「あなたにとって最も可愛く愛しい人になり、光り輝くダイヤモンドのようなアイドルになる」。CHERIE GIRLS PROJECTがアンフレディア(英字表記:ENFLADIA)へと改名。デビューミニワンマン公演を開催!!!!!

CHERIE GIRLS PROJECTが、2021年1月より毎月第2月曜日に渋谷CLUB MALCOLMを舞台に始めた「12ヶ月×12回連続無料ワンマン”未来ステップ” 」。当初の予定(3ステップ)では、3回目にあたる3月8日にCHERIE GIRLS PROJECTから新しいグループ名に変わる発表と新グループとしてのスタートを行なうつもりだった。だが、緊急事態宣言による会場の時短営業に伴い、ライブは19時半終了にならざるを得ない状況へ。そこで急遽、前日の3月7日にHOLIDAY SHINJUKUを舞台に「12ヶ月×12回連続無料ワンマン”未来ステップ” 3ステップ」を、いつものフルサイズ公演として行なった。この日は、CHERIE GIRLS PROJECTとしての最後のライブを音羽リイナ/逢坂茉白/綾坂星恋杏の3人で実施。CHERIE GIRLS PROJECTとしての最後の1曲を七橋依乃里(研修生)/森崎美瑠羽(研修生)を加えて行ない、5人でCHERIE GIRLS PROJECTとしての2年2ヶ月に及ぶ活動の幕を閉じ、アンフレディア(英字表記:ENFLADIA)への改名を発表。さらにアンフレディアとしての挨拶を兼ね、5人によるミニライブを行なう形を取っていた。

翌日となる3月8日、アンフレディアは渋谷CLUB MALCOLMを舞台に、時短要請に伴い、「アンフレディアのお披露目ミニワンマン公演」という形でいつものタイトルに「プラス」と入れた形で公演を実施。彼女たちは、同じ事務所であるCHERRY GIRLS PROJECT九瀬いむのデザイン&プロデュースによる衣装姿を身にまとい、ライブを行なった。


アンフレディアとしての初単独公演は会場後方まで多くの人で溢れ大盛況。まず自分たちの未来へ向かう道を指し示すように「未来ステップ」から物語を書き始めた。今の自分たちの心模様を映し出した真っ白な衣装姿で、5人は、ここから未来へ向かって駆けだす気持ちと、その先に見える景色へ期待を向けるように笑顔で歌っていた。CHERIE GIRLS PROJECTの3人時代から5人編成のアンフレディアになったことで、パフォーマンスが華やかになったのは間違いない。メンバー自身が、5人でフォーメーションを作り出すライブを楽しんでいた。楽しくて自然に沸きだす笑顔が、見ている人たちの頬や心も緩ませてゆく。ここから、彼女たちと一緒に素敵な未来を見ていきたい。

 続いてアンフレディアが歌ったのが、和要素も組み込んだわちゃわちゃしたパーティ系ダンスナンバーの「青春カゴメ」。この日生まれた臨場感には、小箱を舞台にという理由もあったとはいえ、5人というパワーアップした姿を手に入れたことで、舞台からあふれでる迫力は以前よりも数倍増していた。両腕をうさどきの手に見立て「わっしょい」叫びながらピョンピョン跳ねる姿も愛らしい。今はまだCHERIE GIRLS PROJECT時代の楽曲を受け継ぎ歌っているが、たとえ楽曲は同じでも、5人が気持ちを一つに歌う声は、とても彩り豊かでパワフルだ。身近な距離で響く歌声が、なんて鮮やかだったことか。 








(逢坂茉白)  「わたしはこの5人でCHERIE GIRLS PROJECTとしてちゃんと卒業できて、またこの5人で今日こうしてお披露目ができてすごく嬉しいです。「可愛い」というコンセプトは変わってないので、これからも良い意味でアイドルらしく頑張りたいなと思います」

 (音羽リイナ) 「前のCHERIE GIRLS PROJECTから少し残っている部分もあって、今まで一緒に築いてきた部分も背負って、ここから新しくアンフレディアを始めます。わたしはCHERIE GIRLS PROJECT時代をサナギ時代だと思っています。今からアンフレディアという蝶々になって、大きなステージで羽ばたけたらなと思っています。ぜひ一緒に羽ばたいてくれたら嬉しいです」




