Let’s Go MAKOTOØ’Sは高橋まこと(ex.BOØWY)、林田正樹(ex.ODD-BOWZ)と榊原秀樹(ex.De-LAX)によりバンドが結成された。 1月23日、三人は記者会見を開き、1年間の限定バンドを発表しました。 今回のJROCK’N’ROLLでは、この素晴らしいバンドのプロモーションのために、Let’s Go MAKOTOØ’Sにもいくつかの質問をしてみたいと思います。
まず、このインタビューの機会をありがとうございました。 以前のチャットなどで林田さん(MMS R&R ENGINEERING)と榊原さん(VERTUEUX)を知っていますが高橋さんとは初めてになります。皆さん宜しくお願い致します。
ーー さて、皆さんは「何かをLOFTに戻したかった」という理由でこのバンドを始めました。過去の話をいくつか教えて下さい。 LOFTは過去にさまざまなバンドをどのように助けましたか?
hideki) 僕の時代は、新宿ロフトに出ることがひとつのバンドマンのステータス的な意味合いが強かったです。当時、僕が10代の頃、夢中になっていたバンドが皆ロフトに出演してました…ですから現在、見回すとそのようなライブハウスも少なく…その場所(新宿ロフト)に行けば新しい刺激が見つかるし新たな出会いも生まれて行く…恐らく当時の東京のカルチャーの発信源的要素が詰まっていた場所だったと思います。その様な場所は、絶対にその後続く若いミュージシャンたちに残さなくてはいけないし…レガシィは、残していかなければならない使命感を思わせる場所が新宿ロフトなんです。
ーー では、Let’s Go MAKOTOØ’Sの活動は本当に1年しか続かないのでしょうか? 何かのキッカケで継続する事は考えられますか?
hideki) もちろん継続は、可能ではありますが….ライブハウス側がもう!大丈夫!って言ったらそこで活動終了です(笑)
ーー 去年の8月にライブストリーム「KEEP the LOFT2」に出演しました。 LIVEは素晴らしかったです。 その日、どうやって一緒にゲートルをしましたか? その配信ライブの「1日バンド」としてプレイするのは誰のアイデアでしたか。
hideki) ロフト側からオファーを頂いて何かスペシャルなセッションできないか?との提案がありそこで今のMAKOTOØ’Sのメンバーに連絡をとったのが始まりかな。。。
ーー 2月20日のライブは本当にカッコ良く、とても楽しかったです! この日のエピソードを教えて下さい。
hideki) 初バンドで初演奏で皆…緊張してたね(笑)
ーー 1st LIVEではTHE BEATLESの初期の曲を中心にしたセットリストでした。今後はオリジナル曲の作成も考えておられますか?
hideki) 今現在は、オリジナルは考えていませんが…MAKOTOØ’Sのテーマソングはあってもよいかな?
Hey!! Ho!! Makoto!! Hey!! Ho!! makoto!!みたいな(笑)
ーー 今後のライブではどんな事が期待できますか?何か新たな情報はありますか?
hideki) なんと‼4月30日です‼詳しくは、SNSで!!
東京イチゲキNITE 2021
Let’s Go MAKOTOØ’S ※ゲストVo:中村義人(横道坊主)、岡田ヨシアキ(THE MINKS)、AKIRA(from Luv-Enders)
DJ:ASARl(tulip beer)
【時間】OPEN 18:30 / START 19:00
【会場】Loft X Koenji
【チケット】前売¥3,000 / 当日¥3,500(別途ドリンク代¥600)
※チケット予約は makotoos-2021@pieces-inc.co.jp まで [日程 / 会場][お名前][希望枚数]を記入してください。
視聴チケット ¥2,000 / 購入URL

ーー 榊原さんは言った。「ロフトから生まれた名曲の数々もカバーしてみたい」LOFTで生まれた曲をいくつか挙げて頂けますか?
hideki) 今思いつくのが 1.ロフト23時(ARB)2.イメージダウン(BOOWY)
ーー 今後のライブのほとんどは、配信ライブを介して見る事ができるようになりますか?
hideki) できるだけ皆さんに観ていただけるように努力します!!
