NEiNのvkgyセルフライナーノーツはJRNRが最初に調整した! こちらでも共有することにしました! 宜しくお願い致します。
NEiN’s Self Liner Notes was original coordinated by JRNR! We also decided to share the interview on this website! Please enjoy it!
『katharsis』ついにNEiN初のフル・アルバムが完成! NEiNの2016年から現在までの集大成、そして今後への展望を見据えた「最狂」と呼ぶにふさわしいアルバム。2019年に加入した新ベーシスト=LINAによって「最凶」に生まれ変わった楽曲とサウンドも必聴!!
※アルバムのパッケージ・ダウンロード購入の特典として、配信限定で発表したシングルの別ヴァージョン「霖の痕 (Voice & Piano Ver.)」をボーナス・トラックとして収録!!
This time, the members of NEiN provided their self liner notes for first album, katharsis.
The album was released April 21st, and is the culmination of their activity from 2016, featuring vicious re-recordings with new bassist LINA. It is available on all digital platforms, and includes a bonus track when all tracks are purchased together. A physical version is available from their web shop which includes an additional bonus track.
3.バースディ (Birthday)
4.コーリング (Calling)
5.ジ・エンド (The End)
6.標的 (Hyouteki)
7.イデア (Idea)
8.アザミ (Azami)
9.【警告】 【Keikoku】
10.奈落 (Naraku)
【全曲】 [作曲] 舜 / [作詞] eisuke
Credits: [all music] Shun (舜) / [all lyrics] eisuke
【販売】official web shop (+ 特典CD) / iTunes (+ ボーナストラック) Amazon (+ ボーナストラック) / Google Play (+ ボーナストラック) mora (+ ボーナストラック) / Spotify / YouTube / other
Purchase: official web shop (+ bonus CD) / iTunes (+ bonus track) Amazon (+ bonus track) / Google Play (+ bonus track) mora (+ bonus track) / Spotify / YouTube / other
[eisuke] NEiNの中で唯一の全英詞の曲。自分のボーカル人生でも初の試みでした。
[舜] 基本的に日本語タイトルが鉄則のNEiNですが、この曲だけは英語表記。
[健太] NEiN不動の1曲目に演る1曲です!
[LINA] 怒涛のアルバムのオープニングというのもあり2曲目の極へと続くフェードイン感を意識したBASSを弾いてみたつもりです。・・・つもりです(笑)
[拓馬] katharsisの幕開け!スケールを大きく感じながらドッシリ腰を据えるイメージで叩きました!出だしの白玉1発で引きずり込まれるNEiNの世界観を感じて下さいませ!
[eisuke] This is the only song by NEiN that has fully English lyrics. It was a first for me in my life as a vocalist. This song has a big scale. It’s an amazing song and even changed my view of music. I love the arrangement of the death shout from the chorus!
[Shun] Basically it’s an iron rule for NEiN to create their lyrics in Japanese, yet this song is written in English. And as you can see, the world view of this song is unique. I can’t imagine not playing this song as the first song at our lives. (laugh) It’s a song that opens a new door for NEiN.
[Kenta] NEiN’s immovable song; of course it would be the first song! This song represents stillness and movement, with a world view that stands out. The song definitely gives a feeling that something will begin for the first time. Soak it in!
[LINA] Because it’s a turbulent opening to the album, I played the bass with an awareness of fading into the second song, 極-goku-… well I tried to (laugh).
[Takuma] katharsis‘ kick-off! I concentrated all of my energy on hitting the drums to create a massive sense of scale. I hope you’ll feel the worldview of NEiN as if it’s dragging you in from the first shot!
M2 極-goku-
[eisuke] この曲はデモの段階から「きた~!!」って思いましたね(笑)
[舜] アルバムを作る上で以前のNEiNとは一線を画した物を、と考えていたのでこの曲は俄然そのテイストが出ている。LINAが加入したこともあり、彼の特性を活かせる曲をという構想からもベースをフューチャーした箇所がいくつかある。
[健太] リナさんが居てこその曲ですね!曲の展開が面白く且つ5人になった新しいNEiNを表現出来ている曲だと思います。色んな要素が詰まってる新生NEiNを代表する曲です。
[LINA] 俺がNEiNに正式加入してからの新曲と言うのもあり舜がバンド最凶なゴリッゴリナンバーを産んでくれまして仮デモを貰って聴いてすぐにBASSラインのイメージが出来た曲です。テンポチェンジがとにかく難しい!(笑)
[拓馬] NEiNの中では攻撃的な位置にある楽曲です!
