PHOTO: RINethics Inc TEXT: 長澤智典
衝撃的!!アイドル初体験のメンバーばかりのLOVE IZ DOLL、お披露目ライブで、4ヶ月後にZepp Tokyoでワンマン公演を発表!!マジで?!
「等身大の着せ替え人形」をコンセプトに誕生したのが、LOVE IZ DOLL (ラヴィーズ・ドール)。3月7日(日)に彼女たちは赤羽ReNY alphaを舞台にお披露目ライブを、しかもイベントの大トリを飾る形で行なった。
ライブは、心の扉を優しく開くように「BE LOST」から幕を開けた。胸に抱えた恋の痛みを零すように、5人は哀切な声で歌っていた。LOVE IZ DOLLが最初に示したのが、迷い、惑いながら心の迷路から抜け出そうとする姿。恋する乙女の痛く苦しい心の声が、5人の熱を抱いた声を通すことで、ただ切ないだけではない。ここから状況を変えようとしていく強い意志としても見えていた。
表情は、一変。彼女たちは、甘えた素振りで「ねぇ ダーリン」と「My Sweet Darling」を歌いだした。この曲も、愛しい人へ向けた恋心を記した歌。愛しい人の存在があるからこそ自分も輝かけるという強い気持ちが、彼女たちの歌声を通して伝わってきた。夢あふれる楽曲のように、「My Sweet Darling」に触れていると自然に気持ちが弾みだす。愛らしい仕種混じりに歌いパフォーマンスする姿は、手を触れると壊れそうな繊細な人形のよう。美しく可愛いけど、その儚さも愛おしい。
止まることなく楽曲は、「Brilliant Days」へ。1曲1曲着替えるように、LOVE IZ DOLLは楽曲の表情を塗りかえてゆく。同じ恋する乙女心を歌う楽曲でも、それがうつむく切ない想いなのか、夢や未来に希望を重ねてゆく姿かなど、心模様次第で曲調も、メンバーたちの歌声の温度も変わってゆく。真っ直ぐに想いをぶつけるこの曲の彼女たちを見ていると、恋する気持ちが自分を輝かせるパワーになっていくことを気付かせてくれる。
初々しい自己紹介に続いて、ここでものすごい発表が…。この日のイベントが、LOVE IZ DOLLの初ステージ。その彼女たちに告げられたのが…。LOVE IZ DOLLは、7月8日に「七夕祭」と「如月めいと本気すずの生誕祭」を兼ね、デビューワンマンライブをZepp Tokyoで行なうことを発表。その発表に、メンバーたちは本気で動揺していた。
最後にLOVE IZ DOLLは、ふただひ「BE LOST」を歌唱。「夢ならこのまま覚めないで」の歌詞が、今の彼女たちの気持ちに重なって響いていたに違いない。「BE LOST」は、勇気を振り絞り隠した胸の内を告げる歌のように、5人の歌声やパフォーマンスからも強い意志がしっかりと伝わってきた。曲ごとに自分たちの気持ちや歌声も着替えながら、心の声を真っ直ぐに届けてゆくLOVE IZ DOLL。その魅力を、胸の内を零す「BE LOST」を通して、より強く感じていた。
先にも触れたように、LOVE IZ DOLLは7月8日に、Zepp Tokyoでデビューワンマン公演を行なう。4ヶ月後、彼女たちがZepp Tokyoの舞台へどんな景色を舞台に描き、どんな景色のフロアを見ているのか、その軌跡をちょっと追いかけたくなった。
最後に、メンバーらのZepp Tokyo公演へ向けた想いも記したい。
桃瀬エル「本当に私たちがZepp Tokyoでワンマン?と思ったのが正直な気持ちでした。私たちみんなアイドル活動は初めての経験。このメンバーが集まり、デビューまでの期間はあっという間。その間にも、いろんな人たちの支えがあってデビュー日を迎えられた嬉しさと実感があるように、感謝の気持ちを忘れることなく、ファンの方々も含め、支えてくださる人たちと一緒に、Zepp Tokyo公演へ向かいたいなと思います」
藍沢ナナミ「今日が初ステージで、4ヶ月後にはZepp Tokyoでワンマン公演…。想像もしていなかったです。初ステージは緊張もしたけど楽しかったから、この楽しさを大きく膨らませながらZepp Tokyoへ向かって進みたいです」
兎魅々みみ「短期間で、どこまでファンの人たちを増やせるのか不安はありますけど。Zepp Tokyoの舞台に立てることは素直に嬉しいです。初ライブは、お客さんたちの楽しんでいる表情もしっかり見ながらできれば、楽しいという気持ちでずっといれました。とにかく今は、4ヶ月後に向けて頑張るだけです!」
如月めい「わたしと(本気)すずちゃんの生誕祭を大きなZepp Tokyoでやらせてもらえるのが嬉しいなっていう気持ちです。 4ヶ月でどこまで成長していけるのか…。でも、いつかはZepp Tourもやりたいです(笑)まずは、毎回みんなを楽しませるライブをやっていきます」
本気すず「まさか、自分と(如月)めいちゃんの生誕祭をZepp Tokyoでやるなんて…。正直、今でも夢のようです。でも、今日のライブを体験して、アイドルとして舞台に立つことが、こんなにもめちゃくちゃ楽しいんだと実感しました。早く、Zepp Tokyoが似合うくらいのアイドルまで成長できるようになりたいです」
「My Sweet Darling」
「Brilliant Days」
本気すず (Maji Suzu) @suzu_LID
兎魅々みみ (Usamimi Mimi) @MIMI_LID
藍沢ナナミ (Aizawa Nanami) @nanami_LID
桃瀬エル (Momose Eru) @ERU_LID
如月めい (Kisaragi Mei)@Mei_LID
(※如月めい&本気すず 合同生誕祭)
Zepp Tokyo
Shocking! LOVE IZ DOLL, whose members are all new to the world of idols, announced at their debut live show that they will be holding a solo show at Zepp Tokyo in 4 months! Are they serious?!