ーー 榊原さんへ、林田さんと一緒にバンドで演奏したかったんですよね?林田さんの好きな所を教えて下さい。
hideki) ちょっと….スケベなところ
ーー 林田さんへ、榊原さんと高橋さんと同じバンドを組む事ができて、どんな気持ちですか?何故「入りたくて仕方なかった」と言ったのですか?榊原さんと高橋さんには、何か魔法のパワーがあるのですか?
ーー 高橋さんへ、DE-LAXやGEENAの頃の榊原さんをご存知ですよね。このバンドに加入しようと思った理由は何ですか?
ーー 皆さんの初めての出会いの話を聞かせて下さい。
hideki) まこっさんは、自分が19歳の時に初めて目にしたオジサン!!
hideki) 21歳の頃かなマサキさんは、ベースの市川(EX.ストリートビーツ)と飲み会であったのが最初かな?
ーー LINDA GARAGE、それが始まった場所は正しいですか?榊原さんが林田さんに参加を依頼した場所。読者の中にはLINDA GARAGEを知らない人もいるかもしれません。バーの紹介をお願い致します。
林田)まさしくその通りで、ヒデキが飲み来ててそんな話が盛り上がって今回こういう形になりました。LINDA GARAGEはこちらから。
ーー LINDA GARAGEは、漫画「CROWS」のさまざまなアートワークや商品を見る事ができるクールなバーです。 これも何となくLet’s Go MAKOTOØ’S?に繋がるのでしょうか?
ーー また、公式バンドの写真はLINDA GARAGEで撮影されています。 皆さんもバーで「ライブ」をする事にしますか? (ライブは確実に完売いたします)。
hideki) 挑戦します!!年内中に!!
ーー 公式写真はさいちょーが撮影した物ですが、どうやって彼と出会い、なぜ彼と一緒に仕事をする事にしたのですか?
hideki) VERTUEUXの時に彼に撮って頂きました!!たまたまスケジュール空いてました。
ーー ノビタ・ロバートさんが作成したLINEスタンプがリリースしました。 私も使わせて頂きましたが、とても面白いスタンプです。何故ノビタ・ロバートさんが作成したスタンプをリリースする事にしたのですか?
hideki) 彼の作品前から気に入ってたのと朝からガンガンLINEくるのでついでに作って!!ってお願いしたのが最初。
ーー 3月にはレコーディングを計画されているそうですが、それはシングルでしょうか?それともアルバムですか?
hideki) 多分…5曲入りミニアルバムの予定です。
ーー DVD等の映像作品をリリースする計画はありますか?
hideki) 現在…予定はないですが・・・作りたいですね。
ーー 公式グッズの販売も始まりました。グッズのTシャツが大好評ですね!今後はタオルやリストバンド等、他のグッズも作られる予定はありますか?
ーー 海外のファンもどうやってそれらのグッズを買う事ができるのでしょうか?
ーー ゆくゆくはLIVEでゲストボーカルを迎えたいとのことですが、一緒にやってみたいボーカリストは誰でしょうか?その理由も教えてください。
hideki) 可能であればライブハウスの店長さんとかアルバイトの人たちにも参加
ーー ステージに立って聴衆に向けて曲を演奏する事で最も楽しい事は何ですか?
hideki) 皆が笑顔になってる瞬間かな。
ーー Let’s Go MAKOTOØ’Sの音楽のインスピレーションはROCK’N’ROLLです。何故この音楽スタイルが大好きなのか、何故このジャンルに専念したのかを教えて下さい。
hideki) メンバー皆そうだと思うけど…一番ピッタリくるスタイルなんじゃないかな。
ーー Youtubeチャンネルで公開されるのを待つ事ができる正確な種類のコンテンツは何ですか? 日本語字幕もありますか? (私は字幕が欲しいです)
hideki) マネージャーの柳沼が努力するそうです!!