疾走感と重圧感がいい感じで出せたかなと^ ^
[eisuke] For this song I kept thinking “it’s coming!” even since the demo stage. The lyrics are very elaborate, and I especially struggled with the A melody. There’s high-pitched shouting, which we’ve been doing since Houteki (標的); it’s one of NEiN’s weapons! On the other hand, there’s also the essence of growl music.
Above all, the melody of the chorus is the best. It’s really difficult to sing without taking a breath (laughs). Only the composer, Shun, can understand this feeling (laughs). When I was recording I was like “that chorus is really hardddd lol” (laughs).
As the title says, it’s the “ultimate” (極-goku-) song!
[Shun] We wanted to make an album that would be different from the previous works of NEiN, and this song abruptly has that taste. Since LINA has joined us, there are some songs that were written with the idea that we could feature some of his bass characteristics.
[Kenta] This song is only possible with LINA! This song shows the interesting development of the new NEiN as a five member band. It representative of the new NEiN which is packed with many elements.
[LINA] When I officially joined NEiN this was our newest song; Shun had produced the band’s deadliest song, and after hearing the demo I immediately had an image in my head of the bass line. The tempo change in this song is really difficult (laughs). Also there’s a shouting match between me and eisuke.
[Takuma] This an aggressive song of NEiN! It gives a sense of urgency and pressure, in a good way ^^ My personal highlight is eisuke’s power chorus! (I didn’t participate in this one though!!)
M3 バースディ (Birthday)
[eisuke] 自分の中でバースディ、コーリング、ジ・エンドは一連の3部作の裏テーマがあるんです。
[舜] 完全に俺の好きなBring me the horizonの影響を受けてる曲・・・w
[健太] イントロのキャッチィーなリフが俺的には大好物です!一度聴いたら頭から離れません。eisukeのツインボーカル的な歌い回しもカッコ良い。
[LINA] 疾走感を重視して録りました。目立って前に聴こえてくるBASSラインでは無いとは思いますが良く聴くと地味に面倒なBASSになってます。この曲だけではありませんが色々アドリブで録った為レコーディングしてから後々自分のBASSをコピーした曲が多々あります(笑)
[拓馬] リズムの押し引きを楽しんで録りました!
たたみかける展開にテンションが上がります^ ^
[eisuke] In my mind, BIRTHDAY, CALLING, and THE END are a trilogy in theme. BIRTHDAY is the first of these. As the title suggests, the theme is the destructive power of being born. In the chorus, I tried to use all of my experience from hardcore and metal!
[Shun] It was completely influenced by my favorite Bring me the horizon song・・・ lol Actually the chorus was supposed to be melodious, but then it felt like just a vkei song (lol) so the shouting was added. I still have the melody line saved in my DAW [Ed.: audio editing software.] though.
[Kenta] The catchy riff in the intro is my personal fav! Once you hear it, you can’t get it out of your head. eisuke’s twin vocal style is also cool.
[LINA] I recorded it with a sense of speed. I don’t think it’s the kind of bass line that hits you in the face, but if you listen closely it’s a very careful bass line. This is one of many songs where I copied my own bass after the initial recording because I’d ad libbed a lot.
[Takuma] I enjoyed the push and pull of the rhythm as I recorded it! The quick repetition really builds tension ^^ And, I love the drum section where the rhythm in the song is halved! I hope you’ll listen!
M4 コーリング (Calling)
[eisuke] NEiN3部作的な裏テーマのセカンド!「存在理由」とか「今を生きる」、STAY REALが歌詞のテーマで作ってます。サビでのテンポチェンジはボーカルもめっちゃ難易度高いんですが、これを拓馬さんと何回もスタジオで練習したのがとても良い思い出です。
[舜] サビでグッとテンポが落ちます。ライブでやる時にはここで全員躓きました笑(特に健太が)
[健太] テンポチェンジが激しくなかなか難しいっす!が、かなり弾きごたえのある1曲です!ギターは結構面白いと思いますので是非そこも聴いて欲しいです。
[LINA] この曲はビート感を重視して弾きました。俺らしくない様で俺らしいBASSになったかなと思うてます。BASS録りを終えてデータを送ったら後日舜から冒頭の決めの音が一発足りなかったよと言われて「あ!」てなった曲です(笑)
[拓馬] サビのテンポチェンジに苦労しましたがいい感じに録れました!サビでも歌を邪魔しない決め決めのリズムが気に入ってます!
