日本語訂正:RIORIO & 珠城
English: Team JROCK’N’ROLL
Official Twitter – Official Instagram – Official Webshop – Official Youtube – TuneCore L Twitter – L Instagram
■ Lさん、はじめまして! JROCK’N’ROLLには初登場となります! ソロプロジェクトの「MEME」についてご紹介頂けますでしょうか?
■ MEMEをバンドではなくソロプロジェクトとして始められた経緯を教えて頂けますか?
■ Lさんはソロアーティストとしてライブではサポートメンバーを迎えられています。一人でステージに立つと言う考えはありますか?
■ MEMEのコンセプトは「シリアルキラー」ですが、Lさんがこの重い概念を決めた理由は何でしょうか?
■ シリアルキラーについての題材を選択される際に何を重視されていますか?
■ MEMEの過去のアー写では、Lさんは家族をモチーフとした人達に囲まれていました。MEMEの現在の「アー写」はLさんだけです。前回は家族写真のような感じでしたが、なぜLさんだけの写真に変えられたのでしょうか?
■ 「現在まで殺人鬼が6体いて・・・」 近い将来、新たなシリアルキラーのお披露目は考えておられますか?
■ Lさんは名古屋のご出身です。名古屋系と言ったジャンルもありますが、Lさんとしては自身のジャンルは何だと考えておられますか?
■ Lさんが東京に拠点を移されたと言う方もいらっしゃいますが、現在も名古屋を拠点にされていますか?
■ 名古屋を拠点に活動されていますが、名古屋の魅力について教えて頂けますか?
■ 漫画&アニメ「Death Note」には「L」と言う人物が出てきます。このキャラクターはお好きですか?
■ 最新曲「In My Blood」を発表されましたね。この曲のコンセプトストーリーを教えて頂けますか?
■ また、夏にNew配信アルバム「CERCA TROVA」をリリースされます。 そのコンセプトについてもう少し明らかにできますか?
CERCA TROVAは絵画に隠された謎ですよね?
アルバムの一曲一曲は僕からファンの皆さんへ託す、僕のパズルのピースであり、それをどう解釈しどう繋ぐかはファンの皆さん1人1人違うはずで、それはまるで音楽のCERCA TROVAだなと思ったんです。
■ 今夏に発売されるNew配信アルバムのトラックリスト(の一部?)はすでに公開されています。各楽曲の解説をお願い致します。
▼ In My Blood
▼ Nightcrawler
▼ 百鬼夜行
▼ Tanatos
▼ Friday the 13th
■ Youtubeでは素晴らしいカバー曲も発表されています。 ファンの方々もLさんに好きな曲のカバーをリクエストすることはできますか?
■ Lさんは恐竜が大好きだと伺いました。恐竜をテーマにしたライブもされておりT-REXのコスチュームも着用されていましたが、恐竜のどんなところに魅力を感じますか?
■ 「the GazettE」の「Rukiさん」からライブに招待されたこともありましたね。 どのようにして直接会うことができたのでしょうか?またRukiさんと会われた時のエピソードを教えて頂けますか?
■ 私はLさんが「脱出ゲーム」イベントを「遊園地」と呼ぶのが好きです。コロナと言う状況もあり難しいかもしれませんが新しい遊園地イベントの構想はありますか?
■ ウェブストアでは、海外からの注文も受け付けられています。海外の方からの反応は如何でしょうか?
■ ファンの方を巻き込んだ企画(アー写や脱出ゲーム等)もされています。積極的にファンの方と一緒の企画をされるようになった経緯を教えて頂けますか?
■ 2022.9.21にはMEME ワンマン公演が青山RIZMで開催されます。ライブに向けての意気込みをお願い致します。
■ アーティストとしての信念や座右の銘があれば教えて頂けますか?
■ これからの活動で何か目標はありますか?
■ 最後に、なぜファンの皆さんがこんなにもLさんを応援し続けるのか、その理由をLさんなりに皆さんに教えて頂けますか?
L-san, Thank you very much for this interview!
■Hello, L nice to meet you! Because this is your first appearance on JROCK’N’ROLL. Could you please briefly introduce MEME’s world view to us?
Nice to meet you. MEME was created to leave music behind for the fans who support L.
■ What’s the reason why you started MEME as a “solo project” and not just as a band?
I didn’t want to spend time finding fitting members who might not be findable anyway.
■ Because you are a “solo artist”. Why did you decide to have “support members” for your live shows? Why not perform alone on the stage?
I would like to try it when I get the chance.
■ Your concept is “Serial Killer” right? But what’s the reason why you decided on this heavy concept?
Nobody was born to become a killer. But a person can be turned into a monster because of the environment and surroundings around him, which was created by humans. The first victim in their lives might be “themselves”. Because to me it feels that there is only a “fine” line between becoming a monster or not.
■ What is the criteria in selecting which (kind of) serial killer to highlight about?
Childhood trauma, historical background, also what kind of tragedy it was, such kinds of things.
