JROCK’N’ROLL Tokyo Trip 2023

Japanese translation: Momo



3月10日 (金)
到着の日、友人のNanaさん(ex-Vaiwatt)が私を空港に迎え来てくれて、宿泊する場所まで安全に連れて行ってくれました。そこに着くと、私は急いで準備する必要がありました。Project DのHAKUAさんと仕事の話をしたり、友人のYasuさんも一緒にLINDA GARAGEで飲んだりしました。Yasuさんは通訳もしてくれました。東京での初日にHAKUAさんとYasuさんと会えて、LINDA GARAGEバーで飲むこともできて、とても幸せでした。残念なことに、その夜は他のミュージシャンはバーにいませんでしたが、オーナーバンドMMS(MMS R&R Engineering)の大ファンである素敵なお二人とも話しました!LINDA GARAGEは西荻窪にあるバーで、ベーシストの林田正樹さんがオーナーを務めています。若い方々は、ご存じないかもしれませんが、80年代から90年代初めの日本のロックを愛した人であれば、彼のことを確実に知っていることでしょう。Yasuさんと私は、3月29日(水)にもう一度、一緒に飲むことを約束しました!

Left: (Acoustic) live stage – Right Masaki, Yasu & Me – Up left: Hakua & Me – Up Right: Cheers Hakua, Yasu & Me

3月11日 (土)
尾崎南展「絶愛」を見に行ってきました!私は長年「絶愛」のファンであり、彼女のオリジナルのアートを実際に見るのは本当に素晴らしかったです。RIORIOさんとKiiroさんと一緒に行きました。展覧会の後、RIORIOさんと一緒にお台場に行き、大きなガンダムを見ました(2回目です)。LUNA ROSSAに行く時間を待つ間、お台場でしばらく過ごしていました!KEITOさん(ex-Rapture、ex-La Valliere)がオーナーを務める池上のレストランで、美味しいステーキが食べられます!

3月12日 (日)

今日の午後は、再びNanaと過ごしました。写真を撮るのをすっかり忘れてしまいましたが、夕方にMEMEのLさんと会いました。LINDA GARAGEと”Takeiji”の純粋なアコースティックロックを見せたかったのです。Lさんは楽しんでいたように見えました。彼が、Ojisan spiritsからも何かを学んだことを願っています。驚いたのは、Lさんが、竹入さんや原さん、MASAKIさんと話せるなんて信じられなかったことです。Lさんはイベントの後に名古屋に帰りましたが、竹入さんやHARAさん、MASAKIさんと有意義で楽しい話ができていたら良いなと思います。以下、竹入さんのツイートとライブ映像です!ロックスピリットを味わいたい方は、ぜひご覧ください。



チェキを一緒に撮って頂いた後、(私は、それを喜んで支払いました!)STAR CAFE, KENZI’S BAR (THE DEAD P☆P STARS、∀NTIフェミニズム)に行きました。言葉の壁は少しありましたが、KENZIさんさんといろいろな話をすることができました!KENZIさんにゼツメイチェキを見せて、「ゼツメイの音楽はとても良いし、すごく良い人たちだから応援したい」と話しました。ケンジさんは、チェキにそんなにお金を支払ったことに笑って驚いていました。しかし、ゼツメイは、私が本当にサポートしたいと思う、素晴らしいバンドなのです。
一方で、最近のV系バンドの一部が、アイドルやホストのようになっている側面もある、ということも感じています。音楽に対する情熱よりも、お金を気にすることが多いという面です。このことは、私が「古いバンド」や「古いバンドマン」が大好きだという話にもつながってきます。古いバンドは、お金のことだけを気にするのではなく、彼らのやりたい音楽を作り続けているからです。この日は話すのがとても楽しくて、あまり飲まなかったので、私の飲み代はあまり高くありませんでした(ごめんなさい!)(Star Cafeについては後で詳しく書きます!)