[eisuke] The second in NEiN’s hidden theme trilogy! In the lyrics, “STAY REAL” refers to the theme of “reason for existence” and “live for now.” The tempo change in the chorus is difficult as a vocalist, and I remember practicing with Takuma-san many times in the studio.
[Shun] The tempo slows down in the chorus. We all tripped up here when we played live lol (especially Kenta) . In the album version, the post-interlude guitar at the back of the C melody is the highlight of the song.
[Kenta] The tempo changes are so intense that it’s really difficult! But it’s an impressive song! I think the guitar is pretty interesting, so I hope you’ll listen to it too.
[LINA] I played this song with an emphasis on the beat. It’s not my usual style but it turned into my own style. However after I finished recording the bass, I sent the data, and later Shun replied the opening bass wasn’t strong enough, so this is the song that made me say “AHHH!!~!” (laughs)
[Takuma] I had a hard time with the tempo change in the chorus, but it was recorded well! I like that the rhythm is so decisive but doesn’t interrupt the chorus!
M5 ジ・エンド (The End)
[eisuke] NEiN3部作的のラストを飾る曲!
[舜] ライブで存分に暴れられる曲。
[健太] 凄く攻撃的なリフから始まるけど、凄く美しい曲だと思っております。個人的にこの曲は弾いていて凄く気持ち良い!ベストオブリフ曲です!
[LINA] 攻撃的なGuリフから始まるヘッドバンキングナンバーです。なのでLIVEで暴れ易い様に考えたBASSになってるかな。中間のBASSラインは難しい事はしてないのに何故か手こずったな・・・理由は未だにわかりません(笑)
[拓馬] ドラムはシンプルな疾走感、軽快なリズムで曲を押し上げてます!静と動を表現してる所がお気に入り。僕的にサビのメロディー、歌は神がかっており極上でございます!
[eisuke] The last song in NEiN’s trilogy! At lives the opening riff flows immediately from the headbanging of the previous song. It’s one of the strongest songs that looks cool live. The feeling of the chorus and the destructive verse are so emotional that I accidentally lose myself (laughs).
[Shun] This song you can play violently at lives. Before we released katharsis, a guest (a fan of one of the bands we were playing against) asked “that song was really cool, but on which CD is it?” I was surprised and happy to hear that. I’m really sorry that we hadn’t recorded it sooner… So I hope that you bought the album!
[Kenta] The song starts with a very aggressive riff, but it’s a very beautiful song. Playing this song personally feels also great! It’s our song with the best riff!
[LINA] This is a headbanging song that begins with an aggressive guitar riff. I thought it’s an easy song to go wild with the bass at a live. Even though I didn’t do anything difficult bass line, the middle was a pain for some reason… I still don’t know why (laughs).
[Takuma] The drum uplifts the song with a simple rushing feeling and a light rhythm! I like the way it expresses stillness and movement. For me, the melody and lyrics of the chorus are godly!
M6 標的 (Hyouteki)
[eisuke] ライブ来てくれてるみんなは分かってくれると思うけど完全にライブでブチ上げの十八番になってる曲ですね。サビでみんなでジャンプ。ライブでとても楽しんで貰える曲だと思います。
[舜] NEiN開始当初からある曲。
[健太] NEiN結成当初からある曲でライブではイントロからノリノリな曲です。ライブでのジャンプはもう定番ですね!自然に笑顔になってしまう曲です。
[LINA] レコーディングよりも前からLIVEで弾いてましたがLIVEでメンバーみんなが飛び跳ねながら演奏してんのよね。なので俺も飛びながら弾けるBASSにしようと思いながら録ったんやけど出来上がったら飛びながら弾くのやっぱ難しくなってました(笑)
[拓馬] バンド結成当初からやっている曲で、LIVEはみんなでジャンプ^ ^標的のLIVEでは暴れ回るフロントメンバーの背中を見ながらドラムを叩くのが大好きなんです!
