Interview with SARIGIA

TEXT: 長澤智典 Nagasawa Tomonori
English Translation: JROCK’N’ROLL
ENGLISH FIX: cherrylng & Katt
French Translation: Crimson Lotus [HERE]
Be free to translate it into a different language, if you do please notice me!

SARIGIA on vkgy
@SRGA_Official  | @SARIGIA_Asuka  | @SARIGIA_Natsu | @SARIGIA_Shoma 


「悪魔」と「七つの大罪」をコンセプトに活動中のSARIGIA。彼らは今、7月26日に赤羽ReNY alphaで行なう単独公演に向け、1月より「7本の新曲MVを毎月連続で公開」中。同時に、赤羽ReNY alpha単独公演へ向けて仕掛けているさまざまな展開の裏側を映し出した暴露映像シリーズ「SARIGIA裏チャンネル」も、SARIGIAの公式YouTubeチャンネルで毎週3本(水・金・日)投稿し続けている。

SARIGIAは現在、「傲慢-arrogance-」「強欲-greed-」「色欲-lust-」「嫉妬-envy-」と4本のMVを公開中。このたび、第5弾となる「暴食-gluttony-」について。6月4日に東高円寺二万電圧で行なう完全無料単独公演「悪魔的‼ 完全無料ワンマン サバト 〜大罪起源-666- 悪魔集会ー」についての想いを語ってくれた。



アスカ  この歌詞へ記したのは、何かへ執着した…いや、取り憑かれているんじゃないか?というくらいサイコティックな人の心情。それを、物語風にも書いているように、そこへ込めた想いをぜひ読み解いていただけたらなと思います。


アスカ  そこはまったく関係ないですが、自分の中にも物事へ執着する気持ちはあるように、登場人物と自分の感情と通じるものがあるのかも知れない。ただし、自分はモノに対する執着のように、その気持ちを「嫉妬-envy-」では人に置き換えた形にしています。


アスカ  興味はありますけど、けっして「嫉妬-envy-」のようにはならないです。


Natsu  イントロのギターからして、そこは意識したところでしたね。ヴィジュアル系特有というか、不安な感情を煽りながらも耳に残るギターのリードや、疾走感のある曲調。そのうえで、いろんな転調も施しながら。それこそ大サビを半音上げて転調するなど、遊び心を詰め込んだ楽曲になりました。

翔磨  「嫉妬-envy-」はまさに、良い意味でヴィジュアル系っぽい楽曲。ベースは、ギターのバッキングと重なる形で弾きながら楽曲に厚みを出しました。ちなみに、サビメロだけNatsuくんに頼まれ、自分が作っています。

みやび  「嫉妬-envy-」の場合、割と淡々とした演奏に聞こえるかも知れないけど。テンポが速ければ、展開も多いから、一人だけ汗だくでドラムを叩いています。そこは、割とイマドキのヴィジュアル系楽曲のスタイルとも重なるところ。それもあってお客さんからのライブ受けも良いから、今後もライブでは生かしてくけど。ただ、一人だけ汗だく状態になるから、叩くのに必死な曲だよね、これは(笑)。


アスカ  映像を通したヤッちゃった感はハンパないっすね(笑)。本作のテーマが「嫉妬」だからと言って、ただ恨んでいるだけじゃ面白くないので、オチをしっかり考えたうえであの演出を施しています。気になる方は映像をご覧になってください。



Natsu  そこは狙ったところです。今回、「七つの大罪」をテーマに全部で7曲作り、それぞれのMVを作りあげるように、すべて異なる曲調にしたかったし、今も、そう進めています。


Natsu 「暴食-gluttony-」はジャズのリズムを軸に据えた楽曲です。そのうえでバンドサウンドへと昇華。トランペットなど管楽器の音を同期に入れ、派手な曲調に仕上げています。取材時点では、まだ歌詞が乗る前のように未完成ですが、前4作とは異なる明るい曲調になるのは間違いないです。