ーー 皆さんも他のバンドで演奏しています。高橋さんは現在SET JET BOYSや多くのサイドプロジェクトで知られています。 榊原さんのメインバンドはVERTUEUXで、他の(ソロ)プロジェクトでも活躍しています。 林田さんはMMS R&R ENGINEERINGで忙しく、他のプロジェクトでも活躍しています。 Let’s Go MAKOTOØ’Sにも時間をかけるために、どのように時間を組み合わせていますか。 皆さんは今とても忙しいと思います。
hideki) では…ここは、わたくしが代表してお答えします…
ーー 高橋さんへ、SET JET BOYSからの新しい活動があるかどうか疑問に思うファンがいる事に気づきました。 このバンドが今休憩している理由はありますか? それとも、ファンはすぐに新しい活動を期待できますか? Let’s Go MAKOTOØ’Sと一緒に何かを期待できますか?
高橋)JET SET BOYS休止は椎名くんがsurface再結成だったり自分のソロだったりと かなり忙しそうにしててJETなかなか出来ない感じだったのでね〜
ーー 林田さんはバイクに乗るのが大好きだと知っていますが、高橋さんと榊原さんもバイクに乗られていますか?
hideki) まこっさんは、今ミニクーパー乗ってます!
ーー 時間に余裕がある時、皆様は何をするのが好きですか? 人々がまだ知らない他の特別な趣味はありますか?
hideki) アマゾンプライムをよく観ます!ジョン・ウィック大好物!!
ーー 日本で一番好きな町/都市はどこですか? そして、何故はこの場所をとても愛しているのですか?
hideki) 西荻最高!!
ーー Let’s Go MAKOTOØ’Sで全国ツアーに行くとき、どの郷土料理を食べるのを楽しみにしていますか?
高橋) 好きな街は大阪かなおいら阪神ファンなんでね。
hideki) ビールがあればどこでもOK!!
ーー 林田さんはMMSでアメリカに行きました。 高橋さんと榊原さんどうですか? バンド活動のために海外に行った事はありますか? (録音込み)
hideki) まこっさんは、boowyの時ドイツでレコーディングしてたよね。
ーー これまでの音楽活動の中で一番大きな変化は?
hideki) 今現在でございます!コロナで経験したことのない音楽活動でございます。
ーー 今年が終わったら、このバンドで何をアーカイブしたと思いますか?
hideki) やっぱりまこっさんは、ちゃんと保管してほしいです。
ーー 読者とファンの皆様にメッセージをお願い致します。
hideki) 自分ひとりでは、何もできませんが皆で力を合わせれば何か違う
Let’s Go MAKOTOØ’S a band formed by a super trio Makoto Takahashi (ex.BOØWY), Masaki Hayashida (ex.ODD-BOWZ), and Hideki Sakakibara (ex.De-LAX). On January 23rd, the trio held a press conference to announce their 1-year limited band. This time JROCK’N’ROLL will ask them also a few questions to promote this amazing band.
First of all, thank you very much for this interview opportunity. I know Hideki and Masaki from previous chats etc, but I’ve never spoken to Makoto-san before, so nice to meet you!
ーー Well, you guys started this band because “you wanted to return something to LOFT.” Please tell us some stories from the past. How has LOFT helped bands in the past?
Hideki: In my time, appearing at Shinjuku Loft had a strong meaning for a bandman’s status. At the time, when I was still a teenager, all bands were crazy about appearing at LOFT… (If you’re looking around right now, there are almost no live houses with such a “status“). Whenever you go to Shinjuku LOFT, you will always find new stimulations and also brand new encounters will be born. Back then it was a place that was probably the “source” of “Tokyo’s culture“.Such an amazing place must stay around for our young musicians who will follow our footsteps… Shinjuku LOFT is a Legacy place that reminds me of my mission; that I have to leave a “stamp” behind.
ーー So, does your activity really last for only one year? If this year will be a big success, will you consider to keep going?
Hideki: Of course, it is possible to continue… as long as “venues” need our support it’s okay, it ends when they don’t need our support anymore (laugh).
ーー Last year in August, you guys appeared at the live stream “KEEP the LOFT 2”. The show was stunning. For that day, how did you guys gather together? Who’s idea was it to play as a “one day band” for that live stream.
Hideki: LOFT offered me the opportunity to do a special session. Then I contacted the current members of MAKOTOØ’S, and that’s how it all started.
ーー The February 20th live was really cool, I really enjoyed watching it. Could you tell us some episode of this day?
Hideki: We all were sooo nervous… because it was our first time playing seriously as a band and not just as a session.