[eisuke] I’m sure those of you who have come to our live shows will understand, but it’s a song that’s completely become a hit at our live shows. Everyone jumps together at the chorus. I think it’s a song that you can really enjoy live. The lyrics of the chorus are my favorite.
[Shun] This song has been around since the beginning of NEiN. Actually, this was going to be NEiN’s second song, but due to the sudden creation of 廻-kai- it became the third one. Even now, it’s an essential “up number” for live performances. There’s some tapping in the album version that I’m not good at, so it’s refreshing (laugh)
[Kenta] This song existed since the beginning of NEiN, and it’s a song that is lively right from the intro. Jumping at lives is already a routine! It’s a song that naturally makes you smile.
[LINA] I played this song live before the first recording for this song. Also at lives all the members jump around while performing the song. So I tried to create a bass line that I also could jump and fly around to while performing. But when the recording was completed, the song wasn’t that easy to play while flying around (laughs).
[Takuma] It’s a song that we’ve been doing since the beginning of the band, and everyone jumps around while performing it live ^^ While playing it, I love to beat the drums while watching the backs of the rampaging members in front of me!
M7 イデア (Idea)
[eisuke] BRAND NEW WORLDと同様、英詞メインの曲。しかも最初のAメロのオートチューンエフェクトのボーカルアレンジなどボーカルとして新しい試みをしている曲です。
[舜] これも「極」に続いてアルバムのために書き下ろした曲。
イントロはPANTERAみたいなのに突然のEDM(´﹃ `)
[健太] デモが上がってきた時から本当にカッコよくライブでも必ず盛り上がる曲だとビビビと来ました!まだライブで出来てないけども・・・進化したNEiNが見える曲だと思います!
[LINA] このアルバムで唯一LIVEでまだ披露してない新曲です。仮デモ貰うて思うたのは・・・とにかくややこしい!(笑)けどメンバーのレコーディングが終わり完成版を聴いた時にカッコ良すぎて鳥肌が立った曲です。早よ披露したいな!
[拓馬] NEiNの一番新しい曲なのでまだLIVEでやった事はないんですが、ヘビーなセクションの後に来るサビの広がりはLIVEでも絶対盛り上げれる主力の曲だと思います!
[eisuke] Just as BRAND NEW WORLD, this song is mainly in English. Moreover, this song includes a new attempt: we used an autotune effect on the vocals on the first A melody. For me it feels as the start of the second chapter of NEiN–I think that this song is going to be key at our future gigs. I think this song is even refreshing for those who know NEiN from the past.
[Shun] This is also a song written for the album following 極-goku-. There was so much I wanted to do, and after all it was like merging two completely different songs together (laughs).
The intro is like PANTERA, but then suddenly turns into EDM! (´﹃ `) To be honest, after writing it myself I was like “huh?!”. But everyone liked the song, so we used it how it turned out.
This song made me realize that you cannot always decide yourself whether a song is good or bad on your own subjectivity. However since the song has so many elements, it will be quite difficult to play live…
[Kenta] Since hearing the demo, I was totally thrilled with the song. It has such amazing cool feeling and I’m sure that it will be a hit when we will perform it live! We haven’t been able to play this song live yet, but I guess you can see the evolution of NEiN in this song!
[LINA] It’s the only new song on this album which we haven’t played live yet. When I received the demo of the song… I thought it was a complicated song (laughs). But when I listened to the finished version of the song after we finished the recording, it turned out so cool that it gave me goosebumps. I can’t wait to show it off!
[Takuma] It’s the newest song from NEiN, and so far we haven’t be able to play it live. I think the spread of the chorus that comes after the heavy section is the main part of the song that will pump everyone up at lives! The first live we’re able to play again, I want to play this song!
M8 アザミ (Azami)
[eisuke] このアルバムの中で唯一歌ものナンバー。
[舜] 実は10年近く前からあった曲。
[健太] NEiNの楽曲の中では他にないポジションの曲だと思います。メロの美しさに注目!心地よい縦のリズムとメロがマッチしてて、演奏中本当に気持ち良い曲ですね!
[LINA] 仮デモに入ってたBASSラインがお気に入りの部分がありましてその部分は音数増やしたくらいでほぼそのフレーズを弾きました。どの部分かは聴いてから想像して下さいませ。当ててもプレゼントとかは無いけど(笑)
[拓馬] NEiNの中で数少ないミドルテンポな曲です!
