Interview with Mizuni Ukikusa

ミズニ ウキクサ様、

ミズニ ウキクサの世界観について詳しく教えていただけますか?


ミズニ ウキクサの各メンバーを紹介して下さい。

愛美→ ベースボーカルの松本愛美(まつもとめぐみ)

たっくん→ ドラムのたっくんです。



漢字一文字でミズニ ウキクサというバンドを表すと何ですか?



愛美→ 「餅」白くてもっちりしているからです。

たっくん→ 『猫』です。


言葉の響きで決めました。とあるお菓子屋さんにおみくじ付きのお菓子があって、たまたま引いたおみくじに”ミズニ ウキクサ“という一文があり、これだ!と思いメールでお店にバンド名としての使用の許可をいただいてバンド名にさせてもらいました。

バンド名の短い形式はありますか?  例「ミズサ」は?



ヌ・シャボンヌはドラムのたっくんの脱退に伴い解散しました。そのあと紆余曲折あり、また一緒に完全に新しくバンドを始めたいと姉弟で思い、ミズニ ウキクサを結成しました。

なぜミュージシャンになりたかったのですか? 何がきっかけでしたか?

愛美→ 小学六年生の時に椎名林檎さんを聴いてからバンドの音楽に興味を持つようになり次第に歌を歌いながら楽器を弾いてみたいと思うようになりました。

たっくん→  愛美ちゃんが楽器を始めたのをきっかけに自分も始めてみようと思ったのがきっかけです。




愛美→ 椎名林檎L’Arc〜en〜Cielフジファブリックは学生時代に良く聴きました。

たっくん→  凛として時雨ももいろクローバーZです。







前回のリリース「 散らばる着地点 & 八月の溜息 」に関する背景の詳細を教えて下さい。




全て誇りに思っていますが、”凍る海“は特に誇りに思います。この曲からミズニ ウキクサを始められてよかったです。

ライブのためにゲストミュージシャンを迎えるなら 誰を招待しますか?



愛美→ ちゃんと歌を届けたいが故にとてつもなく緊張します。

たっくん→ 自分達の音楽をしっかりと聴いてもらう為に1曲1曲に合う感情をコントロールする様にしてます





海外にファンがいることに気づいた時、どう感じましたか? 日本を超えて到達することを期待したことはありますか?



愛美→ 赤毛のアンの舞台、カナダのプリンスエドワード島に行ってみたいです。

たっくん→ オーストラリアのエアーズロックを見てみたいです。


愛美→ 適度に都会でお魚が美味しいところです。

たっくん→ どこに行っても景色が日本らしくて綺麗なところです。


日本の山口県下関市から音楽を奏でているミズニ ウキクサを知ってくれて本当にありがとうございます。これからもあなたの心に響かせられるような音楽を作れるように活動していきますのでご期待ください。

Mizuni Ukikusa,
Thank you very much for accepting this interview!

Could you tell us more about the worldview of Mizuni Ukikusa?

With our music we want to direct deep emotion; such as feelings mixed with sadness, strength and delicate beauty coexist.

Please introduce each member of Mizuni Ukikusa.

Megumi → I am vocal/Bass Megumi Matsumoto (松本愛美).

Takkun → I am Tat-kun the drummer of the band.

How does it feel to be in the same band as your sibling? 

We think it’s good because we can put out a groove that only siblings can produce.

With which Kanji character would you describe Mizuni Ukikusa?

」 (Rin/dignified) Because we play with dignity and peaceful passion.

What is your own favorite kanji?

Megumi → 「餅」 (Mochi) Because it’s white and springy.

Takkun → 「猫」 (neko/cat)
Lying on the cold flooring in the summer and the hot carpet in the winter, the freedom to do what you want, when you want, and where you want, is just like living like a cat. such thoughts appeared in my mind recently.

What’s the origin and meaning of your bandname “Mizuni Ukikusa“? 

We started to use it because of the sound of the word. 
The origin of it comes from a candy store which sold fortune telling candies, and we happened to draw a fortune that said “Mizuni Ukikusa“! So we asked the candy store for permission to use it as a band name by email.

Do you have a short form for your bandname? for example “Mizusa“? 

「ミズニ(Mizuni)」, 「ウキクサ(Ukikusa)」 or 「ミズクサ (Mizukusa)」

Why did you choose a new name instead of continuing as “Nu Shabonnu“?

Nu Shabonnu broke up because of the withdrawal of Takkun. After that, there were some twists and turns. Also as siblings we wanted to start a completely new band together, so we formed Mizuni Ukikusa.

Why did you want to become a musician? What or who was the trigger?

Megumi → After listening to Ringo Sheena when I was in the sixth grade of elementary school, I wished to be in a band too and gradually I wanted to play an instrument while singing a song.