ーー The first LIVE, the setlist was focused on the early songs of THE BEATLES. Are you thinking of creating an original song in the future?
Hideki: Right now, we’re not thinking about creating original songs, but it might be fun to have a MAKOTOØ’S original theme song? Something like; “Hey!! Ho!! Makoto!! Hey!! Ho!! Makoto!!“(laugh)
ーー What can we expect from the future live shows? Could you reveal something?
Hideki: We have a show planned for April 30th! Please check our SNS for the latest info!
Tokyo Ichigeki NITE 2021
【LINE-UP】HIDEKI&HARDPUNCHERS / MMS R&R ENGINEERING / Let’s Go MAKOTOØ’S(Guest vocalists: Yoshito Nakamura(横道坊主)、Yoshiaki Okada(THE MINKS)、AKIRA(from Luv-Enders))/ DJ:ASARl(tulip beer)
【TIME】OPEN 18:30 / START 19:00
【VENUE】Loft X Koenji
【TICKET】前売¥3,000 / 当日¥3,500(別途ドリンク代¥600)
※Limited to 50 people. Sale will end as soon as the capacity is reached.
※The performance may be canceled depending on the request from the government. In that case, only streaming will be held.
※Ticket reservation: makotoos-2021@pieces-inc.co.jp
Please enter: [Schedule / Venue], [Name], and [Number of tickets you want].
【PRICE】 ¥2,000 / via twitcast URL
【Planning and production 】Pieces-inc.co

ーー Hideki said: 「I’d also like to cover some of the great songs that are born at LOFT.」Could you please name some songs which are born at LOFT?
Hideki: Songs I can think of now are: 1. LOFT23-ji (ARB) 2. Image Down (BOOWY)
ーー Will most of the upcoming performed lives will also be able to watch via digital live stream?
Hideki: I will do my best to make each live available to watch for everyone!!
ーー Hideki, you really wanted to play in a band with Masaki, right? What’s the thing you like so much about his music skills?
Hideki: I kind of like his lewd side.
ーー Masaki, How do you feel to be able to play in the same band as Hideki and Makoto? Why did you say 「I have to be a part」?. I guess Hideki and Makoto have some magical sparkling power?
Masaki: GEENA was such a cool band!! I really wanted to join them, I was even seriously saying to Ichikawa (the bass player at the time) “I’ll replace you!” (laugh).
ーー Makoto, you already know Hideki from the De-LAX and GEENA time. However you seem to the most famous of the trio. What’s the reason why you decided to join this band?
Makoto: Well, Hideki contacted me and I also thought, “If there’s anything I can do to help LOFT, I’ll do it“. Well, I’ll feel responsible ^_^.
ーー Let’s go back in time, how did you guys meet each other? Please tell us a story about your first encounter.
Makoto: Hideki has been my fellow since we are 19 years old.
Hideki: I saw Makoto-ojisan for the first time when I was 19 years old!
Makoto: I guess I’ve met Masaki for the first time at the Yaon event in Hibiya? When LOFT was having eviction problems.
Hideki: I guess my first encounter with Masaki was for the first time at a drinking party with Ba.Ichikawa (Ex.Streetbeats)
Masaki: Back then BOØWY was signed to the same record company as ODD-BOWZ, so Makoto greeted me over there. I met Hideki when he was in De-LAX, I was stunned by his Ducktail haircut which made us talk to each other, our talks were mostly about erotic stuff every time.
ーー LINDA GARAGE, The place where it started right? The place where Hideki asked Masaki to join him. For those readers who don’t know yet what kind of place LINDA GARAGE is, please introduce it to the readers.
Masaki: That’s exactly how it happened. Hideki came over for a drink, and we talked about it, and this is how it turned out. To know more about LINDA GARAGE, I’ve opened a website, so please check it out! https://www.lindagarage.com/
JRNR Note: I’ll introduce the bar soon as BAR SEARCH!
ーー LINDA GARAGE is a cool bar to see various artworks and merchandise from the manga “CROWS”. Will this be somehow also connected to “Let’s Go MAKOTOØ’S”?
Masaki: I’m planning to connect to MAKOTOØ’S in various ways.