その後、私はゲストとしてNETH PRIERE CAINのワンマンへ行きました。私は2016年以来、Double River Record様にお世話になっていて、いろいろなデザインをさせて頂いています。ウェブサイトをデザインして管理したり、キーホルダーやアクリルスタンドをデザインしたりしています。そのようなことで、NETH PRIERE CAINの始動時から、彼らと関わらせて頂いています。
NETH PRIERE CAINのワンマンライブは、3月16日と17日に東京で実施され、そのうちの1回に行こうと考えていて、幸いなことに17日に行くことができました!会場はそれほど広くはありませんでしたが、多くのファンたちで賑わっていました。飲み物は、1,000円のドリンクチケットでカシスソーダを飲みました。私はライブを後ろのほうから見ていましたが、それでもよく見えました!彼らは、とても素晴らしいセットリストを長い時間演奏してくれました。私はそれぞれの曲をとても楽しんで、ファンたちと共に動くことができました。NETH PRIERE CAINのことをまだあまり知らない方々も、ぜひ彼らを知って応援してみてください。NETH PRIERE CAINの音楽は、CDを買って曲を聴いたり、ライブに足を運んだりする価値のある、質の高い音楽です。

夕方に、ライブイベントに行くことになっていたのですが、事情で行けませんでした。でも、その日の早い時間に、可愛いKAORUさん(SICth / UDFmisa)と、Aimarという中野のレストランでランチをしました。素敵なカレーのあるお店で、本当に素晴らしい時間でした!(^^)



新宿にいて、夜に時間がある方は、ぜひSTAR CAFEにも行ってみてくださいね!KENZIさんは本当にフレンドリーで、お値段もそんなに高くないので、バーが開いている時間に、あなたも時間が取れるときには、ぜひそこに行ってみてください!

一番楽しみにしていたライブの日でした。やっとProject Dを見ることができました(彼らのセッションとしての最後のライブでした)。セッションバンドが、イベントの最初に演奏するのを見るのはとても楽しかったです。Project DのHAKUAさん、ありがとうございます!また、DAMMITLANDにやっと会えたことも、本当に嬉しかったです。DAMMILANDは会場をとても盛り上げていました。彼らの演奏について、本当の意味での素晴らしさを理解できていない方もいたかもしれません。しかし、少なくとも私はDAMMITLANDの演奏をとても楽しむことができ、観客の皆さんもそれを気に入っているように見えました。いつかまた彼らに会いたいです!DEVIANTの演奏直前に、私は体調が悪くなってしまったので、ホテルに戻って休むことにしました。一緒に乾杯をしたかった方には、ごめんなさい。

i.D.Aとミスイをやっと観ることができました。どちらのバンドも最高の演奏でした! i.D.Aもミスイも、アイドルのような雰囲気ではなく、素晴らしい音楽に乗って、楽しく動くことができました。それぞれのバンドがやりたいことを続けて、これからも素敵な音楽を作り続けることを願っています。本当はミスイのメンバーにも直接ご挨拶したかったのですが、スタッフさんに再度確認しようとした時に、スタッフさんの姿が見えなくなってしまいました。しかし、ミスイのチェキと、i.D.Aのライブ限定シングルを喜んで買いました!とても楽しい夜でした!

夜で、LINDA GARAGEでChu-yaさんとHidekiさんのアコースティックライブを見ました!とても楽しかったです!最初の「お手洗い休憩」は、皆さんがお手洗いに行くまでしばらく時間がかかってしまいましたが、それもちょっと面白かったです。お手洗いがとてもカッコ良いから、その雰囲気を楽しんでいたのでしょうか?ライブの後、HidekiさんとChu-yaさんと少し話しました!昔の写真集やCDなどをまだ持っているファンがいることを知るのは、彼らにとっても楽しいことであれば嬉しいです。(このようなイベントは、写真集やCDなどにサインを書いて頂くチャンスでもあります。)Hidekiさんと一緒に写真を撮るのを忘れてしまいましたが、Chu-yaさんとは一緒に撮ることができました。


日本のアーティストではないですがJACKSON BROWNEのライブに、DUSTINさんと一緒に行きました。私たちは無料で入場させて頂くことになっていました。しかし、どういうわけか会場のスタッフさんからは、私たちがリストに載っていないと言われ、チケットを購入することになりました。これはどういうことだったのだろう?と、今も疑問に思っています。3人の日本人も、ゲストとして入るのに苦労してしまいました。Sチケットはまだありましたが、あらかじめ入手しないと通常は売り切れなので、本当に奇妙です。音楽は、私の趣味とは少し違うものでしたが、素晴らしいアーティストが年齢を重ねてもステージで演奏し続けるのを見るのは、とても素敵なことでした。

LINDA GARAGEで、たくさんの方々とパーティーをしました!YasuさんとDavidさんは、とてもたくさんの友達と一緒に参加してくれました。Sallyさんも飲みに来てくれて、その夜は他にも多くの方々がLINDA GARAGEに来ていました!とても楽しかったです!^^
東京で時間のある時には、ぜひLINDA GARAGEに行ってみてください!あなたがロック音楽を大好きならば、きっと楽しい時を過ごせることでしょう!


