Alphoenix ニューシングル 『Redefine』2021年2月21日 リリース (*デジタル配信)
Myproof、Sailing Before The WindのメンバーからなるヘヴィメタルバンドAlphoenixの4年ぶりとなる新曲『Redefine』が2021年2月21日にデジタル・リリースされる。本作はSerenity In MurderのドラマーであったShohei加入後初の正式音源となり、メロディックデスメタル由来のギターリフ、ドラマティックなツイン・リードギター、そして雄大なコーラスワークが特徴的な楽曲に仕上がっている。サウンドエンジニアはAmorphis、Sabaton、Hypocrisyなど数多くの著名アーティストを手掛けるヨナス・キェルグレンが担当。
Vo/ Thor (ex-MYPROOF)
G&Vo/ Shimpei (ex-MYPROOF)
G/ Yuki (ex-Sailing Before The Wind)
B/ Bitoku (Sailing Before The Wind, ex-touring member for Crystal Lake)
Dr/ Shohei (ex-Serenity in Murder)
Location: Tokyo/Japan
Genre: Metal/Melodic Death/Metalcore
Twitter @alphoenixband
Facebook @alphoenix
Instagram @alphoenix_band Alphoenix
Alphoenix new song ‘Redefine’ out on Feb 21 2021
Engineered by Jonas Kjellgren
(ex-Scar Symmetry, prod for Amorphis, Sabaton, Hypocrisy, etc.)
Vo/ Thor (ex-MYPROOF)
G&Vo/ Shimpei (ex-MYPROOF)
G/ Yuki (ex-Sailing Before The Wind)
B/ Bitoku (Sailing Before The Wind, ex-touring member for Crystal Lake)
Dr/ Shohei (ex-Serenity in Murder)
Location: Tokyo/Japan
Genre: Metal/Melodic Death/Metalcore
Twitter @alphoenixband
Facebook @alphoenix
Instagram @alphoenix_band Alphoenix
Alphoenix can be found at the point of the heavy metal spectrum where
melody and groove begin to be subsumed by attributes such as power and
speed, weight and intensity. Even the sub-genres we use to organise
such metallic strands have names which tell you all you need to know,
prefixes like speed-, thrash- and even death-, abound. It’s brutal,
it’s intense, it’s claustrophobic, bearing down on the listener like a
sonic mountain falling on their senses.But the balancing act here is the technical skills which they display
too. The backbeats are thunderous and unrelenting, that double kick
drum, which these genres have made their own, building an amazing
platform on which to hang the rest of the instrumentation. The bass
and the guitar riffs form melodic tsunamis which rise and wash over
the song and the vocals are incendiary and caustic.
And within this wall of controlled noise, Alphoenix weaves musical
dynamics to great effect, from lulling lows to sky-scraping highs,
from spiralling guitar crescendos to more considered melodic
interludes. Redefine might at first seem all about excess, about being
the fastest, the heaviest and the most confrontational…and to some
degree it is, but listen with more open ears and a broader mind,
listen to the actual sonic building blocks and you will realise that
this is some very clever and ornate music. Music which ebbs and flows
within the confines of the musical demarcations that it has chosen to
work in. Music which explores the ranges of each instrument and which
pushes the boundaries of the genre itself.
There is a saying that less is more. And whilst that might be true of
some genres, here the rule is more is more. And if more is more, how
great would the sound of “much more” be? Redefine is the sound of
“much more” being taken to its logical conclusion.
(Reviewed by Dave Franklin)