音羽リイナ 「CHERIE GIRLS PROJECTからアンフレディアに名前が代わりました。わたしはCHERIE GIRLS PROJECTの初期メンバーとして活動をしてきました。だから、名前を変えるかどうかという提案を受けたときにはすごく衝撃だったんですけど。変えることで新しい気持ちで再スタートを切れれば、メンバーも新しく入ることで、先輩後輩関係なく1から新しい形を作れることもあって、新しい名前に変わった今はすごく前向きな気持ちでいっぱいです。 アンフレディアという名前には、「輝いていける原石たち」という意味と「これからどんどん輝いてほしい」という2つの意味を込めているように、素敵なグループ名だと思いますし、その名前を背負って活動できるのがすごく嬉しいです。  これからのアンフレディアですが、近々の目標として、TIFや@JAMなど大きなアイドルフェスに出れるようなグループに。ライブで歌ったときに「この曲知ってる」となれる存在であり、初見の方でもすぐに楽しめるステージを、このメンバーたちと一緒に作っていこうと思っています」

逢坂茉白 「これまで、同じ事務所のCHERRY GIRLS PROJECTさんやVERY GIRLS PROJECTさんと似たような名前だったから、言い間違えられることも多くありました。実際に会話をしていても、「知ってるよ、CHERRY GIRLS PROJECTでしょ」「CHERIE GIRLS PROJECTです」というやり取りも多かったので、名前が変わることは、わたしはすごく賛成でした。この件については改名提案の説明の際に言い間違えられること、見間違えられることで記憶の層を作りGirlsProjectの名前が広まると考えていたプロデューサーの考えは一定うまくいったという説明もありました。おかげで今、新たな気持ちで頑張れています。CHERIE GIRLS PROJECTアンフレディアも「可愛い」というコンセプトは変わってないので、今後も良い意味で可愛く、アイドルらしく活動していきたいなと思っています」

綾坂星恋杏 「この間までCHERIE GIRLS PROJECTとして活動してきてたので、改名したんだなという実感はまだそんなに強くはないですけど。でも、アンフレディアになったことでコンセプトも少し新しくなり、新メンバーも入ったことから、「変わっていかなきゃ名前を変えていただいた意味がない」という気持ちにもなっています。だからこそ、今まで以上に前向きに、もっともっと頑張っていかなければならないなと思いました。  これまでもいろんな歴史を重ねてきましたけど。これからはアンフレディアとして新しい歴史を作り続けていこうと思っています。改名や新体制をきっかけに、もっともっと応援してもらえるアイドルになっていこうと思っていますし、改名したことで、より前向きな気持ちになっています」

森崎美瑠羽 「CHERIE GIRLS PROJECTさんの持つ「可愛い」をアンフレディアも引き継いで活動を始めました。わたし、アイドル活動はアンフレディアが初めてなので、お客さんを前にステージに立つのは、今も緊張するんですけど。お客さんが盛り上がってくれると、楽しくライブをすることができます。アンフレディアのメンバーとして、としてわたし自身も可愛くなっていきたいなと思ってます」

七橋依乃里アンフレディアのメンバーになった今も、まだ研修生という立場でライブには出ているんですけど。事務所に入ったときからすごく尊敬している先輩たちと、一緒に頑張ってきた美瑠羽ちゃんと、これから新たな気持ちでステージに立てることが、今はすごく嬉しいです。  これからわたしと美瑠羽ちゃんは、3人の先輩たちが作り続けてきた歴史も背負って活動していくように、そこの責任は重大だと思っています。でも、先輩方とこれから一緒にアンフレディアとして作っていけるのもとても楽しみです」

音羽リイナ 「どんなジャンルの曲が好きな人でも楽しめるライブをみんなで作っていけるように、アンフレディアとしてこれから大きなアイドルフェスに出演出来るように頑張っていきます!!!!!」

音羽 リイナ (Otowa Riina) @riina_cgp
逢坂 茉白 (Osaka Mashiro) @mashiro_cgp
綾坂 星恋杏 ( Ayasaka Serea)  @serea_cgp
森崎 美瑠羽 (Morisaki Miruha)(trainee) @miruha_gp
七橋 依乃里 (Nanahashi Inori)(trainee) @inori_vgp



CHERIE GIRLS PROJECT has changed their name into ENFLADIA, which means “To be the cutest and dearest person for you, to be an idol like a shining diamond“. On March 7th and 8th they held their debut mini-one-man shows to announce this name change!

CHERIE GIRLS PROJECT started their “12 months x 12 consecutive free one-man shows “MIRAI Steps (Future Steps)“” at Shibuya CLUB MALCOLM, in which they perform there on the second Monday of every month from January 2021.