Takkun → After Megumi started to play musical instruments, I also decided to start playing music. 

What is the biggest challenge you faced in your life as a musician?

Every year we run into some kind of obstacle, but we will be able to overcome those things and we are keeping getting stronger.

What are your musical influences? 

Megumi → When I was a student I listened a lot to; Shiina RingoL’Arc〜en〜Ciel and Fujifabric.

Takkun → Ling Tosite Sigure and Momoiro Clover Z 

What inspires you to write new songs?

Songs are more likely to be born when you interact with people and encounter a good story, such as an anime or novel.

You say that anime and novels are also part of the lyrics inspiration, but what are your favorite works?

I especially like Suzue Miuchi‘s manga “Glass Mask” and Yumiko Kurahashi‘s Novel “Suikyotan“.

Please tell us some nice background stories about your last MV 「ベルベットブルー (Velvet blue)」.

With the new band structure, we wrote this song as a statement of determination. The phrase “The inability to return seasons turned into muzzle.” is an important phrase that clearly expresses our determination.

Please tell us some concept background about your last mini albums  「散らばる着地点 & 八月の溜息  (Chirabaru Kichiten & Hachigatsu no Tameiki」

Chirabaru Kichiten
We expressed the idea; There is a landing point no matter how far you fall. Also let’s go forward and find the light in the scattered possibilities.

Hachigatsu no Tameiki
We created a theme of unrequited love on a summer day, where anxiety, excitement and anticipation vividly fused and overflowed as a sigh.

Which song/album are you most proud of? 

We are proud of everything, but we are especially proud of “凍る海(Kooru Umi)”. We are glad to have started Mizuni Ukikusa with this song

If you could ask any guest musician to join the band for a live, who would it be?

It’s not specific, but we wish  to play “潮流(Chouryuu)” and “凍る海(Kooru Umi)” with an orchestra.

What do you feel when you enter the stage?

Megumi → I’m incredibly nervous because I want to deliver our songs properly.

Takkun → I try to control and match my emotions with each song feeling so that people keep listening to our music.

What kind of gift would you be happy to receive? 

It makes us very happy if you listen to our music and if you watch our live shows.

Overseas fans did enjoy watching your live streams, will you continue to stream your lives?

We are glad that people who live in places where it’s not easy to support us by going to live shows enjoy it too, also we are hoping that we can do it again for those people. However when we will do such a show again is not yet decided.

How did you feel when you discovered you have fans abroad? Did you ever expect to reach beyond Japan?

We were deeply moved that the songs we made were accepted outside of Japan. We are glad that we play as a band.

If you could go abroad, where would you like to go?

Megumi → I would like to go to Prince Edward Island in Canada, the place where Anne of Green Gables lives. 

Takkun → I would like to see Ayers Rock in Australia.

What would you say is the most charming thing about Shimonoseki?

Megumi → Shimonoseki is a moderately urban place with delicious fish.

Takkun → Wherever you go, the scenery is very Japanese and beautiful.

lastly please give a comment to your fans and audience.

Thank you so much for knowing Mizuni Ukikusa from Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi, Japan, who is making music. We will continue to make music that will touch your heart, so please stay tuned.

Thank you very much for this interview!

ミズニ ウキクサは、山口県下関市のオルタナティブロックグループです。

メンバーは兄弟姉妹です。 愛美はベーシスト、シンガー、メインソングライター、力強く感情的な声を持っている。 たっくんは非常に才能があり表現力豊かなドラマーです。 

バンドは2012年にスリーピースバンドのザ・ムーミン(The Moomin)を結成、2013年にヌ・シャボンヌ(Nu Shabonnu)に改名、2017年に解散したあと同年10月よりミズニ ウキクサとして姉弟で活動開始しました。

ミズニ ウキクサは、iTunes, Spotify & OTOTOYのようなストリーミングプラットフォームで利用可能な1つのEP、2つのミニアルバム、及びシングル一曲をリリースしました。


Mizuni Ukikusa is an alternative rock group from a city of Shimonoseki in Yamaguchi, Japan. The members are Megumi, bassist, singer and main songwriter, possessing a strong and emotional voice; and Takkun, a very talented and expressive drummer. Both are siblings and wear the surname Matsumoto.

In 2012 the band started as a three-piece band ザ・ムーミン (The Moomin), In 2013 they changed their name into ヌ・シャボンヌ (Nu Shabonnu) and disbanded in 2017. In October 2017 both started as a sibling band named Mizuni Ukikusa.

Mizuni Ukikusa released one EP, two mini-albums and several stand-alone songs, available on streaming platforms like iTunes, OTOTOY and Spotify.

Please Enjoy the interview!