JROCKNROLL went to Tokyo this March for about 22 days!
I went to see wonderful bands and to meet wonderful people again!
However to this blog I only will talk about the lives and encounters with wonderful musicians!

March 10th (FRI)
The day of arrival, after my friend Nana (ex-Vaiwatt) picked me up at the airport and dropped me safety at my hotel. Once there I had to get ready in a rush.
It was time to meet up HAKUA-san from “Project D” for some business talk and also good friend Yasu-san who would join us drinking at LINDA GARAGE. Yasu also helped out with the language barrier. I felt very happy to met both on the first day and to drink at LINDA GARAGE bar. Sadly that evening no other musicians entered the bar, however I also talked to two other nice music lovers who are big fans of the owner band MMS (MMS R&R ENGINEERING)! LINDA GARAGE is a bar in Nishi-Ogikubo and is owned by bassist Masaki Hayashida. Which name is unknown to younger people however those who loved Japanese Rock music from the 80ties and early 90ties surely know who he is. Also on this day Yasu-san and I promised him to have a final drink on Wednesday March 29th!

Left: (Acoustic) live stage – Right Masaki, Yasu & Me – Up left: Hakua & Me – Up Right: Cheers Hakua, Yasu & Me

March 11th (SAT).
I arrived just in time to Tokyo to see Ozaki Minami Zetsumei art exhibition! I’m a fan of Zetsuai since many years and it was really amazing to see her original art in real life. I went with RIORIO-san and Kiiro-san. After the exhibition I went with RIORIO to Odaiba to check out the big GUNDAM (again). We spent some time in Odaiba until it was time to go to LUNA ROSSA! A restaurant in Ikegami owned by KEITO ex-Rapture, ex-La Valliere. You can eat such delicious steak over there!

March 12th (SUN)
This day it was finally time for music! Finally I could see Trans☆Doll live! I talked to the vocalist AKIRA via facebook for some years already! And finally we could meet and I could see him perform with his band! I saw them at their own event at Ogikubo Club Doctor! After their live I went to Shinjuku Azzito 1224. However I got a little bit lost on the way to the venue, however lucky I was near the address I needed to be. When I arrived sadly the first performance was over, however the whole evening was mega fun with everyone! I finally saw HIRO, Sally and YUKI again after 4 years! Was a nice happy to see you again! With lots of great powerful music and lots of drinking together! Afterwards Sally and Yuki also saw me off

March 13th.(MON)
A day I spent the afternoon with Nana again. I totally forgot to take photos but in the evening I met L-san from MEME. I wanted to show him LINDA GARAGE and some pure acoustic rock from the heart by “Takeiji” . It seems L-san enjoyed the evening. Also I hope he learned something from the Ojisan spirits as well. What me surprised was that L-san couldn’t believe that he could talk with Takeiri and HARA or even with Masaki. L-san went back to Nagoya after the event, but I hope he spoke some good words with Takeiri, HARA and Masaki. Below a tweet from Takeiri with some live footage! Please watch it if you want to taste the rock spirit.
Afterwards, I also talked face to face with Takeiri. He loved the way I prounounced “ORANDA”. (lol)
It was amazing to talk face to face with a respected still active rock artist!
Anyway Takeban is on a large tour now, I’ll be sure to contact him again once the tour is over! I hope to interview him to ask him even more questions!

March 14th & 15th! (TUE & WED)
This day I went to a visual kei event, however I couldn’t really enjoy myself. Visual Kei turned into a idol feeling, you cannot dance or move freely on music you have to go with the flow of the fans even if some movements totally doesn’t fit the melody of the music, you are stuck into it. (lol). However lucky I could enjoy GERTENA the fullest! Of course I bought their single. GERTENA has a really great stage power. The next day I joined GERTENA white day event. Agato told me to be welcome to join the day and to pay afterwards, but on the day NAO-kun told me that the event actually was for those who gave them chocolate or something on valentine…? That it was okay to join but that I wouldn’t receive chocolate afterwards.(lol). I agreed. There was a bingo (I didn’t won anything). And some talk with the members. I talked mostly to Nao and Satsuki. Nao even dared to speak a little bit English. (thank you!) In the end we took a 5shot photo and I still received a small box with 3 sweets. Thank you!
I could watch them again, however on those days they played with bands I don’t really like. I didn’t feel to pay another 5000yen for it for just 25-30min worth of music.