■ In your past artist photo you were surrounded by other people. However your current “artist photo” is only you. Why did you change to a photo with only “yourself”? Why aren’t you surrounded by other “bodies” anymore?
Last time my image was a doll (ghost) surrounded by a family wearing gas masks.
but this time I play the role of the urban legend “Eru-san。(えるさん。)”.
I wanted to create an ambiguity as to whether it’s an existing person or not.
■ Until now there were 6 serial killer bodies…Have you thought of a new “body” to introduce to your fans in the near future?
Rather than introduce a new serial killer, I will create a lump of all the serial killers who I’ve played before.
■ You are from Nagoya, right? Because there is a genre called “Nagoya-kei,” do you consider yourself as Nagoya-kei, or do you call your style different?
I call it hybride visual kei.
■ Some people think you moved to Tokyo, but do you actually live over there?
I still do live in Nagoya, I only perform a lot in Tokyo.
■ What’s actually the charm of Nagoya?
It’s less crowded than Tokyo, so you can relax more easily.
But Nagoya feels too relaxed and lazy, though.
■ Your overseas fans wonder if you like the manga/anime Death Note, because you call yourself “L”, who was also one of the main characters of the series.
I like him, in a normal way.
■ Well, let’s talk about music now, you recently released a brand new song “In My Blood”. Could you tell us the concept story behind this song?
A human mind that grows up in a room full of torture equipment.
■ You will also release a new digital album 「CERCA TROVA」this summer. Can you already reveal a little bit about its concept?
CERCA TROVA is a mystery hidden in a (real) painting, isn’t it?
Each song on the album is a piece of my puzzle that I leave to my fans, and how each fan interprets and connects the pieces is different, and I felt that this puzzle is like the CERCA TROVA of music.
■ It seems that (a part of) the tracklist of the upcoming new album is already revealed, right? So could you please describe each song one by one?
▼ In My Blood
Follow your own blood, even if it looks crazy to others, that’s how it is.
▼ Nightcrawler
Most of the information in this world is false. So is the information you believe really true? Before you know it, your life may be unknowingly reshaped by someone else.
▼ 百鬼夜行
I will find you, whom no one else can find you.
So let’s go together. Even if it’s going to hell.
▼ Tanatos
The temptation of death.
I created this sound because I thought that if I were to play rock in India or the Middle East, I would want to do it in this way.
▼ Friday the 13th
You can’t live as perfect as people live in the movies.
■ I’ve seen that you also have shared a few amazing cover songs to your Youtube. Can fans still make a request to you to cover their favourite song?
You still can request, but of course I cannot’ cover everything. So out of the requested songs I choose the songs I like the most.
■ I heard that you really love dinosaurs? You do have dinosaur themed lives, where you also wear a T-rex costume. What about them gets you so excited?
They are so cool and they even actually existed in this world.
■ You seem to know “Ruki-san” from “the Gazette”, right?. You even were invited to a few concerts. But how could you meet him in person? Please tell us the story of how you could finally meet him.
I received a DM directly from Ruki-san, and on the day of the concert, the staff of the venue guided me into the dressing room and there I met him for the first time.
Ruki-san told me that he liked my music and that he also support me as well. I’ve been skeptical that he really supported me, but he made me realise that it’s true. He even knew that I continued my music solo and that I didn’t stop MEME’s activities in the corona time as well.
■ I like that you call your “Escape room” events “Amusement park”. Are you planning new events or do you feel it’s still not possible because of Corona?
I have nothing planned for now, but if I find a chance to do it again, I will organize one again.
My experience with the previous escape games has been useful in my current activities as well.
■ Your web store also accepts international orders. How is the response of your overseas fans?
I’m not sure if I’ve explained it well enough so far, but so far I didn’t really receive many responses. So, can you help me to let everyone know how you can order things in my store?
— If you live overseas it is possible to buy MEME’s merchandise at the official webshop.
Webshop orders will be sent via EMS shipping only.
Before placing an order we also recommend you to check the Japan post page if EMS shipment to your country is possible. If you need other “shipment” options, we recommend you to use a proxy such as Zenmarket or any other proxy which fits for you.
It is also possible to buy cheki’s. A few days before each live show, cheki reservations for that “live show” will be available to reserve at the webstore. Reservation will close at 21:00 (JST) before the live day.
■ You also do projects involving fans (Artist photo, escape games, etc.). Can you tell us how you came to be actively involved in projects with fans?
After I went independent by quitting to belong to a music label. I started my activities solely on my own. I like to involve my fans because my fans are the entire driving force of my life.
■ MEME one-man show will be held at Aoyama RIZM on 2022.9.21. Please give us your enthusiasm for the live performance.
That day my cursed shout will pierce deep into the hearts of each of my fans and visitors.
■ Do you have any beliefs or mottoes as an artist?
Take things as they are.
■ Do you have any goals for your future activities?
・ I wanna play against Marilyn Manson.
・ I wanna play against The Gazette.
■ Lastly, please tell everyone why your fans support you.
I guess, because I’m doing my activities all by myself. But well I don’t really know why they follow me.