ーー As the official band photos are photographed at LINDA GARAGE. Will you guys also decide to play a “live” at the bar? (will be a sold out live for sure).
Hideki: We’ll take the challenge! Let’s do it at the end of the year!
ーー The official photos are made by Saicho, how did you encounter him and why did you decide to work with him?
Hideki: He also took our photos for VERTUEUX. And he had time to take our photos so…
ーー You also released LINE stamps, created by Nobita. The set really looks funny, why did you decide to release stamps created by Nobita?
Hideki: I’ve liked his work for a long time, also I’m always receiving many MAKOTOØ’S messages via LINE in the morning, so I thought I would ask him to create a LINE sticker set.
ーー You are planning to start recording this March, what will the release be? A single or an album?
Hideki: Maybe… It’s gonna be a mini-album with about 5 songs.
JRNR Note: Recording has started, they have shared some fun YouTube videos related to it!
Makoto: MAKOTOΦ’S!
Manager: Let’s go, Let’s go
Hideki: We are recording now.
Manager: Let’s go MAKOTOΦ’S
Hideki: We’re Let’s go MAKOTOΦ’S, currently recording! The recording is going well, we’re doing our best! We will do our best to finish the recording as soon as possible!
Manager: Are there any live announcements for the near future>
Hideki: 4/30 at Koenji (Makoto: LOFT X) LOFT X. MAKOTOΦ’S sponsored event.
Manager: You just have announced it right? How many songs will you record today?
ALL: two
Makoto: It has been a while, I’m using my new “ear monitor“
Manager: Makoto, what’s that?
Makoto: It has “Ma” on it.
Hideki: Makoto-san, you can’t hear at all when you use this while wearing headphones too.
Makoto: Don’t tell it~~~just…
Hideki: He seemed to be upset because he couldn’t hear anything, so upset (laugh)
Manager: Well, the rest is going good, please continue the good work.
ーー Do you have any plans to release a DVD or other video work?
Hideki: We didn’t plan one yet… but I wanna create one.
ーー Your merchandise T-shirts have been very popular! Do you have any plans to make other goods such as towels and wristbands in the future?
Manager Yaginuma: Yes, of course there are plans, we are currently planning to create various things due to the influence of corona.
ーー How can overseas fans buy those merchandise too?
Manager Yaginuma: Currently we only accept webstore order via: https://bad-syncmall.shop-pro.jp/
JRNR note: to order at the webshop you need a proxy in Japan.
ーー You also said to invite a guest vocalist, could you maybe reveal one name? And to tell us why you invited this person?
Hideki: If possible, I’d like to invite the venue manager and/or the part-time workers to join and sing together.
ーー What’s the most fun thing about being on stage and playing your songs to the audience?
Hideki: I guess that’s the moment when everyone is smiling.
ーー The music inspiration of “Let’s Go MAKOTOØ’S” is ROCK’N’ROLL, please tell us why you love this music style so much and why you devoted yourself to this genre.
Hideki: I guess we all feel so… but it’s the style that fits us the best.
ーー What exact kind of content can we await to be published on the Youtube channel? Will there also be Japanese subtitles available?
Hideki: Manager Yaginuma is going to make his effort!
Hideki: It’s Makoto’s turn to sing a song.
Makoto: Yes
Hideki: Takashi Makoto rehearsal
Makoto: Okay, I’m going
Manager: It’s for the YouTube channel because we don’t have anything yet.
Hideki: Fellow, Makoto is going~!
Translation: JRNR
ーー You guys all play in other bands too, Makoto is currently known from SET JET BOYS and many side projects. Hideki’s main band is VERTUEUX and is active in other (solo) projects as well. Masaki is busy with MMS R&R ENGINEERING and also active in other projects as well. How do you guys combine your time to be able to have time for Let’s Go MAKOTOØ’S as well. I can assume that you guys are super busy now.
Hideki: Well, I’ll answer on behalf of all of us here… We make our schedule while listening to what each member has to say.
ーー Makoto, I’ve noticed that some fans question themselves if there will be new activity from SET JET BOYS again. Is there a reason why this band is on a break now? Or can fans expect new activity soon, maybe something together with Let’s Go MAKOTOØ’S?