みやび  シャッフル系の跳ねたリズム曲のように、これも叩くのは大変ですけど(笑)。今回の楽曲はジャズ系の曲調という理由もあって、ちょっと長めのドラムソロも入っています。ドラムファンの場合、楽曲の中で沸く要素って(ギターなどと比べると)あまりないじゃないですか。でも、今回はドラムソロというアピールポイントがあるように、そこは美味しい要素になっています。


Natsu  なんか、「お洒落に狂ってる」イメージが自分の中にはあったので。


アスカ 現状伝えるとしたら、「暴食」という題名へ絡めるように「食べる」ことを軸に据えた内容にしていること。当初は人を喰らうということも考えていたけど、それだとテーマが異なるように、「暴食-gluttony-」に関しては「食」を歌詞の軸に据えたうえで、今、書いている最中です。

翔磨  楽曲が完成する前までは人間を食べるイメージも想定はしていたけど。Natsuから上がってきた楽曲が、同じ食べるでもフルーツを食しているようなお洒落な印象だったのでね。アスカから、どんな歌詞が生まれるのか、そこは楽しみです。  「暴食-gluttony-」ではウォーキングベースという一音一音が動きを持った奏法をしています。気を抜くとミスをしてしまうように、演奏に集中しなければいけない。ライブ中は、おそらくフロアを見据える余裕なく演奏に集中していると思います。聞いてるぶんには、とても好きな楽曲ですけど、ライブでベース演奏するのはけっこうしんどい曲になりそうです。


翔磨 「暴食-gluttony-」のMVは食事風景をメインに据えつつ、爽やかな印象の映像になりながらも、そこへ暗い部分も加えていく形を想定しています。ただし、歌詞の内容に沿って映像も作ろうと思っているように、出来上がった歌詞次第でどうなるのか。一つ言えるのは、4人とも暴食します(笑)。「SARIGIA裏チャンネル」でも、7千円分のマックを4人で暴食している動画もアップしますので。

Natsu  「傲慢-arrogance-」がベースを目立つ曲にすれば、「強欲-greed-」は楽曲の良さを推した形で制作。「色欲-lust-」がギター推しの曲で、「嫉妬-envy-」がヴォーカルの魅力を際立たせた曲にと作ってきました。その流れは、最初から想定していたこと。その流れを受け継ぐ形で、今回の「暴食-gluttony-」ではドラム推しの曲にしました。しかも「暴食-gluttony-」はジャズをベースにしたように、ジャズの魅力であるソロまわしも楽曲へ上手く取り入れようと、ヴォーカルのサビ歌終わりで、ベース、ドラム、ギターとソロまわしをしてゆく流れを構築。そこも聞きどころになるはずです。

みやび  翔磨くんからいい感じでベース演奏のセンタリングが上がってくるはずなので、俺は、それをオーバーヘッドシュートでキメてやるだけなんで(笑)。

翔磨  ということは、多少無理やりなパスでも大丈夫だ(笑)


―SARIGIAは、6月4日(金)に東高円寺二万電圧を舞台に「悪魔的‼完全無料ワンマン サバト 〜大罪起源-666- 悪魔集会ー」を開催します。こちらは、題名通り完全無料ワンマン公演になるそうですね。

Natsu ドリンク代もバンドが負担するように、電車賃さえあれば、会場では一切お金をかけずに観れます。そうしたのも、応援してくれているファンたちはもちろん。SARIGIAの名前は知ってるけどまだ観たことのない人たちにも、気軽にライブへ足を運んでもらいたいからです。


翔磨  そうなんです。6月4日の無料公演は、7月26日に行なう赤羽ReNY alphaでのワンマン公演へ向けての布石となる内容。この日の公演に来てくれた方には、数量限定ですが悪魔の角も無料でプレゼントします。セットリストも、現状、ネットに上がっているMVや振り付け動画などを通して聞ける楽曲を軸に選び、初めて来る人でも予習してもらえるとより楽しめる内容にしつつ、7月26日のワンマン公演へと繋がるライブを構築していこうと思っています。だからこそ、ぜひ観てほしいんです。

