want to show everyone the growth of the two-year-old DazzlingBAD to all our fans who supported us and give back anything I have! I’m gonna keep it up!

-AYAHA-: It’s something I’m aware of every time I stand on stage, but this time I wanna be sure to use up everything I have inside me and make this day a day I would be willing to die for.

-MASA-: To express myself in a way that is unique to the moment, which is also true and close to my usual expressions. 

Please tell us about some preparations for the show? What do you all need to do in advance, to make such a big event possible, etc.

-iT-: Before the live show, I practise basic image training and look back on various things. I also create my character and its background in my head, but in the end I leave everything up to myself how I feel at the time of the show.

-YUTA-: Of all the members, I am confident to say that I am the most nervous person before our lives. In the worst cases, I get super nervous a week before, so then I try to calm myself down by imitating the show.
But maybe that also causes the nervousness…

AYAHA: We don’t do or have any particular kind of advance preparation, because we aren’t and don’t feel we need to be technically perfect, but rather we wanna create a space with an atmosphere where we just can throw out our energy and spirits with all or might. 

MASA: To hit everything at the right moment.

Please tell us more about your live atmosphere and what are the unique performance points from your shows.

-iT-: I’m often told that I am unique, but I’m not sure about that, I think I’m just a little bit strange ☺️

-AYAHA-: I don’t know, because I am not mature enough to look at myself objectively.

-MASA-: The sensation of darkness swirling around.

-YUTA-: atmosphere?…I wonder about it as well.

What is your favourite song to play live? Everyone, please tell us your favourite song and why.

-iT-: It really depends on my mood, so it depends on the day. 

Loa: 『saint et salope』, the unity with the audience feels really great. The drum phrases are also filled with my own goodness, so I get excited when I play them.

-AYAHA-: All the songs I’ve written are my masterpieces but also my worst works, so playing them live is both a pleasure and also a pain in the ass. 

-MASA-: It depends on the day, so I can’t really tell.

-YUTA-: I choose ViolA!
I’m the biological parent of the song, so I’m an over-fond parent. (lol)

What is the happiest memory in the two years you have been working as DazzlingBAD?

-iT-: Knowing everyone’s existence.

Loa: Since we started in the corona time, there were times when we couldn’t do things we wanted to do as a band. So, I’m happy that we are still able to be active as a band and that there are wonderful people who still support us.  That always makes me really happy.

-AYAHA-: I honestly feel happy to be here, to be able to play in this band.

-MASA-: I’m always grateful for anything.

-YUTA-: That I am being remembered by many people, in a good way and bad way.
Most of all, thanks to DazzlingBAD I have encountered some very important friends.

What was the hardest part of the two years you worked as DazzlingBAD?

-iT-: Nothing at all.

-AYAHA-: Being chased by production deadlines I’ve set by myself.

-MASA-: you can say there are “constantly” hardships and you can say “there aren’t any”

Loa: When we recorded the MV for 『happy BIRTHDAY』. It was so cold that day, because it was in the middle of the winter.

-YUTA-: There are so many hard moments, but when I think back to it, I’m grateful for everything. 

-iT-,  do you have a particular goal when singing? Also what kind of vocalist do you want to be in the future?

-iT-: I don’t really feel like singing too much. But while I’m destroying all concepts, I want to be the expressive person who gets the acceptance of the people in front of me and be able to prove what I wish to prove at that moment. 

-iT-, your beautiful makeup is impressive. The other day, you tweeted, “I drew my eyebrows, which is unusual for me“. Is there anything that inspires you for make-up art?

-iT-: I’m just thinking about the event of the day, it just depends on my mood of the day.

 AYAHA, your body really looks strong and fit. How do you take care of your body to stay in such amazing hot body shape?

AYAHA: I haven’t done anything in particular. But, I signed up for a gym last month but haven’t been able to go once yet.

AYAHA, what are you particularly particular about your bass playing, and what kind of bassist do you want to be in the future?

AYAHA:  Actually I am not particular about any style at all, so I guess it will be my next challenge from now on. 

YUTA, your bright red hair is very nice and the piercings on your face are also impressive. We’d like to hear about the reasons and triggers for choosing red hair, and what you’re particular about with piercings.

-YUTA-: I always wanted to be the red power ranger since I was a kid, and I simply love the colour red. The facial piercings were the gate to motivate my spirit to play in a band. Getting my septum was really painful.

YUTA, what are you particularly particular about your guitar playing, and what kind of guitarist do you want to be in the future?

-YUTA-: That I perform and take my guitar at least once a month for a good maintenance.
My guitar has always been there for me since the day I bought it!
RED = Yuta’s creates the world!

MASA, you upload photos and videos of your snakes to your SNS, we think they are very cool. How do you get inspired by getting a snake? 

-MASA-: Living things always inspire me. The reason why I keep them is simply because snakes also love living things. 