Makoto: Since the JET SET BOYS have been on hiatus, Shiina-kun has been quite busy with his own solo project and the reunion of SURFACE, so it’s been hard to get together for JET. However I’d love to do another live show if everyone’s schedule allows it. Maybe we can plan an event together with MAKOTOØ’S!? What do you think about it? would you like it!?
ーー I know that Masaki loves to ride his motorbike, what about Makoto and Hideki, do you ride motorbikes as well?
Hideki: Currently Makoto is driving a Mini Cooper! I want to challenge myself to drive a Trike Motorcycle♬
ーー When you are totally not busy with music, what do you love to do? Any other special hobbies people don’t know about yet?
Makoto: I like to play GOLF!
Masaki: When it’s sunny weather, I like to go out on a trip with my motorcycle or to go on a walk with my dog, I also like to watch Netflix.
Hideki: I love to watch movies via Amazon Prime! John Wick’s movies are my favorite!
ーー What’s your favorite town/city in Japan? And why do you love this place so much?
Makoto: Well, my hometown Fukushima is the best! ^_^
Masaki: It’s been 33 years since I moved to Tokyo, and Nishi-Ogikubo, where I live now, is my most comfortable and favorite place to live.
Hideki: Nishi-Ogikubo is the best!
ーー Which local dish(s) are you looking forward to eating when you go on a national tour with Let’s Go MAKOTOØ’S?
Makoto: My favorite city is Osaka. I’m a Hanshin Tigers fan. There are so many nice spots in every city! I really want to go on a national tour with MAKOTOØ’S.
Masaki: I like to go anywhere as long as you can eat Ramen, Udon or Champon!
Hideki: As long as I can drink beer, any place is fine!!
ーー Masaki went to the USA with MMS. What about Hideki and Makoto? Did you ever go overseas for band activities? (recording included).
Hideki: When Makoto was active with Boowy they went to Germany to record an album. With de-lax I went to London to record a music video… and we went for a live show to N.Y
Note: 1991/12/23 at The Ritz
ーー What’s the biggest change in the music world during all these years of musical activities?
Hideki: Right now, we are doing our music activity in a way that we never experienced before Corona.
ーー When this year is over, what do you hope you have archived with this band?
Hideki: I still want people to remember Makoto with good memories. Even so, I like to keep his drumming going on even in the afterlife.
ーー Please share a last word to your readers and fans.
Hideki: I can’t do anything on my own, but I hope that if we all work together, we can create something new. It’s difficult to change the current situation, but hopefully we can move something through this activity together. I won’t stop our current activity, so that our minds stay connected. Soon I hope that we can meet again at the venues so that we can smile to each other again, so let’s not lose our hope, let’s keep going on together!!
Masaki: I’m coming to you!
Hideki: It’s going well
Manager: Going well
Hideki: Yes
Manager: How many songs did you record now
Hideki: 2
Manager: So who is singing next?
Hideki: Next up Makoto Takahashi will sing.
Manager: Is that so, well please continue to give your best.
Translation: JRNR
Masaki: filming~
Manager: yes, Makoto seems to sing.
Manager: wait a moment
Masaki: well they are recording the 2nd song.
Manager: Well how’s going? going good?
Masaki: It’s going well, the rough feeling is coming out
Manager: I was expecting that, well counting on you.
Translation: JRNR
Video translation note: Some words are hard to “understand” because of “mumbling” or too loud “BG sound”. (Hope I translated things correctly….) Also look forward to the NEXT “Let’s Go MAKOTOØ’S” posts on JRNR! There will be some extra translations soon!
Because this special band is started to support the LOFT venues, I’m working on an complete archive, so that this never will be forgotten. I’ll announce updates time to time! A special band profile page will be created including various of translations! I hope you will support me! Of course I keep up with this band (almost) daily. Well to keep up to date, please follow me on twitter: https://twitter.com/JROCKNROLL_ Yoroshiku!
Official Band photo’s by: Saichoo
SNS: Hideki – Masaki – Makoto – TW Let’s Go MAKOTOØ’S – FB Let’s Go MAKOTOØ’S
Official YouTube Channel
For any kind of inquiries: makotoos-2021@pieces-inc.co.jp

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