みやび  バンドって、ワンマン公演を観てこそ、本当の意味で良さが見えてくるもの。だからこそ、初めての人や、本命バンドとイベントで重なったときにSARIGIAも楽しんでいるという方などにも、今回のライブをきっかけにしてSARIGIAの世界にどっぷりと触れ、思いきり楽しんでもらいたい。絶対に俺らが本命バンドにしてやりますから。

Natsu  6月4日の無料公演は、7月26日の赤羽ReNY alpha公演へ向けての前哨戦となるライブ。ちょうどその日から赤羽ReNY alpha公演のSチケットの販売も始まります。なので、いち早くSチケットを手に入れるために会場へ足を運び、ついでにライブを楽しみ、角も手に入れてという気持ちでも構わない。無料で楽しみながら、気に入ったらSチケットも手にしてもらうでも構わない。理由は何でもいい。その日を機転に、みんなと一緒に赤羽ReNY alphaのワンマン公演へ向かっていけたらなと思っています。

アスカ  まさに、赤羽ReNY alphaでのワンマン公演へ向けてのスタートとなるライブのように、無料だし、友達も誘いながら気軽にライブ会場まで遊びに来てください。そこで「楽しい!!」と思ったら、今度はSARIGIAと一緒に赤羽ReNY alphaというワンマンへ向かっていきましょう。今回は無料公演だからこそ、一度騙されたと思って遊びに来てください。

SARIGIA, who is currently releasing music videos for 7 consecutive months, talks about their 5th work “gluttony-” which is currently under production and will be introduced at their ONEMAN on June 4th!

SARIGIA’s concept is “DEVIL” and “SEVEN DEADLY SINS“. From January this year until July the band will release a new MV and also perform a ONEMAN each month. The last ONE-MAN will be on July 26th, held at Akabane ReNY alpha. Additionally, the developments to their last ONEMAN and some other extras to the seven consecutive month releases can be followed via their YouTube channel. Every Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday, new videos will be shared about this journey.

SARIGIA recently released four music videos: 「傲慢-arrogance-」,「強欲-greed-」,「色欲-lust-」, and 「嫉妬-envy-」. However, in this interview you will learn more about their thoughts about the 5th MV 「暴食-gluttony-」 and their thoughts about their FREE ONEMAN “DEVILISH! Completely Free ONEMAN Sabbath- The deadly Sins Origin-666-Devil Rally-” which will be held on June 4th at Higashi Koenji 20,000 denatsu.    

—「嫉妬-envy-」 is a Visual Kei song?! —

ーI’d like to ask you again about the appeal of 「嫉妬-envy-」the fourth in a series of seven music videos that are currently being released. Aren’t the lyrics pretty badass?

Asuka: The lyrics are written about an obsession with something, no, it’s written with the feeling of a psychotic person who is totally obsessed with something. Also, it’s written in a narrative style, so I hope that you will understand the thoughts which are put into it.

ーI’m also wondering if Asuka’s own feelings are projected into the song?

Asuka: It really has nothing to do with myself, but there are maybe some things which I have in common, such as the feeling that you can have if you are obsessed with certain things. However, you can also see that “Envy” is a form of obsession. I’ve replaced the word “Obsession” for “Envy“.

ーI guess that’s true, there is kind of a “distorted” sense of obsession with people…

Asuka: I’m also interested in people, but it never turns into something like what happens in 「嫉妬-envy-」.

ー「嫉妬-envy-」sounds like a song that visual kei fans would embrace, doesn’t it?   

Natsu: That was something I was conscious of, right from the start of the guitar intro. It’s unique to visual kei, a guitar lead that remains in your ears while agitating the feelings of anxiety, and a tune with a sense of speed. On top of that various modulations were applied. The song is filled with a sense of fun, such as modulating the big chorus up half a note.

Shoma: 嫉妬-envy-」 is a visual kei song in a good way. The bass adds depth to the song while playing it in a way that overlaps with the backing of the guitar. By the way, Natsu-kun asked me to write the chorus melody, and I wrote it all by myself.

