We are Dear Loving.
This year we have been around 27 years since we formed this band together as childhood friends. We’re serious about our music, but we’re also laughing and doing stupid things together, we feel we’re in a band all together! We can’t give you a simple explanation of our 27 years of existence, so please come to our lives to see us!
What’s the secret behind “Dear Loving” staying together as a band for so long?
It comes down to two things: patience and responsibility. Doing what you want to do and having someone’s support means taking up someone’s time. If you understand that calmly, you wouldn’t choose to quit for a half-hearted reason. That’s our opinion. It’s not so much about the people who quit, it’s more that we wouldn’t quit because of those ideas. Anyway. We, Dear Loving, are really good friends, so being in a band together is always fun for us.
How would you describe “Dear Loving” with just a single kanji, and why did you choose this kanji?
生 (sei/life)
Breath to stay alive and everything around it is also connected to the band.
How would you describe yourself with just a single kanji?
MASA ☆ → 漢 otoko/man → Because it is a man among men
YUKI → 骨 hane/bone → Because he is so skinny, like a skeleton.
KURO → 柔 juu/soft → because lots about him is soft.
Have any memorable moments happened after 2011?
One of the highlights we had was going to France for the Japan Expo. We were able to go with all three of us.
Due to the coronavirus, it wasn’t possible to perform lives earlier this year. How did this affect you? How did you deal with it?
It’s the kind of world we live in now, and it feels that we don’t have a choice to face it no matter what. But we are kindly using the time to fill in the missing spots and to learn a lot of new stuff. Even if we cannot really perform live shows, it’s not really that bad. We’re looking towards a future that we have no idea what it has in store for us as a band, but, yet we are pursuing the future as a band at full-speed.
Venues started to offer to rent their space to hold “digital” live-streams to reach fans at home and around the world. How does this new way of performing feel?
We try not to think of performing a streaming live as different than performing a normal live show. It would feel like a live show if you don’t focus on that, so we are trying to make it as realistic as still we are in front of you. The most important thing is that it won’t turn into a circus, movie or piece of art, but just as a live show which is the same as watching it at a live venue.
Many musicians say; in order to play live, you have to have a live audience. So what was it like to perform to an empty venue at your July 7th one man? Did you still feel the warmth of your fans?
If there is no audience, it’s hard to know who you’re singing to. After all, the excitement and laughter is all what the audience brings along, so you cannot blame it on that, but whether you have an audience or not, the important thing is the sense of unity, so in that sense, our goal is the same.
When corona is finally over, will you continue with the “digital” live streams you’re doing now?
I’m sure we will keep it as an option, but we’re old band members, so having people come to our shows is much more important to us. We don’t think that everything will be back to the state it was before, however if things will be the same, I guess we will stop doing live streams. However, since we think not everything will go back to normal, we probably continue live streaming, so we keep preparing everything to be able to stream our lives anytime too.
Why are lives so important for a band? Why is it a fun challenge?
It’s important because it is “Living in the moment”. There aren’t many things in your life that you truly can feel alive doing I guess? The only time this happens, that we can think of, is during a live show. When we play a show, it’s a good moment to be ourselves. It’s the best reward for us.
Are there any challenges you face when you perform a live show?
We always say “It’s going to be either the best or the worst”. We are always aiming for one of those options. We’re a rock band, so both ways are fine to us. We are not really interested in being a band where live shows are “high class” and always go “as planned”.
Even after all these years, do you still get nervous before shows? What are some things that have changed between when you first started as a band and what it is like now?
We don’t get nervous at all. It’s just nonsense to take time to prepare yourself mentally and be nervous about what you wish to share, and to be nervous about sharing the best music with your beloved people. So we quit being nervous.
What’s the most fun about touring around Japan?
The best thing about touring around Japan for us is meeting the fans from the different regions we play shows at.
Since the start of your career, what changed the most?
The biggest thing that has changed is our confidence in ourselves (laugh). We are now more calm about ourselves and we aren’t ready to give up. We are just trying to be the best band we can be.
What’s the biggest challenge of being a musician?
We don’t think of ourselves as musicians. We are just people in a band.
How do you wish your fans would support you? What’s the most important thing you hope to receive?
All of us are very appreciative of any support we receive, but we realize that each person’s situation is different and their money is limited. We would be glad if you support us with a method that we both can survive without overdoing it, yet we hope that you don’t forget that we also should be able to live as a band, however we hope to receive any reasonable support on your own pace that we both can survive. Thank you for your support!
Besides your music equipment, is there anything else you always carry with you when you play live?
Basically, we always carry our wallets and our smartphones with us.
In all those music years, is there something you have learned?
What we have learned is that it’s difficult and fearful to continue the same thing over and over again, and also being human is also not easy.
What is your ultimate goal for the band’s future?
We wish to sell well before we turn into old men. (laugh)
Please tell your beliefs and/or words of wisdom to your fans.
The future is now, so let’s make today a reality.
Please tell some words to your fans and readers
Thanks for finding us and reading until the end! Let’s enjoy life together!♪
Twitter (band)
Twitter (staff)
Twitter Masa☆
Twitter Kuro
Twitter Yuki
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Also thanks to RarezHut to ask me to make an interview with this band possible, of course RarezHut also threw in some questions which they would have liked to be answered! RarezHut is on a little break now, however you still are able to shop at their webstore and they also do sell some stuff from Dear Loving.
And Thanks to Val(RarezHut) & Katt for English Grammar/Spell check!
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