Interview with i.D.A, By JROCK’N’ROLL
English -> Japanese: Momo / Japanese -> English: Ryu / Translation check: Momo
i.D.A Official Website:
■ 始動当初には「4年後の自分たち」をどのように想像されていましたか? その思い描いていた未来と比べて、4年が経った今、どのように感じていますか。
Xeno 「4より5の方がキリがいいと思うので、あと一年経ったら答えますねっ!
全世界のみんなありがとうっ! 」
■ 4年間で一番嬉しかった出来事は何でしょうか。
Xeno 「嬉しいことって毎日更新するものですよ?
■ 4年間で一番大変だったこと、苦労したことは何でしょうか。
Xeno 「最初の緊急事態宣言の時ですかね。
■ 4年間で多くの出来事があり、兄弟バンドのNPCとリンクされていたコンセプトも変わってきたように思いますが、現在の(最新の)i.D.Aのコンセプトについて、教えて頂けますでしょうか。
Xeno 「すみません、コインパーキング[1]のことは詳しくないのでわかりません。
[1] コインパーキング = NPC
■ 4年間で多くの楽曲が発表されました。
Xeno 「イマジネーション、心ロケーション
[1] Yu-Gi-Oh!のカードです。
Xeno 「大体それで合ってます!自信持って下さい!」
■ Youtubeで振付動画をアップされていることも興味深いですが、振付はどのように(どなたが)考えていますか。
Xeno 「僕のお爺ちゃんが考えてくれてます。」
■ 2022年を振り返り、一番印象に残っている出来事は何でしょうか。
Xeno 「宿泊先のホテルが2人部屋なのに、4人押し込まれて抱き合って寝たことですね。」
■ 2022年も様々な場所でのライブが行われましたが、特に心に残っている場所はありますか。
Xeno 「12/1の周年ライブだと思います。1年ぶりのE.L.Lで成長した姿をみんなに観てもらえて泣きかけました。」
■ 新しい衣裳は、以前とはまた違ったカラフルで新鮮なパワーをもらえて素敵です。新しい衣裳のコンセプトや、メンバーの皆さんそれぞれのこだわりポイント、おすすめポイントを教えてください。
Xeno 「左手がサイコガンになっているところですね」
カナメ 「パッチワークとシルエットですね」
■ 7月29日に、2nd EP「バタフライエフェクト」がリリースされました。この曲の注目してほしいポイント(歌詞、メロディーなど)について、教えて頂きたいです。
Xeno 「生憎って言葉で言葉遊びしているとこですかね。
■ 11月4日に「SLAUGHTER GAME」がリリースされました。この曲のインスピレーションをどこから得たか教えて頂きたいです。
Xeno 「あなたは眠いって言っただけで怒られたことありますか?5〜6時間気まずい空間の車内で音を立てないよう、咳を我慢したことありますか? そんな気持ちを歌詞にしました。」
■ 2023年1月27日に、3rd EP「SCAPEGOAT」をリリースされることが発表されました。この曲について、いまお話できる範囲で大丈夫ですので、詳しく教えて頂きたいです。
■ Xenoさんは、影響を受けたアーティストはいますか?