MASA, what are you particularly particular about your guitar playing, and what kind of guitarist do you want to be in the future?

-MASA-: I intend to make each note more compelling. And I always aim to be such a guitarist.

Loa, you participate in almost all of DazzlingBAD’s activities and are just as much a part of the group as any of its members, but how and why did you decide to support the group?

Loa: I was introduced to them via a friend, but I was drawn by the strength of their individuality when I heard their songs.
When I actually met the members, they were all crazy in a good way, which drew me more into DazzlingBAD.
Although I am a support member, everyone treats me as if I were a member of the band, and I want to devote myself to the band as if I were one of the members, not just playing at gigs, we share the same values and sensibilities, so I feel comfortable supporting them.

Loa, what are you particularly particular about your drum playing, and what kind of drummer do you want to be in the future?

Loa: Regardless of whether I support the band or not, I always try to give the best performance together as friends on stage.
That’s what I’m particular about.

On SNS sites such as Twitter, we can see that everyone in DazzlingBAD is very close and has a warm and caring relationship with each other. Is there anything you keep in mind to maintain and build a good relationship among the members?

-iT-: I’m not particularly conscious of it, but roughly, I try to look at things from various angles, learning and knowing about them, and poke at them from time to time. 

-AYAHA-: I’m grateful to the members who stayed with me, even after fights they ended up staying with me. I’m usually not good at putting my feelings into words so…

-MASA-: Everyone has their own ideas, but how we look against things also often match. 

-YUTA-: Feeling free to say what you think. I think it’s important whether we get into a quarrel or not.

SNS is also a platform where things get easily misunderstood or people share their disagreement. This can happen because of a language barrier, words also can be misinterpreted or people see the world differently. 
In other words, how do you try to keep your relationship with your fans warm and peaceful?

-iT-: Never lose sight of your own axis.

-AYAHA-: Personally I never really made thoughts about it, because I think that everyone needs to be able to express themselves freely, the same goes for criticism and how everyone interprets things. 

-MASA-: I’m not really conscious about it. I am just expressing my own thoughts freely.

-YUTA-: I am conscious of looking at the audience’s faces when I perform our shows.
I want to remember each face well.
That things get misunderstood can’t be helped. 
Humans have their own likes and dislikes, so I’m really glad that there are people who like my personality.
If you don’t like it, you can hate me with all your means. 
Whenever you like or hate me, I’m thankful to know it.

Do you speak English or any other foreign language?

-iT-: I can’t, but I’m thinking of doing my best to learn it in the future.

Loa: I can’t.

-AYAHA-: I’m studying.

-MASA-: I’m studying.

-YUTA-: I went to English class when I was a kid. But I still can’t speak it. When I went overseas, I did my best using my gestures. Surprisingly, people still understood me, which I was glad about.

Do you have any interests, hobbies or passions other than music?

-iT-: Human substance. Something that sprouts from the nerve, the mind and the soul.

Loa: Drinking beer.

-AYAHA-: Nothing.

-MASA-: My snakes

-YUTA-: Saving up 500 yen coins. 

Please tell us what made you decide to become a band member.

-iT-: I didn’t really aim to be a band member, but I just drifted into it. 

-AYAHA-: It’s a cliche but it’s just the result of achieving my childhood dream.

-MASA-: Because music is a big part of who I am.

-YUTA-: It all started when I bought an electric guitar to learn about its principles , Which made me realise I wanna be a bandman.

What kind of child were you in your childhood? Did you have a dream for the future when you were a child?

-iT-: Maybe the idea is rich. I was and still am a moody free spirit, I didn’t even know my own gender, and I always told myself I could be anything I wanted to be.

-AYAHA-:  I don’t remember much, but I always felt a kind of discrepancy from the average child. Maybe I was just a weirdo.

-MASA-: My childhood memory is the feeling that my brain changes for better or worse as I think about good and evil.

-YUTA-: When I was a little boy I had many friends and played a lot.
My childhood dream was to be an astronaut.

What are DazzlingBAD goals for 2023?

-iT-: Spread erosion to deeper distortions

-AYAHA-: There are things we have decided we will definitely do, not goals, but we don’t transmit them in words.

-MASA-: Going deeper into the whirlpool of things which spins non-stop around and around.

-YUTA-: sound, and the feeling of being united.
First of all, I need to unify with the members…

Those who have never gone to a live of DazzlingBAD yet, why should they decide to check out our lives?

-AYAHA-: It’s okay, you don’t need to be scared. Maybe.

-YUTA-: I will give you the creeps and scare you and make you laugh!

Please share a message to your Japanese fans.

DazzlingBAD: We will continue to evolve, so please keep on looking forward to it.
Thank you so much for your continued support. We are really grateful!

Please share a message to your overseas fans.

DazzlingBAD: Thank you for knowing us across the wide ocean.
We may one day come to visit you where you live, and when we do, let’s enjoy it  together.