According to the original plan (3 steps), they would announce the change of the group name from CHERIE GIRLS PROJECT to the new group name and start the new group on March 8 on their third free oneman. However, due to the shortened opening hours of the venues caused by the emergency declaration, concerts need to end at 7:30pm. So they hurriedly decided to hold a 「12 months x 12 consecutive free one-man 「MIRAI Steps」( 3 steps」 at HOLIDAY SHINJUKU on March 7th on the day before, as their usual full-size performance. On this day, the last live as CHERIE GIRLS PROJECT was held by Riina Otowa, Mashiro Osaka, and Serea Ayasaka, and the very last song as CHERIE GIRLS PROJECT was performed together with Inori Nanahashi(trainee) and Miruha Morisaki (trainee). After playing the song the girls announced that they changed their name to ENFLADIA. After the name change announcement the five members held a mini live to greet the audience as ENFLADIA.

 The next day, March 8, ENFLADIA performed at Shibuya CLUB MALCOLM with the usual title “plus” in the form of “ENFLADA’s unveiling mini-one-man show” in accordance with the shortened time request. The girls performed in costumes designed and produced by Imu Kokonose of CHERRY GIRLS PROJECT, who belongs to the same agency as the group.

 ENFLADIA started their activities with the concept of “becoming [EN] the (FIRST) cutest (CHERIE) and most dear person for you, and becoming an idol (LADY) like a shining DIAMOND (DIAMOND).

Please enjoy the report about their memorable live performance as ENFLADIA.

Their first ONEMAN show as ENFLADIA was a great success, the venue was filled from front to back with their fans. They started their (setlist-)story with their song “MIRAI Step” as if they were pointing the way to their own future. The girls were dressed in pure white costumes that reflected their current hearts, the five sang with smiles on their faces as they looked forward to their future and the scenery that lay ahead. There is no doubt that the change from the three-member era of CHERIE GIRLS PROJECT to the five-member ENFLADIA has made the show even more gorgeous and amazing. The members themselves truly enjoyed the show to be on stage. Their smiles naturally came out of their faces as they had fun, which made the audience smile too! From now on, everyone wishes to see a wonderful future with these wonderful girls.

Next up, ENFLADIA sang “Seishun Kagome“, a lively party dance number with typical Japanese musical elements. Although the stage wasn’t large, the power they showed on stage was several times more powerful than before, thanks to all five of them. The way the girls jumped up and down while shouting “wasshoi” while moving their arms and hands like a rabbit was also adorable. Even if the girls are still singing songs from the CHERIE GIRLS PROJECT era, the voices of the five members singing their feelings together still feel very colorful and powerful. How vivid their voices are that resonated at close range.

 Then, they began by explaining the concept of the new group’s name: “To be the cutest and dearest person for you, to be an idol like a shining diamond” As the costumes were slightly different for each member, the members said that they hoped the audience would check out the differences of each costume closely. Their hair ornaments were also chosen by the visual producer, Imu Kokonose, to match the members’ personalities. “We would like you to experience the difference in the detailed costumes and accessories, and the way the gemstones shine out right before your eyes

 The song “Okinagusa“, which had a touch of a Showa-era song, the five members sang with the passion of love hidden in their hearts, while showing their sentimental maiden heart. The reason why they are so passionate, yet exude such loveliness, is because they are dainty maidens who never can be fearless . The adorable girl’s heart, even if it was a passionate song, was seen as a clean and neat figure.

In the gorgeous and colorful chiptune “Koi no NAINAI Kyousou kyoku“, the members started to run powerfully on their spot, sometimes making battens with their hands, and showed their full power of their boiling feelings. It was unknown that when a pretty maiden became fearless, she would transform into such a forceful figure… She was inspired by her appearance, and while pretending to be the same as those on the floor, the appearance of frolicking people was born here and there.

Then all members began to share their own impressions of the day and future.

Morisaki Miruha(trainee): This is my first time working as an idol, so I’d like to do my best to be cute like an idol and to be popular.

Nanahashi Inori (trainee): I’ve been working with my favorite seniors since I joined the agency . I’m very happy to be a member of ENFLADIA together with Miruha, with whom I’ve worked hard since I joined the agency. Also I’d like to continue to aim to reach the top with this group.

Ayasaka Serea: Now that we’ve become ENFLADIA, I’m going to work even harder than before and try my best to become the kind of idol I want to be. I’ll never lose!

Osaka Mashiro:  I’m very happy to have graduated from CHERIE GIRLS PROJECT with the five of us, and to have been able to perform with the five of us again today. The concept of “cute” hasn’t changed, so I’d like to continue to do my best as an idol in a good way.