■ リゼさんは、i.D.Aの多くの曲を作曲されていますが、作曲をしたりギターを弾いたりするようになったきっかけ(影響を受けた人物や曲など)は何でしょうか。
■ カナメさんは、始動後、少し経ってからi.D.Aに加入されました。どのような経緯でi.D.Aに加入されたか、エピソードを教えて頂くことは可能でしょうか。また、ベーシストとして特にこだわっていることや、「特にここに注目してほしい!」という所はありますか。
「i.D.Aがベーシストを探しているタイミングでHOLIDAY NEXT NAGOYAのPAさんに声をかけてもらって加入しました。ベースは音粒を気をつけております!!ライブでもしっかり見ててね」
■ レンさんは2021年12月1日にi.D.Aに加入されて活躍されていますが、加入してからの1年を振り返り、どのようなお気持ちでしょうか。i.D.Aの中で、れんさんはどのような存在になっていると感じますか。
■ まだi.D.Aを聴いたことがない方々に「まずこれを聴いてみて」という曲がありましたら、メンバーの皆さんそれぞれのおすすめの一曲を教えてください。
Xeno 「万歳idiotですねっ!」
カナメ 「1/27リリースのメランコリックですね」
全員 「いつも時間を作って会いに来てくれてありがとう!SNSで触れてくれるのもほんとに嬉しく思うし、モチベーションに繋がってとても嬉しいです!これからもいっぱい愛し合おうぜ!」
全員 「ここであれこれ言っても見てもらわなければ伝わらないので、僕らのライブを見る機会があればその時に伝えます!」
全員 「全世界のお嬢ちゃん、そしてナイスガイ。
全員 「未来は僕らの手の中っ!!!」
i.D.A played a lot of lives in 2022 and I guess we can say it was a successful year! Over the past years, the number of i.D.A fans has been increasing day by day as well.
■ How did you actually imagine at the beginning “where you would be in four year’s time?” and how do you feel now, four years later, compared to that envision?
Xeno: I guess looking back is better when we hit our 5th anniversary, so I’ll tell everyone after another year! But, thanks to everyone in the world for supporting us!
■ What was the happiest moment in these four years?
Xeno: Things that make you happy change everyday again right? I guess we get used to most things and take stuff for granted, so we feel less quickly happy about things, don’t we?
■ What was the most difficult thing you faced in these four years?
Xeno: It was at the beginning of covid-19, when the first state of emergency was declared. It really scared me, because my neighbourhood which was so lively before totally looked different from what it usually looked.
Of course, all our activities also stopped, which was very difficult as well.
■ A lot has happened in four years and the concept linked to your brother band NPC (NETH PRIERE CAIN) seems to have changed as well. Could you tell us about the current i.D.A concept?
Xeno: I’m sorry, I don’t know much about “coin parking[1]“.
But, we are working on the theme of emotions, focusing on joy, sadness, and anger, using our “triangle motif[2]” as a concept.
[1] Xeno made a joke, because NPC is also the name of Japan’s famous coin parking company.
[2] Their logo includes a triangle, also some other designs link back to that “triangle”
■ A lot of music was released during these 4 years.
・ Where do you get your inspiration from for writing the lyrics?
Xeno: Imagination, heart location, Riding Duel! Acceleration![1]
[1] It’s a Yu-Go-Oh “playing card” .
・ How do you get your ideas for writing new songs?
Rize: Sometimes when I’m taking a bath I just wonder if I would write a song in a certain “way” if Xeno would be able to sing with his full emotion to it.
Or just if our Bangyaru-chan’s would enjoy and feel happy if a song would sound like what I’ve in my mind. So I consider a lot of things when I’m creating new songs.
■ When you create a new song, will the melody be written first and then you just add the lyrics to it?
Xeno: That’s right! You just need to have confidence in it!
■ It’s fun that you shared videos of your Furitsuke on Youtube. How (who) comes up with the Furitsuke?
Xeno: My grandfather makes up all the Furitsuke?
■ Looking back to 2022, what’s the most memorable happening?
Xeno: It happened in one of the hotels we stayed in. Even though we booked two-person rooms, the four of us ended up squeezed in one room and slept together while hugging each other closely.
■ You performed in various venues in 2022, but is there a particular live that remains in your heart?
Xeno: I guess it was our anniversary live on 12/1 at E.L.L, I almost cried because everyone could see how much we grew in just one year.
■ Your new costumes are colourful and have a fresh power that is different from before which feels wonderful. Please tell us something more about the concept behind the new costumes. Are there any points we should pay attention to?
Xeno: My left hand is a Psychgun?[1]
Rize: It’s a Chinese design, and you see my mole on my chest?
Kaname: Patchwork and silhouettes?
lllllen: I wanted to show off my piercings, so I showed my belly button piercing✨
[1] Xeno points/jokes to main character of the anime/manga COBRA.