Miyabi: In the case of 「嫉妬-envy-」, it may sound rather uneventful. If there is a fast tempo, there are many developments in it, so only one person is sweating and it’s the drummer. This is where it overlaps with the style of visual kei music of today. Because of that, it feels good to receive love from fans via concerts, so I’ll continue to use this style for our shows. However, this song is one of those difficult songs to play because it leaves me sweaty after playing it. (laughs)

ーIn the MV of  「嫉妬-envy-」 Asuka-san cuts his wrist and colors his pure white shirt full of blood, didn’t he?

Asuka: Well, even if I’m doing that I don’t feel that I am a crazy person (laughs). It’s just because the theme of this work is “Envy“, also it’s not fun to just hold a grudge, so we had to think carefully about the ending of the MV before creating such a scene. Well if you are curious, please check out the video.

—The fifth work, 「暴食-gluttony-」 its image is “fashionably crazy”.—

ーUntil now all songs have their own tune.

Natsu: That’s what we were aiming for. We wanted to create seven songs based on the theme of “The Seven Deadly Sins“, And we wanted to make them all different, so that we could also create a music video for each of them. We’re still in the process of completing all of them.

ーSo the fifth song, 「暴食-gluttony-」, will be created based on this concept. First of all, please tell us about your aim of creating this song.

Natsu:  「暴食-gluttony-」is based of the “rhythm of jazz”, which is sublimated into a band sound. The sound of trumpets and other wind instruments are added as synchronization to create a flashy tune. At the time of this interview, the song is still incomplete, the lyrics aren’t yet added to the song, but the song will definitely have a different and brighter tone than our previous four songs.

Miyabi: It’s a shuffle-type bouncy rhythm song, which makes it hard to drum (laughs), but this song also includes a rather long drum solo, partly because of the jazz tone of the song. If you are a drum fan, usually there aren’t many elements that will excite you [compared to guitar fans]. However this time the drum solo is an appealing point for this song, actually it’s the attractive point!  

ーIt’s quite novel that Jazz elements are included in 「暴食-gluttony-」.

Natsu: We also had the image of “fashionable and crazy” in our mind.

ーThe lyrics [at the time of this interview] are still being worked on, aren’t they?

Asuka: I would say that the current lyrical draft is centered on “gluttony” so that it can be related to the title “eating“.  At first, I was thinking about “eating someone” [i.e. cannibalism], but that would be a different theme entirely, so I’m in the process of writing “gluttony” with “food” as the axis of the lyrics.

Shoma: Before we finished the melody of the song, I also had the image of eating someone in mind. However the music idea that came from Natsu gave me the impression of eating the same food, but in a stylish way, like eating fruit. Right now, I also can’t wait to see what kind of lyrics will come out of Asuka’s mind. Anyway, for 「暴食-gluttony-」, I used a walking bass technique where each note has its own movement. Also when I’m performing this song I need to concentrate and be careful that I won’t make a mistake, so I won’t have time to watch the audience because I have to focus (smiles). It’s a song that I like very much too, but it seems that it’s going to be a tough song to play live.  

ーWhat will be the atmosphere for the MV of 「暴食-gluttony-」?

Shoma: The main focus of the music video will be a “meal scene“, which will give a refreshing impression, but also add some darker parts to it. However, as we’re planning to make a video according to the content of the lyrics, I wonder what will happen depending on the finished lyrics. One thing that I can say is that all four of us are gluttonous (laughs). We’ve also uploaded a video of the four of us overeating 7,000 yen worth of McDonald’s on our SARIGIA YouTube channel.

Natsu:   傲慢-arrogance-」 is a bass prominent song, 「強欲-greed-」 was created in a way to promote the quality of music, 「色欲-lust-」 is the song for guitar fans, 「嫉妬-envy-」 is a song that highlights the appeal of the vocals. To follow along the flow that we have created from the beginning, we’ve created 「暴食-gluttony-」 as a drum-pushing song. Moreover, as 「暴食-gluttony-」 is based on jazz music, we tried to incorporate the appeal of jazz soloing into the song, at the end of the vocal’s chorus, the bass, drums, and guitar soloed together to create a flow. That’s also a highlight of the song which you should pay attention to.