March 16th
Another day I met NANA, we met bit early in Nakano, her friend was also with her. We went for drinking some coffee first then we meet up AKIRA the vocalist of Trans☆Doll! We went to a Chinese restaurant which many non-vkei artist go to to have dinner and some drinks together. We talked about various life things and when Nana and her friend left AKIRA and I talked a long time about the music industry. We both enjoyed talking about it. Someday I hope to meet him again to continue our talk!
After meeting Akira I went to Shinjuku to see Zetsumei as a “GUEST”. Thank you very much! Their live was absolute amazing! I felt even more in love with them! Dr.Mona even speaks a little bit English, so cute! And his cheki’s are full of his perfume (lol). Which I still could smell when arriving back home. Gt. Furitsu was very shy. But I was also happy to meet him in person, finally. His shyness is adorable. But he speaks no English. Even if I felt super nervous, I could lucky say my feelings in Japanese. After taking Cheki’s together with them (I happy paid for it!) I went to check out STAR CAFE, KENZI’s bar (THE DEAD P☆P STARS、∀NTI FEMINISM). Even though there was some language barrier, I could talk well with Kenzi-san! I showed him my Zetsumei cheki’s, but I also told Kenzi-san that Zetsumei is a band I happy throw my money to, because they are really good and nice guys. But he laughed and was surprised that I throwed in so much money to have four 2-shots. I told him, I agree with him, but that Zetsumei is really an amazing band which I really don’t mind to support. But that I also do agree that nowadays vkei feels more like idol and host. No heart for music only eyes for money. Which of course lead to talk that I love “older bands/band man” because they still keep going making music instead only caring for money. Because talking was so much fun and interesting I didn’t drink a lot, so my bill of the night wasn’t so high (sorry!). (more about Star Cafe later on!)

March 17th
Another afternoon I spent with NANA-san (smile). Sadly the last afternoon, we didn’t know that (T_T) Miss you!
However afterwards I went as a guest to the ONEMAN of NETH PRIERE CAIN! I’m in good terms with double river records since 2016. I do design various things for them. For NPC I designed and I still maintain the website and time to time I also create some of their keychains and stand holders. That’s why I do follow them closely since their start. When I saw they played a ONEMAN in Tokyo on the 16th and 17th. I tried to go to one of their shows and lucky I could go on the 17th!. The venue wasn’t that big (drinks expensive, I had to pay 1000yen for drink ticket and was all used for just ONE””CASSIS soda”). But the venue was crowed of people. I watched them from the back, but I still could see them well!.They played a nice a good long setlist. I enjoyed each song and could move easy with the audience. If you still don’t know to support NPC, my answer would be to you please throw your money to them. Whenever you listen to them via a CD or watch them live, it’s quality music!
After the gig I went to Koenji?(I think) To meet up Wheelie (who is a vocalist) after 4 years too, to toast a drink and have a chat with him and one of his friends.

MARCH 18th
I supposed to go to a live event at the evening, however due some circumstances I couldn’t go. But earlier on that day I had a business lunch with lovely KAORU (SICth / UDFmisa) at Nakano at a restaurant called Aimar, which had a lovely curry on the menu. It was a really wonderful meeting! ^^

MARCH 19th
Another day I spent with JROCKNROLL staff RIORIO-san. After checking Koganei for a bit including some shopping we went to the special session event of the bassist of LOUDNESS Masayoshi Yamashita. The event was super fun, music was great a mix between good rock and metal. You just needed 1 drink ticket for 1 drink of your choice. After the event you could freely talk with Masayoshi Yamashita, you could ask for his signature and photo as well. The event only cost you 6000yen + drink and you can talk freely with any artist who performed that day, so if you are a huge fan it’s one of THE moments to meet your idols face to face. I still feeling really happy and glad to have met Masayoshi Yamashita finally in person again! Hope to see him with LOUDNESS soon again in the NETHERLANDS again. I really feel sad that the tour has been canceled. I pray it will be rescheduled soon!

MARCH 20th
This day I supposed to meet NANA again (I guess), but she seemed to be sick. So daytime I just went out for some shopping sightseeing and in the evening I arrived too late at the DAZZLINGBAD oneman (whoops). They only played for 70min and I missed the first 20-30min. However what I could hear sounded nice….yes could hear. The stage of the venue was so damn low that you almost could see nothing from the back. After the live I bought their new CD and I went to NAKANO to check out the bar OICHO. Which I also have featured here on JRNR! The bar is a little bit far from the station, but it’s an easy walk. I might was the only customer for the evening so I talked with DEBU-san(Hideki Tajima) and a staff member? the whole time alone until I went back to my hotel. I totally forgot to take more photos.