■ On July 29th, your 2nd EP “Butterfly Effect” was released. Could you also tell us some more about this release?
Xeno: On this release I played with the meaning of the words “Life(生) and hate(憎)”.
The Kanji for “life” and “love” are different, but they can be read the same way. I really like that part of “love and hate”.
Rize: I like the catchy choruses and the sad melodies.
■ Your single “SLAUGHTER GAME” was released on November 4th. Could you please tell us some more details about this song?
Xeno: Have you ever been scolded just because you said you were sleepy?
Have you ever had to hold back a cough to avoid making noise in an awkward space in a car for 5-6 hours?
■ Your 3rd EP “SCAPEGOAT” will be released on January 27th. Could you tell us something more about it?
Rize: The lead track on this EP is a song called “MELANCHOLIC“, while it’s still i.D.A-like, it has a taste which we haven’t heard before yet. The theme of the EP is “negative emotions“. This EP gives you a brand new i.D.A image and feeling.
■ Do you have any hobbies or interests other than music?
Xeno: obsession?
Rize: Hi-chew?
Kaname: Pikachu?
lllllen: I Need You.
■ Xeno are there any artists who have influenced you?
First, chop the garlic and slowly stuff it with olive oil, so it doesn’t burn, then slowly emulsify it while adding the cooking pasta water.
I was influenced by Italian chef Tomomi Ogura.
■ Rize, you have composed many songs for i.D.A What inspired you to start composing and playing the guitar?
I started composing music when I was in high school, but I don’t know anymore how it all started… I’m sure it was curiosity, as I have a personality that likes to try things I’m interested in. As a guitarist, I was particularly influenced by Shinji of Sid.
■ Kaname, you joined i.D.A shortly after NEAR left the band. Could you tell us why and how you joined i.D.A? Also is there anything you pay attention to as a bassist?
When i.D.A was looking for a new bassist, PA-san from HOLIDAY NEXT NAGOYA approached me and the timing was good, so I joined.
I pay attention to the soundgrain of the bass!! Please pay attention to it when you watch us live?
■ lllllen joined i.D.A on December 1st, 2021. Looking back since you joined, how do you feel about it to be part of the band?
Unlike the time I was active as a support member, the desire to yell to everyone “Pay attention to me too” has become bigger. I want to be told that the drummer of i.D.A is a cool guy. And when I’m playing the drums I just want to be powerful and look cool. So I’m doing lots of research and practising everyday!
■ For the people who haven’t listened to i.D.A yet, is there a song that you would like to recommend to listen first?
Xeno: 万歳idiot (Banzai idiot)
Rize: アプリコット (Apricot)
Kaname: メランコリック (MELANCHOLIC)、 which is included on our 1/27 release.
lllllen: メランコリック (MELANCHOLIC)
■ Please share a message to the fans who love i.D.A
All: Thank you for always making time free to watch us! Let’s continue to love each other!
■ For those who have never gone to a live of i.D.A yet, please tell us your appeal.
All: No matter what we say here, we won’t be able to convey it fully to you unless you see it with your own eyes, so be sure to check out our live show if you have the chance, then we will show it to you!
■ Please send a message to your overseas fans.
All: Girls from all over the world and all nice guys.
Please listen to our music digitally endlessly!
And thank you always for your continued support!
■ And finally, How will i.D.A evolve in its fifth year and further?
All: The future is in our hands!
3rd EP SCAPEGOAT (available at 01/27 – 0:00am, local time)
OFFICIAL: @iDAbel_official
Vo.XENO: @iDAbel_Xeno
Gu.リゼ: @iDAbel_rize
Ba.カナメ: @iDAbel_kaname
Dr.れん: @iDAbel_lllllen
Vo.Xeno: @i.d.axeno
Gu.リゼ: @idabel_rize
Ba.カナメ: @idabel_kaname
OFFICIAL: @idaofficial666
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