Miyabi: I’m sure that there will be nice bass solo shots of Shoma. I’ll be doing it with an overhead shot* (laughs).

Shoma: Which means that the attention is somewhat forcibly passed towards me, but that’s okay (laughs).

**Note: An overhead shoot, aka the Bicycle Kick, is an acrobatic strike where a player kicks an airborne ball rearward in midair and is considered an iconic skill. Executing a bicycle kick in a competitive football/soccer match, particularly in scoring a goal, usually garners wide attention in the sports media. So in football/soccer terms, Shoma will be garnering a lot of attention for his bass solo part for the 「暴食-gluttony-」MV.

**Note: overhead shot is a high angle shot almost directly (or literally directly) above the subject. It allows the viewer in on the action but still maintains character detail. So in photography/movie terms, it also means that Shoma will be garnering a lot of attention for his bass solo part for the 「暴食-gluttony-」MV.

—As long you have money to travel to the venue, you can see our ONEMAN on June 4th without spending money at the venue, as the band will also pay for your drinks —

ーSARIGIA will hold “DEVILISH! Completely Free ONEMAN Sabbath- The deadly Sins Origin-666-Devil Rally-“, a ONEMAN which will be held on June 4th at Higashi Koenji 20,000 denatsu. As the title suggests, it’s a completely FREE ONEMAN.

Natsu: We, as a band, will even pay for your drinks, so if you are able to visit us you can watch our concert without spending any money. We hope that people who know our name “SARIGIA” but who never had the opportunity yet to see us, will feel free to come to visit our concert!

ーThe band also had to pay for the venue. In addition, the more people show up, the more the band has to pay for drinks, which increases the band’s deficit. Even so, you really want people to be able to see your concert, even if you have to pay it out of your own pocket.

Shoma: That’s right. The free performance on June 4th will be a stepping stone for the one-man performance at Akabane ReNY alpha on July 26th. For those who come to the performance on this day, we will also give away a limited number of “devil’s horns” for free. For the set-list, we will select songs that can be listened to through our MVs and choreography videos that are currently on our YouTube channel, to make it more enjoyable, even for our first-time visitors, so that everyone can prepare for it. Also we’re thinking of building a live show that will lead up to the one-man performance on July 26th. That is why we really want you to see it.

Miyabi: By watching only a ONEMAN you can really see the goodness of a band. That’s why we would like people who are new to the band and those who saw us playing at the same event as their favorite band have played to come see us, because we will use this concert as an opportunity to show ourselves for the full immersion, and show you the world of SARIGIA’s which everyone will enjoy to the fullest! We will definitely succeed in becoming everyone’s favorite band!

Natsu: The free performance on June 4th will be a prelude to the Akabane ReNY alpha performance on July 26th. From that day on, S-tickets for the Akabane ReNY alpha performance will also be on sale. So you can go to the venue to get your S-ticket as soon as possible, and enjoy the concert and get the “devil’s horns” as well.

Asuka: This [free] concert [at Higashi Koenji 20,000 denatsu] will be the start towards the one-man performance at Akabane ReNY alpha. It’s free, so please feel free to come to the concert and please invite your friends along. If you think it’s “fun“, let’s head to Akabane ReNY alpha together with “SARIGIA”. This time, the concert is free, so please think you’ve been deceived~! Please come and watch us!

悪魔的‼ 完全無料ワンマン サバト 〜大罪起源-666- 悪魔集会ー
2021/06/04 (Fri)
OPEN 17:30 / START 18:00
TICKET  ALL FREE ¥0 (Drink ¥0)

2021/07/26 (Mon)
赤羽ReNY alpha
OPEN 17:30 / START 18:00
ADV ¥3,500 / DAY ¥4,000(+D)

S. 豪華特典付Sチケット: ¥10,000 (6/4〜)
7/26 後夜祭チケットが手に入るのはSチケだけ‼
A.特典付e+チケット: ¥7,000 e+ (6/19〜)
B. e+チケット: e+一般 (6/26〜)
ー入場順ー S→A→B→C