March 22nd
Another day I went to a visual kei event! The second time to see ZETSUMEI live! Thanks to RIORIO-san I could buy a normal ticket via eplus on the 19th! Because Zetsumei was such great band on the 16th I decided to throw in some more money! And again this day too ZETSUMEI was the best performing band! Mona and Furitsu were kind again when taking a two-shot cheki together, however I seemed to won another two-shot (by buying day cheki’s as well) which I didn’t notice until I was back at my hotel. (lol) Hope I still can redeem it someday! After the event I went to KENZI’s bar again, I promised him to go once more. Sadly I was the only customer for the night (at least until about 23:15? or so). But KENZI and I had a good talk again even if there was some language barrier we still could talk well enough! I surely will check his bar and bands out next time if possible and throw in some more money! And KENZI-san thanks for the many small gifts! (^_^)v. So anyone who has time at the evening and is in Shinjuku, please be sure to check out STAR CAFE as well! KENZI-san is really friendly, also it’s not really too expensive to hang out there, so go there if the bar is open and if you have the time!

March 23rd.
It was the live evening I looked forward to the most. Finally I could see Project D (which was their last live as a session). It was really fun to see a session band kick off an event. Also I was very glad to finally seeing DAMMITLAND. DAMMILAND really rocked the venue, sadly the audience didn’t really seem to understand their way of brutal playing. But at least I could enjoy it how I wanted it and the guys liked it too. Hope to see them once more someday! I left just before DEVIANT started to play, because my body felt bad, so I decided to rest at my hotel for the night. I’m sorry for those who wanted to toast afterwards.

March 24th
The evening when I could finally see i.D.A and MISUI. Both bands were definitely the best bands of the night. Both bands didn’t had an idol feeling and you could move easily along with the music by finding the right beat to move on. Hope that both bands keep on going doing what they wanna do and keep on making great music. I really would have wished to have met MISUI members in person, but just when I wanted to ask the Staff again their staff was gone. (lol). However I gladly bought MISUI cheki and i.D.A live limited singles! I enjoyed the evening!

March 25th
After a long time meet again with three male friends at Shinjuku. (It was a rainy day, so we didn’t really walk around)
I went to see the live of Chuya and Hideki at LINDA GARAGE, an acoustic live! Which was mega fun! And the first “toilet break” well it took a while until everyone who needed went to the toilet, which was kind of funny too moment as well. Or maybe it’s because you just enjoy the atmosphere of the toilet, because it looks so cool? After the show I talked a bit with Hideki and Chuya also! Maybe even for them it’s fun to see that some people still do own old photobooks or CD’s etc which they would like to be signed. (Because yes, such event is also a chance to get a signature) I forgot to take a photo together with Hideki-san. But I took a photo together with Chuya.

March 26th
I want to the ONEMAN live of MMS which was truly amazing!
After the gig everyone also could stay for an after drink which was very enjoyable as well.

March 28th
I went together with DUSTIN to the live of JACKSON BROWNE not a Japanese artist. We supposed to be get in for FREE. However somehow the venue staff acted like we were NOT on the list. We ended up to buy tickets instead. I still wonder if it was a kind of scam? 3 other Japanese people also had trouble to get in as a guest… felt a bit stinky. We even still had S tickets which are usually sold out if you don’t get them way in advance so really strange.
The music wasn’t really my taste but it was still cool to see such great artist on a stage still performing even if he is already so old.

March 29th
Party at LINDA GARAGE with a bunch of people! Yasu and David joined with a bunch of their friends. Sally also came to visit and drink together and a bunch of other people seemed also to visit LINDA GARGE that evening! It was lots of fun! ^^
Please visit LINDA GARAGE if you are in Tokyo and have time to go!
If you love rock music, I doubt you will regret it!

With this day we also came to an end of enjoy music in Tokyo…!
Oh not really, but I don’t have photos of that night! On March 30th I went to Ikebukuro chop! Which I really enjoyed as well.
I can’t wait to be in Tokyo again and to enjoy music again, but well let’s first fill up JROCK’N’ROLL a little bit with various new stuff!
Please Keep tuned I update it slowly!
New interviews will be published in a couple of months again, I didn’t decided yet who to interview next, but I hope to decide that soon!