ろうそくの火が揺れず、ジッと静かに燃えてる。そんなイメージで叩いてます^ ^
[eisuke] A number with the most unique lyrics among the album. I hope that you’ll feel a sense of adult color that only the members of NEiN can bring out. It’s beautiful, but locked tightly, sometimes painfully so… As in the title [Ed.: “azami” means “thistle.”], the beauty of a flower hides thorns… I hope you can feel that kind of world view.
[Shun] Actually, the song has been around for almost 10 years. Back in the day I submitted this song to a project that I was participating in, but the song didn’t make it (laughs). So I recreated the melody arrangement and backing arrangement to give it a NEiN taste, and the song was reborn. Also, much thanks to eisuke’s vocalization, which has both purity and impurity. (I’m not just flattering.)
[Kenta] I think it is a song that has a unique position among all NEiN songs. Pay attention to the beauty of the melody! The rhythm and melody match comfortably, and the song has a really nice feeling while playing.
[LINA] There was a part of the bass line in the demo version that I liked, so I played that part of the phrase with more notes. You can imagine which part it is which after listening to it. Even if you guess right, there’s no gift for you (laughs).
[Takuma] This is one of the few middle tempo songs of NEiN! A candle burns quietly, without wavering: that’s the image I have while drumming.
M9 【警告】 (【Keikoku】)
[eisuke] 本当、自分にアラート鳴るくらい好きで中毒になる曲ですね(笑)
[舜] もはやライブで欠かせない曲。
[健太] もうライブ定番になってる曲ですね!イントロから破壊力は半端ないっす!是非聴き込んでもらってライブで一緒に「うぉーうぉーおーおー」と叫びましょう!
[LINA] この曲はレコーディング前からLIVEで演奏しててBASSラインは完成してたのでほぼそのまんま弾いて録りました。落としメロの裏で密かに弾きまくってますがこれこそ俺のBASSと思うて頂けたら何よりです。
[拓馬] LIVEで演る曲で一番好きな曲!客席皆も声と拳を上げやすいセクションがあるので是非聴き込んでLIVEに参戦して欲しい^ ^
[eisuke] Actually, it’s a song I love so much–it’s a totally addicting song!! (laughs) This song has become a must-play song on live performances. When we play this song live, everyone shouts the song out loud with us, which makes this song even more powerful!
[Shun] This song is essential for live performances. It includes hard riffs and a strong chorus that unites everyone. So there’s no reason to not playing this song at lives. For the album version, I reviewed the rhythm of the synth voice at the start of the guitar and drums, I made it easier to get in beat with… I’m not sure if anyone has noticed it. (laugh)
[Kenta] It’s already become a standard live song! From the intro, the destructive power is incredible! We hope you’ll listen to it and join us at our lives! Let’s shout out, “woahh woahh ohh ohh!”
[LINA] This song was played live before recording, so the bass line was already completed. The recording is almost the same as how it’s played live. I would be happy if you could see me going crazy to play the bass in the highlight of the song.
It would be great if everyone would sing along to the chorus.
It would be great if everyone would sing along to the chorus.
It would be great if everyo–(laughs)
[Takuma] My favorite song to play at live! There is a part where it is easy for everyone to raise their voices and fists, so please listen to it and join our LIVES ^ ^ With this song I wish to create with everyone the most amazing scenery.
M10 奈落 (Naraka)
[eisuke] この曲にヘドバン以外の何があるのでしょうか?(笑)
[舜] 言うまでもなくスリッ◯ノッ◯臭全開の曲。
[健太] 以前からある曲ですが、今回のレコーディングで生まれ変わった曲ですね!特にLINAさんのベースとコーラスが入った事により、より一層コクと深みが増しました!ベースがエグいっす!
[LINA] 「極-goku-」に続く超攻撃的な曲ですよね。この曲は個人的に「LINAが水を得た魚になる曲」です(笑)BASSはメリハリを露骨に付けようとリフ部分はしっかりリフを弾き、前に出る時はおもくそ弾き倒しました。この曲もレコーディング前からLIVEで弾いてたBASSラインです。
[拓馬] パワー溢れる渾身の一曲!聴くとフロントメンバー全員、特にLINA兄さんが暴れ倒してる残像が頭を過ぎります!!