Otowa Riina: There are some parts left over from the previous CHERIE GIRLS PROJECT, and I’m starting a new era as ENFLADIA from here, carrying the parts we’ve built together. I think of the CHERIE GIRLS PROJECT era as a pupa era. From now on, I hope to become a butterfly called ENFLADIA and spread my wings on the big stages. I’d be very happy if you could join me and spread your wings too.

    As the last song, ENFLADIA sang “MIRAI Step” again. The girls flapped their wings from a pupa to a beautiful and colorful butterfly, just as Riina Otowa had said. Touched by their voices, the whole floor started to clap their hands. The five of them sang with smiles on their faces which made the audience’s hearts beat faster as they expressed their feelings towards their fans who supported them.

And this was the moment where the new story as ENFLADIA begins.

The girls began to write their own stories inside their blank notebooks, smearing the five singing paintbrushes with colorful colors. Let’s see what kind of exciting story ENFLADIA is going to write from here, and let’s enjoy what happens next together.

Lastly, the members shared with us their thoughts on how they would like to proceed as ENFLADIA.

Otowa Riina: Our name has changed from CHERIE GIRLS PROJECT to ENFLADIA. I’ve been an early member of CHERIE GIRLS PROJECT. So I was a bit shocked when they asked me if I wanted to change the group name. By changing our name, we can make a fresh start with a new feeling, and by bringing in new members, we can create a new form from scratch, regardless of seniority or juniority, so now that we have a new name, I feel very positive. The name “ENFLADIA” has two meanings, one is ” rough stones that can shine” and the other is “I want you to shine more and more in the future” I think it’s a great name for a group, and I’m very happy to be able to work with that name on my back.  As for the future of ENFLADIA, our goal for the near future is to become a group that can participate at big idol festivals such as TIF and @JAM. Together with these members, we will create a stage that even first-time viewers can immediately enjoy, where they can say, “I know this song” when we sing our songs live.

Osaka Mashiro: Until now, we’ve had a similar name to CHERRY GIRLS PROJECT and VERY GIRLS PROJECT from the same agency, so we’ve often been mistaken for them. In actual conversation, there were many exchanges of “You’re CHERRY GIRLS PROJECT, right?” and “No, I’m from CHERIE GIRLS PROJECT,” so I was very much in favor of the name change. However our producer also explained that his idea was “to create a layer of memory and spread the name of Girls Project by being misspoken and misunderstood” and that this idea worked to a certain extent while he proposed to change the namel. Thanks to all of that, I’m now able to give my best with a renewed spirit. Also our concept of “cute” has not changed in either CHERIE GIRLS PROJECT or ENFLADIA, so I’d like to continue to be cute and idol-like in a good way.

Ayasaka Serea: I’ve been a part of CHERIE GIRLS PROJECT until now, so I don’t really feel that we’ve changed our name yet. But now that we’re ENFLADIA, our concept is a little new. Now that we have new members, we also feel that if we don’t change, there is no point in having our name changed. That’s why I felt I had to be more positive and do my best more than ever before. We’ve had a lot of history in the past. From now on, I will continue to create a new history as ENFLADIA. With the name change and the new structure, I’m trying to become an idol that people can support more and more, and now that we’ve changed our name, I’m feeling more positive.

Morisaki Miruha (trainee): ENFLADIA took over the “cuteness” of CHERIE GIRLS PROJECT when I joined them. This is my first time as an idol, so I’m still nervous about standing on stage in front of an audience. When the audience is excited, it makes the shows more enjoyable. As a member of ENFLADIA, I would like to become much much more cute and adorable!

Nanahashi Inori (trainee): Even now that I’m a member of ENFLADIA, I still feel as if I’m attending live shows as a trainee. I’m very happy to be able to perform on stage with a new heart, with my seniors who I’ve respected and worked hard with since I joined the agency.  From now on, Miruha and I will be carrying the history that our three seniors have created on our shoulders, and I feel that this is a very important responsibility. But I’m also very much looking forward to working with the senior members of the team to make it as ENFLADIA.

Otowa Riina: We will give our very best to perform at big idol festivals as ENFLADIA so that we can create live shows that people can enjoy no matter what genre of music they love!!!!!

音羽 リイナ (Otowa Riina) @riina_cgp
逢坂 茉白 (Osaka Mashiro) @mashiro_cgp 
綾坂 星恋杏 ( Ayasaka Serea)  @serea_cgp  
森崎 美瑠羽 (Morisaki Miruha)(trainee) @miruha_gp
七橋 依乃里 (Nanahashi Inori)(trainee) @inori_vgp