LOVE IZ DOLL was born with the concept of “life-sized dress-up dolls.” On March 7 (Sun), they held their debut live at Akabane ReNY Alpha, as the last act of the day.
They opened the show with their song “BE LOST” to gently open the door of everyone’s heart. The five members sang with sad voices as if they were spilling out the pain of love they carried within their hearts. The very first thing LOVE IZ DOLL showed to us was a lost and confused shape trying to get out of the maze of the heart. The painful and bitter heart of a maiden in love which goes through the feverish voices of five people is not just seen as something sad. It is also seen as a “strong will” to change the situation from here.
When they sang their next songs “Ne~ Darling” and “My Sweet Darling” their expressions changed completely. They sang both songs with a sweet smile on their faces.
“Ne~ Darling” describes the love someone feels for their most beloved person. Through their voices, the girls conveyed their strong feelings sparkling because of the presence of their loved ones.
“My Sweet Darling” is a song full of dreams which makes you naturally feel happy. The way they sang and performed it with cute gestures, they looked like delicate dolls that would break if you touched them. They are looking so beautiful and cute, but their fragility is also lovely.
The following song is “Brilliant Days“, and without stopping LOVE IZ DOLL repaints the expression of the song as if changing clothes one by one. Even if this song is about a maiden in love, the tone of the song and the heath of the members’ voices will change depending on whether the part of the lyrics is about a sad, depressed girl in love or a girl who is piling up her hopes and dreams for the future. Looking at the girls singing this song, who are expressing their feelings in a straightforward manner, makes you realize that the feeling of love becomes the power that makes you shine.
After the innocent self-introductions, there was a big announcement… This day’s event was the first stage show of LOVE IZ DOLL. The girls announced that LOVE IZ DOLL will hold their ONEMAN debut live at Zepp Tokyo on July 8, which will be a combination of “Tanabata Festival” and “Kisaragi Mei and Maji Suzu Birthday event“.
And as the last LOVE IZ DOLL song of the day they again sang “BE LOST“. A part of the lyrics says “If it’s a dream don’t wake up yet” must have resonated with the girls’ current feelings. “BE LOST” is a song about the courage of what is hiding inside you, with this song the five members conveyed their own strong will with their voices and it shows. LOVE IZ DOLL change their feelings and singing voices for each song, delivering the voice of their hearts straight to the audience. This charm is felt most strongly through “BE LOST“, in which they spilled their heart out.
As mentioned earlier, LOVE IZ DOLL will hold their debut solo show at Zepp Tokyo on July 8. In these following four months let us follow the girls to their road to stand on stage at Zepp Tokyo and let us see what kind of scenery they would paint on the stage and what kind of scenery they would look at.
Finally, please check out the members’ thoughts towards their road to the Zepp Tokyo show.
Momose Eru: To be honest I also thought, “Are we really going to do a one-man show at Zepp Tokyo?!“. Since we’re all new to this idol world it didn’t take a long time to form as a group to make our first stage debut. On this road I realized that I was able to make my stage debut thanks to the support of many people and I really feel happy and thankful for that. I truly hope that I can go to Zepp Tokyo with all the people who supported me including my fans!
Aizawa Nanami: Today is my first time on stage, and in four months I’ll be performing a one-man at Zepp Tokyo… I could never have imagined that myself. I really felt nervous to stand on stage for the first time, but I truly had lots of fun, and I would like to build on this fun and joy as I move towards Zepp Tokyo!
Usamimi Mimi: I feel a little bit worried about how we can increase our fanbase in such a short period of time. But I’m honestly happy to be able to stand on stage at Zepp Tokyo! Today at our very first concert, I hoped that I could see if the audience enjoyed themselves, I feel happy that everyone seemed to have fun during our whole show! Anyway I’m going to do my best for the upcoming 4 months!
Kisaragi Mei: I’m happy that there will be a birthday event for Suzu-chan and me at the big Zepp Tokyo. I wonder how far we can go in just 4 months…? But someday I wish to do a Zepp Tour (laugh) But first of all I want to do shows that will entertain everyone every time again!
Maji Suzu: “No way” I could dream of to have a birthday event for myself and Mei-chan at Zepp Tokyo…. To be honest, it still feels like a dream. But after experiencing today’s live, I realized how insanely fun it is to be on stage as an idol. I want to grow up to be an idol that suits Zepp Tokyo as soon as possible.
「My Sweet Darling」
「Brilliant Days」
本気すず (Maji Suzu) @suzu_LID
兎魅々みみ (Usamimi Mimi) @MIMI_LID
藍沢ナナミ (Aizawa Nanami) @nanami_LID
桃瀬エル (Momose Eru) @ERU_LID
如月めい (Kisaragi Mei)@Mei_LID