みんなもそうでしょ?^ ^
[eisuke] What else can you do to this song other than headbang? (laugh) Please go wild! Please join us at the venue and drive everything out of your body. It’s the most crazy song. It might seem that all our songs are crazy, but this song’s recording was completely transformed after LINA joined. This song won’t ever lose against any other loud song! (laughs)
[Shun] Needless to say, this song completely smells of Sli◯kno◯. LINA’s bass was doing something outrageous, and while I was listening to the song while mixing it, I couldn’t help but laugh. (I don’t mean that in a bad way, do I?) This song makes me realize again that he is a truly outrageous member.
Of course this song also lets you go totally crazy at lives. Well, it’s no secret that this song has an alias of Nara (奈良). (During this song, I’ll do shadow play of a deer, pretending it’s a metal sign.)
[Kenta] This song was also around before. After this recording the song has been reborn completely! Especially because of LINA’s bass and chorus. The song has gotten richer and deeper! The bass is so badass!
[LINA] It’s a super-aggressive song that follows up 極-goku-. Personally, this is the song where I feel like “I’m growing in skills” (laughs). I tried to keep balance while playing the bass, mostly playing the riffs firmly, and playing the bass more explicit in other parts. This is another song where the bass line was decided live before recording the song.
[Takuma] A song full of power!! When I listen to it, I imagine that all the members are standing in front of my drums going wild on stage, brother LINA going especially crazy!! Naraka (奈落) devours the sound! It’s greedy! If you listen to the song, you’ll want to see it live!! Don’t you agree?! ^^
M11 廻-kai-
[eisuke] この曲でNEiNの全てが始まった。
[舜] 先述にもある通り、NEiNの最初の曲となったこの曲。
[健太] 俺の中ではNEiN結成1発目の曲なので凄く思い入れがあります!まさしく長男であり、今でも新鮮な気持ちで聴けるし、ライブも演れます!この曲から全てが始まってるので大切な曲ですね!メンバーみんなが思い入れがある曲ではないでしょうか?
[LINA] この曲で初めてNEiNというバンドに触れました。めっちゃカッコええバンドやんけ!て思うたな。NEiNをサポートする事になった時に一番最初に覚えて仕上げた曲でもあります。なのでNEiNの楽曲に俺のBASSが混ざるとどうなるのかなぁと楽しみにしながら作ったBASSでもあります。結果見事にハマったな(笑)
[拓馬] NEiNにとって始まりの曲!!
たくさん聴いてくれたら嬉しいです^ ^
[eisuke] With this song, all of NEiN started. We released this song as a single once, but I also decided to include it in this album, so I dared to put it as the last track. This also means the beginning is the ending of our first album.
When I met Shun and we started NEiN, when I heard the riff of the intro for the first time, I had such a tremendous shiver, it convinced me that nothing would stand in the way of our beginning. Please let me know if there is a song that surpasses this intro riff. I’m confident that there will never be such a song.
[Shun] As eisuke mentioned, this was NEiN’s first song. This song has so so so much power and persuasion that it doesn’t need any more explanation. If this song doesn’t make you groan, then listen to it again from track one. (Oh, I’m sorry to be so pompous.) This song has such super power, it really does.
[Kenta] I’ve got so many feelings for this song inside of me, because this is the song that NEiN started with. The eldest son. The song still has a fresh feeling when I listen to it and it’s still fun to perform it live. It’s a very important song because everything started with this song! It is a song that all members have much passion for, isn’t it?!
[LINA] This is the first song which introduced me to the band called NEiN. After hearing the song I thought “they’re really a cool, amazing band!!!”
When I joined NEiN as a support member, from all the songs I learned to play from memory, this one was the first! I wanted to learn this one fast because I wanted to know what would happen if I mixed my bass playing with NEiN’s music. And as a result I got hooked to it! (laughs)
[Takuma] This song was the start of NEiN. The first time I heard the demo, I shuddered! I remember how much fun this song was to practice over and over–I feel sorry for the songs I don’t drum as well! This is important as the last song on our album, katharsis! I would feel really happy if you would listen to this song a lot ^^
Thanks to Ryu for English translation and coordination.
Also Thanks to John for helping out with the English translation.
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